I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 459 Aisitan Won’T Give It Away For Free... Right?

The big exposure at the God Meeting directly brought the Loki Familia to the top.

Three Level 7s suddenly appeared within the family members, which directly raised Orario's upper limit.

And this news also made the gods of the dark faction very uncomfortable.

But the gods of the dark faction have nothing to do about it.

Their resistance measures have been taken, even the Level 8 "Fairy Spirit Clone" has been produced, but it still hasn't stopped the growth of the Loki Familia. Isn't this nonsense?

As for Loki, who made a big splash at the gathering, he returned home after the gathering.

It was at this time that Loki had time to update his children's data.

Yes, Loki boasted at the God Meeting, but the official data update was after the God Meeting ended.

To put it simply, Loki deceived all the gods in the Society of Gods.

Of course, Loki doesn't really care about this either.

After experiencing a real trial, her children must have achieved a matching "great deed". Loki had already felt this when he welcomed Finn and the others home.

Even though the data has not been updated yet, the aura of her children has been completely changed.

Loki knew that this was because of the growth he gained after seeing the wider world.

Therefore, Loki felt relieved and told the advanced news that his child had grown to Level 7 without any panic.

"Finn, I'm back~"

Loki was surprisingly energetic when he returned home. Even his voice was raised an octave, making it easy to hear that Loki was in high spirits.

"Loki Lord."

"Oh, Haruhime."

Looking at this lustful fox, Loki couldn't help but want to get closer.

There is no way, who made Haruhime grow up so well? Moreover, she is still a lady in essence, with the temperament of a young lady, which is completely in line with Loki's interests.

But as soon as Loki got close, he noticed that Haruji didn't dodge, and even her usual weak energy disappeared.

If the smell of the fox wasn't still there, Loki would have suspected that the fox was being disguised as someone else.

The weak and lustful fox has also grown up. Loki also had mixed feelings in his heart.

"Haruji, are Finn and the others staying at home?"

Haruji also nodded honestly.

"The leader and the others have been waiting in Lord Loki's room."

Looking at the grown-up lustful fox, Loki teased him with a wicked smile.

"Haruji, it seems that you are completely serious about that boy."

...Loki-sama. "

Haruji, who had been calm when faced with Loki's closeness just now, immediately blushed with embarrassment.

"Hey~ I'm sorry~"

Loki smiled mischievously and took over Haruji who was standing next to him, but soon sighed helplessly.

"Tell me, it's not good who you like, but you have to like that boy."

Only now Loki can understand the rough love life of the lustful fox.

Not to mention that the boy himself had a love relationship with the dwarf, and now that boy is also being targeted by Freya. The path chosen by the sexy fox was so difficult that Loki felt distressed just looking at it.

"There are not so many landmines around that boy. There are only two mines now. That nymphomaniac Freya also had her eye on that boy, and it turned out that you also fell in love with that boy.

"Let me see, unless that little dwarf accepts you with extra mercy, there is absolutely no way you can stand by that kid's side."

Haruhime didn't have any mood swings about this. She knew from the beginning that her love was on a rugged road of no return.

"Loki, that gentleman helped me when I was in the most critical moment. Regardless of whether he had some calculations or not, he is also a hero in my heart."

"My admiration and admiration for that adult made me unable to suppress these emotions."

"Even if I know that this kind of love may have no results in the end."

Seeing his silly child still smiling with no regrets, Loki felt his back molars itching.

That boy deserves to die!

There are obviously so many good men, but how could a simple child like Haruji fall in love with that old bastard? Although Loki kept sighing in her heart, she could only watch this child go into the abyss.

Because this kid is just drawing moths to the flame.

From the very beginning, Haruji knew that this boy was a ball of fire, but she just couldn't control herself.

So, Loki is very sour at the moment.

I hope Aisi won’t fall for it either. Now Loki can only pray in his heart...

It's just that Loki didn't know whether Ais would fall into the trap or not.

It's really because the child Ais cares about her parents very much. Now in order to prove to her parents that she can survive, even her past impatience has completely changed.

I'm a good boy!

Loki never thought that Aisi could change her personality before, but who knew that a big split would completely change everything.

Of course, this was also thanks to the help of that boy. Loki's face stiffened and twitched when he thought about this.

She was now wondering if that boy did it on purpose.

Just to attract Aisi's attention, she chose to use this extreme method.

Now it has completely changed.

Ais returned to the calm and unhurried period, but Loki also knew why.

If it weren't for the fact that she only had one chance to prove to her parents, Ais would never have suddenly become less impatient.

Because I realized my shortcomings.

Because I realize that I need help from my peers.

Ais gradually became gregarious from being unsociable in the past.

Especially in the past, Aisi only cared about her own growth and did not consider the growth of those around her at all.

But now Aisi started to think about the growth of those around her after knowing that she would not grow up quickly.

Perhaps this is a forced change, but the effect is beyond 0.8 expectations.

In order to prove to her parents, Aisi can even change her own personality. If she were looking for a companion who could help her prove it, Ais might do something even more outrageous.


Loki felt a chill run down his spine at the thought of such a possibility.

"No, I need to pay more attention to Aishan's situation these days to prevent her from selling herself to herself."


Haruji watched from the side as Lord Loki's expression changed unpredictably, which made her curious as to what Lord Loki had thought of to cause such a change of expression.

..…..……fine. "

Now Loki no longer held Haruji in his arms, and walked quickly to his room with his own worries.

"I need to check on Ace Tan's condition now."

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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