I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 486 Why Did You Come To Orario?

"The Goddess of Beauty Freya."

As a member of the "Housemistress of Plenty", female elves can often see gods appearing in taverns. Among them, the god who visits the tavern the most is Loki. However, this God of Beauty was not a god who would come to such a tavern casually. She had only seen him before when attending a banquet with the main god.

"This goddess is still the same as before, always giving people the feeling of being seen for thousands of years."

The female elf subconsciously turned away her eyes. Not looking directly at the goddess of beauty was the easiest way to avoid the risk of "charm".

The charm of the beauty will shake people's minds. If you look at it for a long time, you will be confused by this charm. This charm can be promoted to the point of affecting the mind. In a sense, this charm is also a "poison".

This poison called "Charm" is not inferior to the real poison at all. It is even colorless and odorless. Only the highest-level "abnormal resistance" can compete with this poison. It's a pity that since the time of the God's Lower World, no adventurer has collected the highest level of "abnormal resistance." Naturally, there is no one who can compete with the charm of the beautiful god.

"But how come this Lord God came down from the Tower of Babel today? And he's still dressed like this."

Looking at how God Freya was dressed today, wearing a very common cloak and simple casual clothes on her body and face, it was difficult to tell at a glance that this was God Freya. Obviously, this is the way to go out privately.

"Obviously the atmosphere between Orario and the Dark Faction is so hot right now, why are you still coming down from the Tower of Babel privately at this juncture? Is it because you are using it as bait to attract all the Dark Faction out?"

But after thinking about it, the female elf really didn't think that the dark factions couldn't see such an obvious trap.

Anyone with a little bit of brains could see such an obvious trap, and the female elf didn't think anyone would jump into such a heavy trap like a fool.

"Isn't that child here yet?"

Suddenly the female elf heard the goddess Freya suddenly say such a sentence, which made the female elf slightly stunned. At the same time, she also realized something.

"God Freya is planning to meet someone?"

Before the female elf could react, she saw the goddess slowly turning her head.

"Sorry, God Freya"

The space that the goddess was looking at was torn apart, and a figure in a white cloak slowly walked out of the torn space.


Awakened by the sound of swallowing saliva, the female elf came back to her senses and was lucky enough to see the scene in front of her of space being torn apart.

The torn space behind that person was like a demon tearing a hole in the space, filled with creepy ferocity. How dangerous it is in the dark space where you can't see the border at all. You can feel it just through your skin.

But what makes people feel even more weird is the person tearing apart the space.

Almost no one possesses space-based magic. It is a magic buried deep in the ultra-rare ranks. But is this method of tearing space really magic? The female elf couldn't help but ask questions in her heart.

In her long career as an adventurer, she had never seen anyone use space magic, and she had never felt such a strong sense of crisis in a magic.

"I originally thought it would take some time for you to come over."

Hearing God Freya's words, the female elf was immediately shocked and temporarily suppressed the strong sense of crisis just now. Obviously, this person was the main reason why God Freya came down from the Tower of Babel this time. .

"Hestia and Hephaestus aren't clamoring to come over?"

"Well, God Hephaestus is not so childish, and the Lord God is also tolerant to a certain extent.

"Hestia's tolerance... She has always been very broad-minded. I'm talking about physical and psychological aspects."

"I know what you mean."

"Gods Hestia and Hephaestus are also related to this person?"

The female elf looked at this person carefully, but she did not remember that there was such a person. On the one hand, it was because her face was covered by the hood and she couldn't see clearly, and on the other hand, "She really didn't remember there was such an adventurer with space magic.

In Orario, most adventurers with extraordinary talents will be outstanding. It is because of that outstanding talent that he is often awarded various titles by the gods. Most of the adventurers who received the title will be remembered by Orario.

But the female elf couldn't remember such an adventurer with space magic. According to her understanding, as soon as most adventurers with special talents are discovered, they will quickly display their talents in front of the entire Orario.

But why doesn't she remember such a person?

In fact, the female elf is not the only one who has such doubts. Several other people standing around her are also looking for such a person in their memories.

"Sit down first. There are many things I want to say."

"Then, I'm sorry."

Facing the invitation from God Freya, Bell did not show any pretense and sat directly opposite God Freya.

Bell paused slightly at these words, then sighed slightly and raised his hand to take off his hat.

"Please forgive me for being cautious, God Freya. I have been accustomed to being cautious since I entered Orario. In such a public occasion, I am even more unsuitable to show off my face."

Freya looked at it with some amazement.

"Bell, other people come to Orario for fame and fortune, but why did you come to Orario?"

"I didn't expect you to be able to use it to this extent. However, it's not polite for you to do so."


Looking at Bell sitting opposite, Freya smiled and pulled down the hood on her head, clearly revealing her beautiful and depraved face.

PS: Please collect...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

As he recalled it, Bell couldn't help but talk about his most intuitive feelings at the time. The lecherous old man died suddenly. Perhaps it was because of that stimulation that he remembered the memory of his previous life.

In this regard, Bell was a little helpless and erased the cognitive impairment on his face.

"[Bell, I have already taken off my hat, are you just looking at me like this?"

Even as calm as Bell, he was amazed by the beautiful face of God Freya.

The face is still full of youthfulness, but if you look closely, you can't remember the specific appearance of this face, as if there is an extra layer of fog on the face.

Other children in the lower world became adventurers for fame, women, and money (money is good), but the child in front of her was not for these things. Freya shook her head slightly and asked with interest:

Bell thought about it carefully, and it seemed that he didn't come to Orario for any special reason. But if I have to say it, there seems to be one.

"I first came to Orario because of my grandfather's death. Although my grandfather who raised me was an old pervert, he was also a good man. But one day when he was farming outside the village, he was attacked by a vicious bear. Knowing that I was stunned by the news and realized how fragile human life is."

.......You kid are really too careful in this regard. "

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