I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 480 Jealousy


When Hestia returned to the room, she buried her head under the quilt.

Now thinking back to the look in Bell's eyes just now, Hestia couldn't help but feel sad. She and Hephaestus were still wondering how the "God-killing" development ability came about, but it turned out that they helped.

Because he "ended" the identity of the virgin goddess, he was counted as "killing" the virgin goddess. Hestia thought about the judgment of the "favor system" and couldn't help but want to pry open the head of the guy who developed the "favor system" to see if that guy's brain was occupied by a pig. Will judge that kind of thing.

"However, the ability to develop God-killing will be of great help to Bell's future actions. It's just right to get this power...but the way to get it is not suitable."

Hestia knew that what Bell needed most now was this power. As long as he possesses the power to kill gods, Bell will then have the qualifications to truly kill gods. It is indeed very effective against some dark faction gods.

If only the method of obtaining this power could be ignored. Blushing Hestia couldn't help but complain in her mind.

The power he got and the time he got it were just right. Even Hestia admitted that it was the power that was most suitable for Bell. As long as he has the power to kill gods, it will be difficult for him to block Bell's way even if he is a god. It would be nice if the way to gain strength didn't have to be so unforgettable.

When Hestia thought of "Killing Gods", she couldn't help but think of the phantom pain that day.

For the virgin goddess, this kind of pain is really the first time.

But it was because of enough pain that Hestia was even more unforgettable.

"Well... I'm too embarrassed to see anyone...

This is the case with Hestia, and this is naturally the case with Hephaestus.

But compared to Hestia, who was blushing and speechless, Hephaestus was obviously much calmer. Although her upturned feet kept stamping.

"Knock knock knock!"

Glancing at the door, Hephaestus's lips curved slightly, but he quickly covered it up.

"Come in."

The door opened, and the person who walked in was naturally Bell, who was allowed to enter the room at will.

But Hephaestus didn't show any excitement. He simply glanced at Bell and then withdrew his gaze.

Still angry. Bell knew that Hephaestus was definitely not in a good mood at the moment. In fact, if it hadn't been for the "God Killing" incident, Hephaestus would have been talking to Hestia about those nights.

Knowing the situation and remembering that Hephaestus said before that he also liked "passivity", he walked directly to Hephaestus.

Noticing Bell's approach, Hephaestus calmly turned his gaze elsewhere, but Bell still caught the slight movement of his peripheral vision.

This made Bell even more certain that he should take the initiative.

Bell came directly to Hephaestus and took her hand in his without waiting for her to speak.

Hephaestus glanced at the grabbed hand and struggled a little. Seeing that there was no way to break free, she stopped trying to break free. After all, what if you really break free?



There was a slight smell of gunpowder in the voice. Bell could tell Hephaestus was still angry.

Well, this matter can only be said to be my own problem. After all, the problem of falling in love with two goddesses is definitely not a problem for the goddesses, at least Hestia and Hephaestus will not have a problem. So attracting two goddesses is the biggest problem for him.

...Of course, this is indeed the case.

After all, it was his problem that he didn't take a proactive attitude towards Hephaestus because he felt that Hephaestus liked to take the initiative. If he had known from the beginning that Hephaestus liked to be active as well as passive, perhaps he would have been able to become more active earlier.

"This time it's really my problem."

"You also know. Don't you know who you spend the most time in contact with between Hestia and me?"

When talking about this grudge of Hephaestus, there is some fire of jealousy.

But Bell was slightly stunned when he saw the flame in Hephaestus' heart.


"Strange, how come I see a fire burning in Hephaestus's heart?"

Bell was convinced that there was nothing wrong with his eyes, so the flame was real. His eyes were more focused on the flame, and he found that the flame was pure black, and even grew a little bigger in Hephaestus's heart.

"What are you doing standing still?"

After saying the last tough words, Hephaestus immediately got rid of his tough look just now. His body was as soft as a water snake, and he turned his head and leaned on Bell's shoulder.

Bell really didn't expect that his newly awakened skills would be used at this time, and it would also unconsciously change Hephaestus's mood.

PS: Please collect...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

"Is this... jealousy?"

Bell hugged Hephaestus, and at the same time he saw the black flame at Hephaestus' heart slowly extinguished and even disappeared. However, he also felt a trace of strange power. Attracted into his body.

"Hephaestus, I seem to have discovered something amazing."


It's not difficult for Bell to admit his mistakes. After all, it was really his problem.

"Humph, that's good if you know."

Hephaestus pursed his lips slightly. Although these words were spoken a little late, it did not prevent her from enjoying listening to them. Although she is the god of craftsmen and appears to be a strong and independent representative of the goddess, this does not mean that she does not need the nourishment of love. Listening to the sweet words of lovers, even the strong and independent goddess will fall.

Bell was stunned for a moment, and when he came back to his senses, he saw that the resentful flames in Hephaestus's eyes were getting heavier, but the black flames did not continue to expand.

Although his face was still stiff, Hephaestus had decided to forgive Bell.

"You know you were wrong? If you know you were wrong, I can't forgive you."

This made Bell take a deep breath, lowered his head and kissed Hephaestus for a while. Hephaestus would not stop until his breathing became rapid.

"I really know I was wrong."

...Ah, the previous one was indeed my problem. I should have gone to say goodbye to you first. "

"Humph, although my response was a little slow, I will forgive you this time."

Unexpectedly, Hephaestus, who is usually calm and handsome, also has such a cute side. Watching Hephaestus become a little cute, Bell couldn't help but sigh.

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