I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 496 The Person Asking For Help

"Tch! Those guys have been looking for us.

"It's exactly what that kid said. Those guys are constantly looking for our compatriots just to lure us out."

"Damn it! At this time, you can only choose to give in."

"Reed, now is not the time to consider the safety of one or two people. If we don't get to the 50th floor as soon as possible, it may be difficult to guarantee our safety."

At this moment, hundreds of heretics gathered in the abyss next to the central rock on the 50th safe floor.

The 50th floor is a safe floor. The probability of monsters being refreshed here is the lowest, and most of them can ensure the safety of adventurers who temporarily live here.

At this moment, this safe floor is also a safe floor for heretics.

Although this place is not completely safe, compared to other floors, there are very few adventurers here. Unless they are an expedition team, they will not appear on this floor.

"Other compatriots..."

Reed had tears in his eyes but couldn't say anything else.

The other heretics also fell into silence. Their compatriots were caught trying to help them attract firepower, but they could only hide in this safe and secure floor.

"Reed, there is nothing we can do about this."

Lei Yi's face also showed helplessness and sadness. Everyone was full of anger when their compatriots were killed, but even so, the only thing they could do was hide in this place.

"We all hope to kill all those bastards, but the weapons in their hands can easily cut our flesh and blood, and the magic can also make our own people crazy. Once we show up, the other party will never let us go, and the compatriots' The sacrifice was completely in vain.”

"Now, it is key for us to save the rest of the heretics. A small number of sacrifices are so that we can survive."

Reed couldn't help but looked at Rey with the grief and anger in his heart, but what he saw was the same emotion as him. At this moment, he was completely extinguished.

Now they have no right to be willful.

Now they can only suppress their grief temporarily if they want to survive.

"Reed, Rey, we can find someone to help~.

Winnie, who had been silent until now, suddenly spoke.

All the heretics present fell silent when faced with this question.

Reed and Rey couldn't help but fell silent, and then looked at Winnie.

"Winnie, this is our own problem, we can't keep asking for their help.

"What if our problems become their problems?"

This cheered up Reed and Rey.

Winnie continued.

"Didn't Reid say it before? They are also doing some shameful things. Now they have been looking for our compatriots, so what do they want to do?"

"We heretics have been hiding in the dungeon, and the adventurers above have not searched for us in large numbers in the dungeon, so why are they the only ones keeping an eye on us?

"There must be a reason."


Reed and Rey immediately thought of the benefits.

As heretics in the underground city, they are neither monsters nor humans, but they have monster bodies and human rationality.

Their death is like ordinary monsters, they will drop materials, but even so, they will not be stared at all the time.

"have no idea."

Reed thought for a long time but couldn't figure out why.

"Is it because...we gave the guild eyes?"

Lei Yi reacted, and the smart song bird immediately understood how to change their bad situation.

"Of course."

Winnie happily raised her voice.

"Because we helped the guild find clues about them, they regarded us as objects that must be eliminated."

"This is not our problem, at least, it's not just our problem."

Reed reacted, and so did the other heretics present.

If this is just their problem, then they really have no reason to bother with help from above. But if the problem they face is not just theirs, but is also related to something that the guild has asked them to investigate, then this also has the responsibility from above.

"So, Reed, Rey, we need help."

After guiding Reed and Rey's thoughts to transfer, Winnie finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Although her statement was far-fetched, she could only do this in order to make Reed and Rey put down their persistence.

They heretics could not continue to maintain the peace of the past while being hunted.

What they need to find peace is help.

Just like what that person said, heretics need to stand up on their own, but if they can't stand up alone, they should find a way to stand up.

"But... we... have just received help from the guild."

Reed's eyes were a little evasive. He had just asked the guild for the supplies he needed for life, and now he had to ask the guild for help. To be honest, he was a little open-mouthed.

"It's okay without the guild's help."

Winnie said as she took out a lotus amulet with runes on it from her arms.

"This is something he gave me so I can contact him."

"He" reminded Reed and Rey of the young man in a white cloak.

In the beginning, it was that boy who led them to meet with the leader of the Loki Familia.

Reed and Rey looked at each other and then nodded slightly.

"Then... Winnie, give it a try."


Winnie immediately cut her finger with her nail, letting the blood drip down her finger and onto the amulet.

The rune that came into contact with the blood gave off a faint white light, and soon a figure appeared in front of the heretic projected by the light.

It was a boy whose face could not be seen. (Nuo Hao) All he could see was the lower half of his face near his mouth.


Looking at the familiar person, Wei Ni subconsciously wanted to call the other person's name. But it wasn't until this moment that she remembered that she didn't know this person's name.

[Bell Cronny, next time you communicate with someone, you should ask for their name first. 】

[A few months have passed, and it seems that you and your companions... are not in good condition. 】

"I wish you could help us."


Bell paused for a moment as he listened. He looked at the dragon girl on the other side of the projection and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

【Tell me. 】

There was no rejection. Winnie calmed down her breathing, and then continued speaking with all her strength.

"We heretics are being hunted by a group of people. Many of our compatriots have been kidnapped. I want to rescue them."

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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