I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 467 God Freya, You Are A Virgin Goddess

fallen woman???

Bell looked carefully at God Freya today.

Wearing a pale pink dress, although it is a bit different from Freya God's usual dressing style, this change also gives people a feeling of "looking for him in the crowd for thousands of times, but suddenly looking back, that person is in the dim light." a feeling of.

We felt like old friends at first sight.

First love at first sight.

This is Bell's understanding of God Freya's biggest change today.

Bell knew that this was the temperament God Freya should have. Perhaps this was the God of Love's interpretation of "love".

The current God Freya has nothing to do with the so-called "broken flowers and willows".

Of course, even if it wasn't like this, Bell knew that the term "broken flowers and willows" was not suitable to be applied to God Freya. After all, it is a bit too much for a virgin goddess to be called a "broken flower and a willow".

In response, Bell bowed slightly and replied with some incomprehension:

"God Freya, as a virgin goddess, is not suitable to be called "a broken flower and a willow."

Bell did not deliberately lower his voice when he said this, but said it in a normal voice.

In fact, the atrium has been very quiet since the arrival of God Freya. The conversation between the quiet God Freya and Bell can be heard by almost all the adventurers gathered in the atrium.

Especially Bell's phrase "virgin goddess" immediately shocked the gods and adventurers present.

Even the key members of the Freya Familia had pupils trembling.


Hestia looked at Freya with a shocked look on her face, looking at Freya in an alternative and pure appearance today. No matter how much imagination she had, she could not imagine Freya looking like a virgin.

Accident...it can't be considered a surprise. Hephaestus was a little surprised, but not that shocked. It can only be said that this result is in line with Freya's true character.


Loki was not surprised at all, because she was the one who saw through the nature of this woman in the first place. For Freya, who regards everything as everything in her mind, will she ever be submissive to others? Unless this woman is willing.

"That nympho is just a nympho, she's not on the same level as that bastard Ishtar.

Loki's voice was not controlled in any way, and almost everyone present heard it.

Then everyone looked at God Freya with strange expressions.

The beauty goddess Freya, known as the "Orario Social Master", is actually a virgin goddess.

So where do the rumors from the outside world that God Freya has surrendered many male gods come from? Even if God Freya will maintain her status as a virgin goddess, will the male gods who are attracted to her be so cooperative?

However, the person involved, Freya, smiled lightly and did not give any explanation. Instead, she looked curiously at the unusual child in front of her.

"How did you know?"

Freya did not deny that she was a virgin. She was very curious about how the child could tell.

But Freya's words also proved that what Bell said was true.

All the backbone members of the Freya Familia had their eyes widened, and even Ot's almost expressionless face shone with surprise.

Bell naturally has his own judgment on this issue.

"It's just my guess about power and my personal understanding of gods."

"Oh~ come and listen."


Freya sounded unexpectedly interested in this.

Speculations on power and knowledge of gods? This was really the first time she heard such statements from children in the lower world.

"The gods descending from heaven need to seal themselves. This part of the seal refers to the seal of divine power. Divine power is the basic condition for using power, that is, the magic power in the magician's body."

"The seal in the god's body is very strict. The sealing technique can block almost 99.99% of the god's divine power. Even if the god can use divine power, it is almost impossible to affect it on a large scale."

"Despite this, the seal itself is blessed by the god's self-consciousness (chfj), and the god can unseal the divine power at any time. But once the god does so, the repatriation spell in the seal will immediately remove the unsealed god. Send it back to heaven.”

It seems that he has indeed gone to understand it well. Freya didn't expect that Bell, a child, would know so much about the seals of gods, and even mentioned the details.

"I'm a little surprised that you know so much about the self-sealing of the gods."

Bell smiled slightly. Isn't it natural to prepare accordingly for unknown things in advance?

"It's just a professional interest. With the help of Lord God, God Hephaestus and God Loki, I also have a certain understanding of that part of the seal."

They're not that smart, Bell.

However, Freya did not make trouble. After all, it is better not to make things too big. Now she doesn't want Bell to be targeted by so many gods, which will bring her some trouble.

"Then what? God's seal probably didn't teach you how to see through my secrets, right?"


Bell mentioned that the self-sealing of gods naturally did not want to be explained by this, but he hoped to be explained by using this as a condition.

"As the goddess of beauty and love, God Freya governs love and lust. Your attractive temperament and appearance are also an intuitive manifestation of power."

"Humans and subhumans in the lower realm all have three basic desires, sleep, appetite and lust. In other words, the power you control almost covers the entire range of humans in the lower realm.

"Your beauty serves as a trigger. I believe there is no one in the lower world who can resist your charm. And the moment I am attracted to you is the moment I am affected by your power. Then those who are affected by you People, are the images they see really real?"

"At least I don't think they, controlled by desire, can rely on their own abilities to resist authority and do something wrong to you."

"Even if your divine power is sealed and you cannot use the full power of the power, just the part of the divine power you can control is enough for the humans in the lower world.

Hearing such speculation, Freya couldn't help but applaud the child's intelligence.

"Bah bang bang!"

"Your guess is indeed very good. However, even so, you still can't explain whether I am a god in the world.

Bell naturally knows this, but he just explained that Freya has the greatest qualifications as a virgin goddess, and then there is speculation about Freya's character as a god, as well as a very hard clue.

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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