I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 478 Developing The Ability God-Killing

After taking the initiative against Hephaestus, Hestia helped Bell prepare for promotion.

After updating the data, I chose to advance, and when I saw Lv.4 jump to Lv.5, I officially entered Orario's strong field.

In addition to resetting the ability value of the previous level to zero and recalculating it, there is also the option of developing abilities.

That's what Hestia thought, and after completing the promotion, she looked directly at developing abilities. But with just this look, Hestia was completely stunned.

"Hephaestus...come here and take a look."


Hephaestus leaned over and took a look, and then in addition to the development capabilities that had appeared before, a new direction appeared at the front.

"Killing God".

This development direction really shocked Hephaestus. He did not expect that Bell's promotion this time would turn "killing gods" into a development direction.

"But why is this development happening this time?"

"I don't know about this either."

Both Hephaestus and Hestia were a little confused as to why this promotion would include "god-killing" in terms of development abilities.

Normally, the criteria for the emergence of development capabilities should be the direction of development in this area. But Bell has never experienced "killing gods", so how did he develop in this direction?

The two goddesses who had no direction looked at each other, and then looked at Bell.

"Mr. Bell, have you ever killed a god?"


Bell, who was asked, was also filled with questions. He thought about whether he had killed gods before, but he really didn't remember such a thing.

"I have never had such an experience. After all, wanting to kill gods is not just talk. You need to make a lot of preparations and conduct corresponding investigations. If you insist on saying it, Ishtar, who was sent back to heaven, God should be the god I want to kill the most.”

"It's just that God Ishtar also has the meaning of her existence. After all, using her to seduce God Loki is much more useful than killing her directly."

That's definitely not the case. The two goddesses also felt something was wrong.

Bell is a cautious person, how could he kill a god without making any preparations? Moreover, the two of them have been in Orario for so long, and the only god who has been found to be reincarnated in the past six months is Ishtar. Well, the other gods are still alive and well.

As for saying it is a true God-killing, that is even more nonsense. If Orario really discovered such a bad incident, then the entire Orario gods would have exploded a long time ago. How could there be such peace as it is now?

Bell looked at the confused expressions of the two goddesses and asked subconsciously:

"Is my development ability related to killing gods?"

Hestia and Hephaestus looked at each other and didn't hide anything. After all, the choice of developing abilities also needs to be made by Bell himself, and there is definitely no way for them to help him choose.

"Yes. "God-killing" appears in the development ability after promotion. It's just that development ability is a reflection of one's own in-depth development direction. If one has not killed a god, theoretically there should be no such development ability.

Hestia had never heard of such a development ability, and Hephaestus had been in the lower world earlier than Hestia, and had seen more situations.

"That's just a theoretical possibility. In fact, there has never been a development ability like "killing gods" so far, even after children from the lower world "killed" gods. "

Whether in theory or reality, such a thing should not exist.

This is because Hephaestus also knows that the "killing" he refers to is not the death of the god in the true sense, but triggers the self-seal of the god, and will be forcibly sent back to heaven when he is fatally injured.

"Moreover, children from the lower world do not have the ability to kill gods. The "killing" of children from the lower world is nothing more than a form of repatriation. Therefore, no matter what the theory is, such a thing is impossible.


Hestia thought so too. The killing of children from the lower world only returns the gods to the heaven, and is not killing in the true sense. Therefore, if you want to achieve such a theoretical development direction, you must kill a god in the true sense.

The explanations of Hephaestus and Hestia also made Bell very sure that he had no experience in killing gods, but the development ability was not fake, which meant that he had really killed gods.

Could it be that one? Suddenly, an answer came to Bell's mind, but the answer made the expression on his face slightly weird. If it's really what he imagined, then he really has the experience of killing gods.

...Please give me flowers...

It's just this matter...

Bell's eyes flickered for a few times, but he still resisted raising his hand in embarrassment.

"If it means killing gods in another sense, I do know."

"In another sense?"

The two goddesses still didn't understand the meaning of Bell's words, so Bell had no choice but to continue speaking.

"I think I killed two virgin goddesses."

After all, that process is really the process of "killing gods" against the virgin goddess.

As a former virgin goddess, this identity has indeed been "killed", but the method of killing gods is slightly different from their original imagination.

Hephaestus immediately turned around and quickly left the atrium without giving Hestia a chance to retort.


Hestia was left speechless for a long time. In the end, she could only blush and quietly give Bell the option of developing her abilities after promotion.

This equation is very perfect. In other words, this is also a way to kill gods, but it is a way limited to the virgin goddess.

But as the two former virgin goddesses who were killed, Hestia and Hephaestus felt ashamed.

"Ahem! Hestia, you... help Bell choose to develop his abilities. I'm going to the room first."

Sharp weapon + stabbing + bleeding = the death of the virgin goddess

For the time being, she didn't want to talk about "killing gods, especially in front of Bell.

At this moment, they could no longer face the word "killing gods".

Only this time Hestia went very quickly. After finishing, Hestia left the atrium as quickly as possible.

This is the killing! Hestia and Hephaestus both screamed in their hearts. They had been thinking about it for a long time but they didn't expect that the problem was with them.

Hestia and Hephaestus were stunned for a moment, and then they understood the definition of "kill" after the silence, which caused a layer of crimson to appear on the pretty faces of the two goddesses.

If this is the case, they can understand it very well.

"You and I..."

If we think in this direction, it would be reasonable for Bell to have the development ability of "killing gods" during his promotion. After all, that really happened.

PS: Please collect...please give flowers...please comment and beg for price.

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