I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 468 Freya’S Trial

“I have done my own research and speculation on this part.

Bell was actually curious at first whether God Freya was a virgin or not. In fact, this part of the fault was also hinted at, or even stated explicitly. But he just felt something weird here.

Is it really possible for a goddess who can even enchant the entire Orario after being criticized so easily to be succeeded by others?

In fact, when speculating on this issue, Bell felt that there was definitely something fishy~.

"What I said before is a condition I speculated based on this aspect.

"Since God Freya can control humans in the lower world, will she be a god like God Ishtar?"

"Originally I was doubting this part of the matter, until God Hephaestus told me that the goddess's love is the only one, and God Loki mentioned the person that God Freya has been looking for."

"After combining these conditions, and based on my previous speculation about power. God Freya is a dedicated goddess, and God Freya goes down to the lower world just to find the person in your heart who meets your standards."

"So, I also speculate that you, God Freya, are a virgin goddess."

Although he is very scary when he is yandere, his stubborn character is the standard that gives the best judgment.

Bell, who sensed something was wrong early on, immediately made a guess.

In fact, this was a conclusion that Bell reached instantly after making assumptions based on power.

"I see."

Did you infer this conclusion from what she did and who she was looking for?

Although Freya felt that there was still some gambling involved in this child just now, she was surprised to be able to do this.

Through some clues, a bridge can be laid to get the answer. Only the child in front of me can do such a thing.

And this answer also made Freya very satisfied, and at the same time she was certain in her heart that this child was the person she was looking for.

"The bold guesses and arguments force me to admit that your guess is correct."

"I am indeed a virgin as you guessed."

"In the past, I would occasionally give trials to other children who were favored by me, but those children seemed to have already made their judgments in their hearts."

The four Yanjin brothers opened their mouths in disbelief and fell silent.

The two elves, black and white, couldn't help but lower their heads.

Even the catman looked remorseful.

Obviously they all thought of the trial given to them by Lady Freya, but none of them seemed to have guessed it correctly.

Now they finally understand that it's not that Lady Freya doesn't give them a chance.

Instead, it gave them opportunities that they didn't know how to seize.

The only one with a better mentality is Ota.

With only love and loyalty to Lady Freya in his heart, he never considered the idea of ​​monopolizing Lady Freya, so he never thought about this issue from the beginning.

Even now, despite being surprised, Ota finally understood the reasons for some of Lady Freya's past actions.

That was the trial given to them by the goddess.

It's just that none of them understood the information about this part of the trial.

Although it is a non-war crime, unfortunately a trial is still a trial.

At the same time, the key members of Freya's family also realized that this was the test that Lady Freya had given to the boy in front of him.

It was just like the trial given to them by God Freya.

This guy in front of me has passed the test given by Lady Freya.

At this moment, they really regretted why they didn't use their brains in the first place?

"It turns out that the emotion on Lady Freya's face that time meant this."

At this moment, Alfric understood the complicated emotions on Lady Freya's face after she saved the four brothers.

And he didn't understand Lady Freya's divine will at that time, so he actually missed the most critical trial.

"Why is it that only this person can get such an answer?"

Alfric did not think that the test given to this boy by Lady Freya today was simple.

Maybe it's different from giving them a silent trial, but Lady Freya's question is also a question.

It is not easy to reach a conclusion even if you think carefully.

So at this moment Alfric only feels jealous of this man

...Please give me flowers...

Freya was very happy to get this answer [then said with a smile:

"So, you don't object to the fact that you are avoiding me?"

Facing this surprise attack, Bell just bowed slightly and replied without any emotion on his face:

"God Freya, being cautious is my usual style of doing things. I also need to emphasize that I am not avoiding anyone."

I’m just ready to hold on to it. In response to this, a rare hint of helplessness flashed across Freya's face.

Therefore, there is no point in continuing to pursue this issue. Freya knows this very clearly.

"Well~ just think of it as such."

The smart goddess did not continue to struggle with this issue.

Freya's eyes swept over Loki, and a smile appeared on her face that made Loki feel enchanting. This made Loki clearly aware of a problem.

Damn it, I was targeted by this woman.

After realizing this problem, Loki's face turned ugly instantly. She didn't think it was a good thing that this nympho was targeting her at all.

But realizing it is one problem, but not being able to avoid it is another problem.

At this time, Bell, who was in front just now, had already taken a few steps back.

Wearing a brand new black tight top, loose black trousers and a white hooded jacket, he looks like a magician wearing light clothes.

Compared to the past, this outfit was much more eye-catching, but when Bell stepped back, he had already lost his trace in front of everyone.

"It slipped away."

Freya sighed in her heart, but there was indeed no condition to continue talking today. She still remembered that today's theme was to celebrate the children of the Loki family breaking through to Level 7.

Although it's a pity that I didn't have the chance to continue talking, it's really hard to say when so many people are watching.

I've got all the answers I wanted today.

If you want to go further, you still need to find other opportunities.

After the farce here passed, the celebration banquet began soon.

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a price.

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