I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 477 Active And Passive

[Name: Bell Clonney


Development ability:











"Four-dimensional space":


"Royal Thunder":

·Quick Attack Magic

·Envoy of Thunder and Lightning


"Personal Training":


·Double the experience of fighting powerful enemies


·High luck

"The Desire of the Poor"

•Accumulate power]

Looking at the data printed by Hestia, especially the sky-breaking "Endurance", Bell once again realized the benefits that "Strongness" brought to him.

"1900 should be my limit in terms of strength, agility and dexterity. Endurance and magic power can break through this limit and reach a higher level.

"Well, unlike the limit of ordinary adventurers, Mr. Bell's limit should be 1900."

Hestia also observed the changes in Bell's 070 ability value.

"The highest attribute of Lv.2 is only magic power, which reaches 1900, but there is no way to continue to improve it, especially with the blessing of your growth rate.

"At Lv. 3, most of the attributes have reached over 1800. Only the magic attribute has exceeded 2100, while agility and dexterity have stopped at 1900. According to Mr. Bell's magic, you are the best at it. It should be agility and dexterity, but these two attributes cannot break through the limit of 2000.

"This can also be seen in the attributes of Lv. 4 now. This time, except for endurance and magic power, other attributes have reached 1999, but they have not broken through this limit. I think this should be Mr. Bell's limit. "

But after I finished speaking, I thought about whether my last statement was a bit inappropriate and started to explain it.

"Ah, I'm not saying that Mr. Bell can't break through this limit, I'm saying... This should be the real limit for Mr. Bell... Well, I should say..."

"Hestia, I know what you mean."

Listening to Hestia's panicked explanation, Bell couldn't help laughing, turned around and hugged Hestia from behind.

"My psychology is not fragile enough to complain. Moreover, I also know the limits of my abilities. Being able to reach this point is enough to make me happy."

Bell is not an insatiable person.

A person needs to have a sufficient understanding of himself. He is a person with special experiences, adventures, and perhaps a mission. This is directly reflected in his personal abilities.

Bell doesn't want to be a hero who saves the world, because he knows very well that heroes in stories usually don't have a happy ending, so he hates being a hero.

A hero needs good enough qualities, but Bell, who knows enough about himself, doesn't think he has those qualities.

He prefers to be a shadow rather than a hero.

"Also, thank you for taking my emotions into consideration, Hestia."

Hestia felt a little happy when she heard this, and she was even more greedy for the comfort of being held, but she also complained happily.

"Idiot, you are my child, how could I not consider your emotions?"

Hestia has always been most concerned about Bell's affairs, but this has exceeded the love of ordinary gods for their own children.

This emotion and atmosphere made Bell lower his head and kiss the goddess in his arms.

I don't know how much time passed, until a teasing voice came from their ears, and the two of them were awakened.

"You guys, it's not over yet?"


The two people who were awakened let go and turned around to see Hephaestus looking at them with a "smile" on his face.

Hestia buried her head in Bell's arms a little embarrassed, but Bell outside could clearly see the sourness and jealousy in Hephaestus's smile, which made Bell scratch his face in embarrassment. .

This idiot. Hephaestus couldn't help but feel some jealousy in his eyes when he looked at Hestia buried in Bell's arms.

She strode over, not giving Bell any chance to speak, and pressed forward with Hestia in Bell's arms.


A very passionate kiss.

Bell could clearly feel the burning love of Hephaestus, and the same feeling of Hestia who was pressed in the center.

"Um...No, don't squeeze..."

Bell and Hephaestus were about the same height, but there was a big gap between Hestia and them. This made Hephaestus directly press Hestia between the two of them when he came over, forcing Hestia so hard that she didn't even have the slightest chance to resist.

You must know that Hephaestus is a craftsman, which is a profession of hammering iron. Even if he has been sealed with divine power, his own power is still higher than that of Hestia.

At this moment, Hestia completely lost her ability to resist. When the two separated, Hestia immediately lost her strength and lay down on the sofa.

"Ugh... Hephaestus, you did it on purpose..."

Hephaestus, who was accused, naturally had no objection. She was just jealous and sour.

"Who makes you always like this? It was like this last time, and it's like this again. Bell was with you before going to the dungeon, but now it's you again when he comes back.

Hestia also objected to this matter.

Okay, now Bell knew what Hephaestus meant.

He put his arms around Hephaestus. Bell really didn't expect that his subconscious reaction would bring such jealousy to Hephaestus.


Thinking about the relationship between himself and Hestia, and then thinking about the relationship between himself and Hephaestus, it seems that there is indeed a difference.

"And then there's you, Bell."

She said why Bell never took the initiative with her, but was very proactive with Hestia. It turned out to be because Bell thought she liked to take the initiative!

"Sorry, I have always regarded you as a very powerful goddess, and I have forgotten that you and Hestia are the same."

Is this the reason!? Hephaestus almost lost his temper.

"Bell, just because I like to be active doesn't mean I don't like to be passive."

Thinking about the last time Bell came back, he exercised for a long time in the bathroom. As for this time, it seemed that it was time for Bell to go home.

That's it. Bell saw a hint of weakness in Hephaestus's eyes, as well as a strong jealousy that wanted to be loved.

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

"Don't I look like a goddess in need of love?"

"You still know."

Hephaestus's bright red eyes held some anger, but there was still a little worry in his heart.

"No... Mainly because you usually look like a very strong goddess. Except for the first time, you are more active, so I thought you like to take the initiative.

Hephaestus looked at the confused Bell with a hint of jealousy. She walked forcefully in front of Bell and reached out to hold Bell's face.

"Even if we have a relationship like this, I will still be jealous when I should be jealous. As a goddess, I also need...comfort."

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