I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 485 Three Major Illusions In Life

Time soon came to the next day.

Today is the day that Goddess Freya and Bell meet. Maybe they have not agreed on where to meet, but they both already know that there is only one place to meet.

"Mistress of plenty."

This is Freya's eyeliner in Orario, and here is Freya's other pair of eyes. So, this is the best place to meet.

At noon, Freya left her residence in the "Tower of Babel" alone. He only made some basic coverings on his body, and just put on his cloak and headed to the place where they agreed to meet.

However, Freya's slightly concealed appearance also attracted the attention of many adventurers.

Men are all lustful animals, and it is not easy to control their eyes when they see a woman with a good figure.

Even though the face cannot be seen, the figure hidden by the cloak can still be seen, which makes the adventurers who see it drool.

"Could this woman be from a dark faction?"

The man who asked this 27 question was drooling, but unfortunately he was responded to by contemptuous looks from those around him.

"If you dare to go up, you can try. People from the dark faction dare to walk on the street so blatantly? This woman came down from the Tower of Babel.

"Holy crap! Brother, how do you know so much?"

"Nonsense, I followed you all the way here, wouldn't I know?"

This sentence directly attracted the disdainful and appreciative glances of the men around him.

But since she is someone who came down from the Tower of Babel, then this woman is definitely not a member of the dark sect, and may even have a direct relationship with the goddess and the guild.

"Although we don't know the identity of this person, it's better not to touch him casually. Shishi is a goddess... You must know that there is only one goddess living on the Tower of Babel. y

After being reminded, all the men around him swallowed their saliva. If it is the God of Beauty, if they do something inappropriate, even if the goddess does not punish them, the members of the Freya Familia will probably kill them.

When I think of this, the men around me are even more afraid to do something excessive, and even look at him with respect.

But all the men's eyes were still on that woman.

Facing the attention of so many eyes, Freya's expression did not change at all as she walked on the road.

I am all too familiar with the lustful and possessive eyes of children from the lower world.

But these looks were not disgusting. Freya clearly heard the voices of all the children, and she still had a strong sense of awe before lust.


Freya has long been accustomed to such looks, and also to the excessive thoughts of the opposite sex towards her. Therefore, she has always regarded these things as playthings for fun.

None of the children she influenced were qualified to be looked upon by her.

Including gods.

"That kid is different."

Freya was looking forward to meeting the child this time. At the same time, she was also looking forward to it. This time she caused a little trouble for the child, and she didn't know what the child would do.

The anticipation in her heart made Freya speed up her pace a little.

At the same time, in a dark corner nearly three thousand meters away from Freya, a woman in a white cloak stood there, carefully hiding her breath while paying attention to the possible dangers around Freya. The guard appears.

"This bitch is really crazy."

The woman carefully observed her surroundings and used a valuable sensory item to confirm that there was no one above Level 5 around her.

This exploration also silenced the woman completely.

Although she also speculated on the reliability of this information, seeing this situation, she felt that this woman Freya was really crazy. For the sake of a man she wanted to meet by chance, she actually put herself in such a dangerous situation.

But women also feel that this is a big trap.

Although the woman often scolds "bitch" and "bitch" on her lips, she is full of caution towards Freya. That woman may be a bitch, but she is definitely a very difficult goddess. Even her current main god reminded her not to underestimate Freya.

This unusual and abnormal situation gave her a very bad feeling.

But do you really want to retreat now?

There was some hesitation in the woman's heart. If it was an obvious trap, then she should retreat quickly now. Even if she had enough strength, she would not be so stubborn that she would directly run into the trap prepared by others.

But in addition to being a bright trap, it also has a big bait, which is enough for her to jump out and bite the bait.

Although the woman now knows that this is a trap, after weighing the pros and cons, the woman has a plan in mind.


Maybe the trap in front of her was prepared for her, but what if she could kill that bitch?

As long as no one else comes to cause trouble, she is confident enough to kill that bitch directly.

The woman who made the decision had already decided in her heart to complete this task quickly to avoid unnecessary changes.

"I need to start getting closer. My magic needs to be anchored in range, and the chanting also takes time."

The woman lowered her 327 hood, but the big sword hidden behind the cloak made the woman unexpectedly conspicuous. If you want to move casually during the day, you need to avoid a lot of sight, otherwise this operation will be completely bankrupt, so she needs to act more carefully.

Freya, who did not hide her whereabouts, has arrived at the promised "mistress of abundance".

The waiters inside were already prepared. After all, gods like Freya must have reserved time to use the tavern, otherwise this meeting would have been too noticeable. Freya cleared out all the other guests in the tavern.

Freya took her date very seriously, and did not want her rare date to be affected by the gazes of other children.

"Lady Freya."

The first person to step forward to greet him was the hostess of the tavern "The Rich Hostess", Ciel Froir.

As a very popular waitress in this tavern, she also has a special hidden identity, and she is also the most suitable person to welcome Freya.


Freya looked at Xi'er and smiled, and this smile made the other waitresses standing behind feel their hearts beating faster.

Appreciation of beauty is for both men and women. Similarly, people affected by charm are also men and women.

PS: Please collect...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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