I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 481 Was It An Arrangement Or A Coincidence?

"My emotions are being controlled?"

Hephaestus looked at Bell in astonishment. She hoped to see a joke on Bell's face, but all she saw was seriousness.


Faced with Hephaestus's question, Bell didn't hide anything. Just now, he did feel that he had unconsciously affected Hephaestus's emotions, and also absorbed Hephaestus's emotions.

"Hephaestus, take a look at this first."

"Updated data?"

Hephaestus looked confused when he saw the paper with updated data handed over by Bell, but she continued to read it under Bell's look. Then, Hephaestus found something different from usual on the paper.

"Seven Deadly Sins? Is this your newly awakened skill? Why didn't you see it just now?"

This question made Bell scratch his face in embarrassment.

"Maybe it's because our attention was focused on "Killing Gods" just now. "

Mentioning this "god-killing", Hephaestus's face became a little scarlet. She tried her best not to think about the development ability of "Killing Gods", but instead focused on Bell's new skills.

"Ahem! Bell, please tell me about this new skill first."

It is obvious that Hephaestus does not want to mention the issue of "killing gods" for the time being, at least after this time. It's more important to hear about the new skills first.

"Hephaestus, please look at the first description under the skill first."

After hearing Bell's reminder, Hephaestus continued to look at the first ability description under the "Seven Deadly Sins".

"Arrogant? Is that just a description?"

Hephaestus looked at the description below that skill with a look of astonishment. Looking at Bell's other skills, the definitions may be relatively broad, but at least the descriptions are complete. However, this skill only has the word "arrogance" underneath it. Isn’t this a complete lack of explanation?

Bell didn't have any explanation, but mentioned another matter.

"Hephaestus, do you remember that on your face?"

"Of course I remember. That thing... wait, you're not saying that your skills are related to the thing on my face, right?"

Hephaestus, who was half a beat too slow to react, finally came to his senses, and the answer he got was a slight nod from Bell.

"I think there must be a direct relationship."

Bell raised his other hand, and black mist appeared in his hand like ink.

"The "jealousy" I pulled out from your face was absorbed by me. After acquiring that skill, "Jealousy" actually actively wanted to get closer to me, even the preparations I had laid out were ineffective. "

A rune was written in the air, but the ink-like mist passed directly through the rune without even forming a single obstacle.

This scene also made Hephaestus look stunned and couldn't help but ask:

"Bell, I remember you sealed that thing before?"

"Yeah...I really thought it was sealed at the time. But I realized that the so-called seal was just my wishful thinking. "Jealousy" and "greed" were not sealed by me, but because My hope was deliberately left in the bottle. "

Hephaestus' face was full of disbelief, but Bell also knew why she felt like this, because he felt the same way when he faced reality just now.

"But, my situation was like this even when I was born, how could it have anything to do with your skills?"

Bell nodded slightly, he also had the same idea. After all, Hephaestus has existed for hundreds of millions of years. "No matter how you think about it, there shouldn't be a direct relationship with him.

"If it weren't for the fact that there is a relationship between me and the Seven Deadly Sins, then there is another possibility. The Seven Deadly Sins themselves exist, and it happened that I bumped into them."

Hephaestus frowned and thought for a long time but couldn't get any answer. This made her only shake her head slightly.

Isn't the "jealousy" on half of Hephaestus's face like poison? And even divine power cannot remove it, it can only compromise it.

The seven deadly sins themselves exist, but they are different from ordinary powers. Power can be controlled by gods, but to gods, the seven deadly sins are the same as poison that cannot be removed.

"It just so happens...it's too much of a coincidence."

The Seven Deadly Sins themselves are not something very special. They are referenced in many story themes. It is obviously unrealistic to say that the Seven Deadly Sins really do not exist in this world. Otherwise, how could God Freya use lust to control people?

No, if it was this "arrogant" coincidence, maybe it really wasn't a coincidence. Bell looked at the sins he had been stained with, and couldn't help but feel that the possibility of coincidence increased a lot.

"Other gods must not be able to do it. Even the people who developed the favor system cannot do such a thing. The magic and skills awakened by each child have a certain relationship with that child. In other words, there are no skills and The magic will be the same.

Maybe this looks like it was designed by someone, but in summary it is not something that gods can do. After eliminating the impossibility, naturally only the coincidence that is least likely to be the correct answer is more likely.


"So, what God Freya uses is not lust, but "charm" similar to lust?"

"Although this coincidence is too coincidental, Hephaestus, do you know someone who can do anything behind your back?"

After denying himself, Hephaestus also felt that it was more likely that this was a coincidence.

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

"And if you want to arrange a child from the lower world who awakens special magic and skills, this is impossible."

"I also think that the possibility of this matter being arranged behind the scenes is almost zero. Your (good Li Zhao) identity is still a mystery to the entire Orario. Neither Freya nor Loki can If you could do such a thing, they would have snatched you away long ago."

Bell had just finished brainstorming when Hephaestus turned his confused gaze. There was some hesitation on his face. The difference between the chances of coincidence and being arranged was actually not very big, but coincidence was slightly bigger.

It is indeed possible. And I heard Hestia say that almost every goddess of love can master the power of "charm", but each goddess masters it to a different extent, and the level of performance is naturally different.

As a reborn person, he possesses the quality of "arrogance". Anyone who is reborn and comes to the world he once knew will inevitably feel "arrogant" inadvertently. The most direct thing is the feeling of "I am different from others".

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