I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 466 Willful Questions

"God Freya, welcome your arrival.

The person who greeted him outside the door was naturally not Finn, but Raul, who usually worked hard.

Today's Raul is also wearing a serious dress. After all, he is also a part of today's banquet. It is also a happy thing to cross from Level 4 to Level 5.

Apart from being excited, Raul was also observing the situation of Freya's family.

Most people are here. Raul glanced over and saw that all the famous Freya members who could be seen with the naked eye were here, but Raul also knew that these people were definitely not just here to attend the banquet.

But he didn't dare to look at God Freya.

Raul knows the charm of God Freya, and he might not be able to turn his eyes away after just one look at her.

But Raul's reaction made Freya laugh.

"Are you so afraid to look at me?"

As soon as Raul said this, he felt many pairs of eyes staring at him with murderous intent, but it scared him enough.

"No, no, Tao misunderstood."

Raul didn't dare to say "yes", otherwise he would definitely be stared at by the guardian of God Freya. He tried hard to control his emotions, and then glanced at God Freya.


The moment he saw God Freya, Raul couldn't help but blurt out "fuck". But after he said it, Raul felt it was inappropriate and apologized quickly.

"I'm very sorry, God Freya, I didn't mean to scold you."

Freya naturally knew that Raoul did not mean to insult her. In fact, her children were shocked when they saw her appearance today.

"do not worry about it."

Freya just smiled and let the matter pass.

"Has everyone else arrived yet?"

Raul's breathing was temporarily suspended because of God Freya's smile, but he quickly came to his senses after feeling the piercing gaze. At this moment, he really didn't dare to look at God Freya, because he was afraid that he wouldn't be able to control himself.

Only after turning his head, Raul's racing heart could calm down a little.

"God Hermes, God Ganesha and God Hephaestus have all arrived~".

It's not surprising to know that Hestia hasn't arrived yet, and Freya won't be late with the child's methods.

Freya smiled indifferently, now that the child could no longer avoid her, this meeting was inevitable.

"Then you won't stop me when I go in, right?"


Seeing Raul lowering his head, obviously frightened, Freya smiled and stopped teasing the child.

I took my children into the "Twilight Pavilion".

Although the banquet has not officially started yet, many people have already come to the "Twilight Pavilion".

Freya glanced at the people in the courtyard.

"Hephaestus, Ganesha and the children of Hermes have arrived."

After Freya glanced around, her eyes locked on a person, and the corners of her mouth could not help but raise a slight arc.

Didn’t that child arrive too? Freya walked in that direction with a smile on her face.


Looking at Freya walking towards her, Hestia's face looked extremely ugly.

The person she least wants to face now is Freya.

Because only this woman knows Bell's secret, and she has always been targeting Bell.


In the past, Hestia was least good at dealing with Freya, just like now she didn't want to run into Freya directly.

However, after getting rid of the dislike, Hestia noticed that Freya's dress today was different from what she usually saw at the gathering.

This different outfit also makes Freya feel completely different from the past.

"Long time no see, Hestia."


Freya looked at Hestia who was full of vigilance but smiled generously, as if she didn't care about Hestia's vigilance at all.

After greeting Hestia, Freya also turned her attention to the child behind Hestia.

"This should be our first official meeting."

Under the hood, Bell looked a little helpless. In fact, it was best not to meet him now, otherwise he could continue to lurk.

"First meeting, God Freya."

Even under the shadow of the hood, Freya could still see the slight helplessness on Bell's face, which made her depressed mood because she couldn't find clues instantly improve.

"You won't avoid me this time, will you?"

"What is God Freya trying to say? As an adventurer, I am just following a cautious approach. It is definitely not to avoid God Freya."

Bell returned to his normal expression, as if he was facing a normal situation and chose to tell the truth unceremoniously.

Because people in the lower world cannot lie to gods, and every god knows this.

However, Freya did not put the question aside, but went on to speak more seriously:

"Really? You are different from ordinary children in the lower world. Gods can see through the lies of children in the lower world, but gods cannot see through your lies.

"I'm not special, God Freya. I just told the truth honestly."

"Then do you think I believe it?"

Freya didn't believe a word of what she just said, at least the "truth" this child said was definitely a lie. Even if she couldn't see through the child's heart and couldn't tell whether the child's words were true or false, Freya could still be 100% sure.

"Lying to gods is a very serious sin. However, I am generous enough not to care about your lie just now.

But in response to this, Bell sighed helplessly and defended with some weakness:

"God Freya, although I am deeply grateful for your magnanimity, I did not lie.

Even if you don't admit it, Freya feels a little bit difficult. This child will not be seen through by the gods. This is the child's greatest weapon.

But as a god, you also have the right to be a god.

(The money is good) Here, what Freya wants to show is her willfulness as a god.

"Then just pretend that you lied just now, and now you need to answer one of my questions."

"Of course, you can also see it as my willfulness as a god."

Quite willful indeed. Bell couldn't help but feel bitter in his heart.

However, being able to make God Freya say "willful" can be regarded as a manifestation of God Freya's uncompromising methods. Although this uncompromising method is slightly milder.

"In that case, please ask God Freya."

Freya smiled slightly.

"You've been avoiding me, is it because I'm a loser?"

PS: Asking for collection………….. Asking for flowers……………… Asking for evaluation

PS: Let me briefly explain the reason why I updated in the past two days. It is actually very simple. I fell into the trap...I lay in bed during the day and afternoon. I only felt a little energetic at night after I had slept well during the day. I've been mentally confused these past two days, I'm really sorry.

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