I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 495 The Next Theme Is The Stronghold Of The Dark Faction.

After the dark faction's actions gradually passed, Orario and the dungeon became quiet.

Obviously, the previous big moves of the dark faction also brought great side effects.

The assassination of the Lord God by the Dark Faction directly aroused the disgust of the gods. This also caused the Dark Faction to be surrounded and suppressed with greater force in the maze city of Orario, and even suppressed many Dark Factions. The remnant party.

Except for the "Emperor Killer" who was caught while assassinating Freya, the other remnants of the dark faction all chose to self-destruct during the arrest.

Just like the madman who besieged Orario more than ten years ago, he used the most brutal methods.

Even if the individual's strength is very poor, as long as the specially created "Fire Stone" is attached, it can even cause fatal damage to a first-level adventurer.

The captured dark faction leaders are all a group of unscrupulous lunatics.

Those people are like crazy believers. Even if they face death directly, they have no hesitation at all. They even seem to be actively seeking death.

Faced with such a group of crazy guys, no matter how good Orario's adventurers are, they can't capture these people alive.

The explosion of "Firestone" is dangerous even for first-level adventurers. Facing dozens of lunatics with self-destruction skills who want to drag people along with them, even first-level adventurers can't think of catching a few of them. Live.

The price and reward are very different.

That is to say, after the wave of madness among the dark factions, they, who had recently been about to jump out of the darkness, retracted into the shadows.

Letting a poisonous snake return to the cave is not a good thing for Orario.

But at this moment Orario was unable to prevent the dark faction from returning to their cave.

This time the poisonous snakes returned to their old lair and would naturally lurk for a long time. Unless they saw an opportunity, they would not expose themselves so easily.

"Mr. Bell, when do you think they will come out again?"

"Huh... I don't think it will be that easy. Even among the dark factions, high-level adventurers don't make up the majority. The loss of one Lv.5 will have a huge impact on them."

"Yeah, but isn't their fighting method just to use the "Fire Stone" to use their own people as moving bombs?"

"This is also based on a certain basis. Although the "Fire Stone" can explode as a bomb with amazing destructive power, and can even seriously injure Level 5 at close range, there is almost no chance for those people to get close. "

"Usually at Level 5, even a magician who is not specialized in speed will not be overtaken by a group of low-level adventurers."

"So, using "Fire Stone" as a means of self-destruction is just a way to deal with Level 5 and other low-level adventurers who cannot retreat. If there is not even one high-end combat power, then relying on those low-level self-destruction soldiers will just kill some low-level adventurers.

"And this influence may directly affect the crusade against Orario."

Listening to Bell's explanation, Hestia gradually understood the situation and why the dark faction chose to retreat temporarily.

"However, if they retreat, will they still have a chance to counterattack Orario again?"

Hestia was deeply skeptical, but Bell was convinced.

"There must be. As long as their purpose does not change, then they will find ways to make up for this shortcoming.

Normal people can never understand the thoughts of a madman.

Bell knew there was a fine line between madness and genius.

Those who are not understood are madmen, and those who can be understood are geniuses. Sometimes the gap between the two is actually very ambiguous.

"Some of them can transform the "Fire Stone" and turn it into a small explosive. Naturally, some of them will study how to break through the limits of their potential. And the answer to this question already exists. "

"You mean, fine?"

Hestia's mind was still spinning quickly, and she immediately thought of the solution.

"But doesn't that make me non-human?"

"They are not even afraid of death. Are they still afraid of becoming non-human?"

Bell's answer left Hestia speechless.

Will a group of lunatics who use modified "Fire Stones" as bombs to blow themselves up against others worry about the way they will die?

Obviously, this is not a question those lunatics would think about.

"Then the guild will continue to take action against the fairies next?"

"Hmm... No, I don't think the guild will immediately start taking action against the fairies. The location of the fairies can be determined to be deeper in the dungeon, but the deepest floor reached by the Loki Familia is the 59th floor, and The faeries exist in deeper floors. There is no point in targeting the faeries now."

"Furthermore, when the fairy gave birth to a "fetus", he actually separated part of his own flesh and blood from his body, and then imprinted his soul mark on the flesh and blood. But before, relying on the soul mark on the "fetus", I induced him to take the initiative to divide his soul. This caused him to lose one-third of his soul, which was a considerable loss for him and could not be recovered in a short period of time. "

"He will not continue to give birth to "fetuses" in the future, otherwise he will have to worry about whether he will be caught by me for the second 620 times. There was no way His soul would bet on it a second time. Therefore, what we need to worry about now is not the fairies, but whether there are still "dark factions in the fetus factory."

The fairy spirit's production capacity has been almost completely destroyed. If you want to continue producing, the fairy spirit can first repair the lost soul.

But how difficult is it to repair the soul?

So there is no need to worry about the fairy being able to do things behind his back in the short term. He has lost the ability to do things.

On the contrary, the real threat is the dark factions lurking in the darkness again.

"I think the guild will start looking for the dark faction's private territory hidden in the dungeon."

It is certain that there is a secret space of the dark faction somewhere in the dungeon.

Bell also knew about the man-made maze, but that was all. He didn't know the specific location.

“Hmm…it doesn’t sound easy.

"It's indeed not easy."

Obviously this is not an easy thing.

The dark sect has been hiding for so long without being discovered. It would be really strange if it could be found so easily.

Therefore, finding the hidden location of the dark faction leader will be the theme for the next period of time.

PS: Please collect...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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