I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 507 Why Is It This Kid?

In the 25-story tree maze, a group of heretics wearing thick cloaks were moving forward carefully.

At this time, a man wearing windproof glasses stood on a high tree trunk not far behind them, holding a red spear.

"Those guys, who have been hiding for so long and suddenly jumped out at this time?"

The man was not hunting heretics as excitedly as usual. Instead, he stood on the tree trunk in deep thought and did not move.

"You deliberately ran out from the depths to go to the ground?"

The man frowned, and a smile suddenly popped out of the corner of his eyes.

"Are you deliberately trying to be a bait to lure me out? Or are you going to the ground to seek help?"

If it's the former, then the man would like to know how those monsters think they can find the specific location to enter?

If it is to seek help, are there any family members on the earth who can help those monsters?

Although he didn't know the purpose of these monsters, if those monsters really had the first idea, he would be happy to be tricked.

Those monsters are really annoying in the dungeon. If he can get rid of those guys quickly, it will be of great benefit to his future actions.

"Then I will step on it deliberately and see what you monsters are capable of."

Thinking of this, the man no longer concealed his aura, but rushed forward with a ferocious smile.


The heretics acting below all noticed someone approaching at the same time. Except for Wei Ni, who was the weakest and was protected in the center, the other heretics had already focused their attention on the person.

"Lei, escort Winnie to the ground to ask for help. We will block it here."


Lei Yi rushed to the exit of the 25th floor with Winnie without hesitation.

This scene was also seen by men.

"Looks like he's asking for help."

"Get lost in endless fantasy!"

The man ignored the two Level 5 monsters that remained and used his magic directly.

Scarlet invisible waves enveloped Reed and Guros almost instantly under the man's chant.

The endless killing intent aroused the deepest malice and killing intent in the heretic's heart, and both pairs of eyes turned blood red.


All the emotions turned into the purest madness, and both pairs of eyes were dyed red by the madness, just like the madness when they were monsters.

Two pairs of scarlet eyes looked at each other, and then began the most primitive crazy impulse, fighting!

Seeing that his magic was working, the man's movements also appeared a little sluggish.

Although this is a very powerful magic that can cause the target locked by the magic to fall into madness, its own level will also drop by one level after using it. Only after the frantic magic is lifted will the dropped level be restored.

But the man didn't pause at all.

Even if the use of magic caused the level to drop, his speed would not be too slow to catch up.

Lei Yi didn't look behind her at all. She hugged Lei Yi and rushed toward the entrance.

Suddenly, a sound pierced through the air behind her, causing Lei Yi to stop in her tracks and hurriedly stepped aside.


A sharp red light streaked across Lei Yi's wings, and a trace of black curse could be seen sticking to Lei Yi's wings.

Lei Yi, who was in pain, reluctantly put Winnie down, lowering her voice.

"Weini, try to retreat as far as possible. They are on the 18th floor. You need to rely on yourself for the floors after that.


Winnie's firm eyes did not change at all, and she immediately turned around and rushed into the corridor on the next floor.

After Winnie rushed down, Lei Yi was also careful to guard against the man catching up behind her.

"Ha~ It seems that you monsters are indeed connected with the dependents on the ground."

The man fell to the ground with a sinister smile, and he felt extremely comfortable at the moment.

I didn't expect that there would be people on the ground who would help these monsters, and I didn't know what kind of people could treat these monsters as human beings.

Lei Yi gritted her teeth, but her face was full of anger.

"We are not monsters!"

"That's just your own thoughts. Not a monster? Don't laugh me to death. You don't think that if you are a monster on the outside, you are not a monster on the inside, right? No matter how you change, the nature of the monster will not change in any way."

The (chbf) smile on the man's face turned cold. He couldn't accept these monsters who treated him as a human being. These guys were just aliens in the dungeon.

"I don't know who is waiting for you above, but if I arrest you, I should be able to attract that guy.

Sure enough, these words immediately made Lei Yi's face appear slightly guarded.

"You're dreaming!"

"Pfft hahahaha!"

This beyond-monster emotion made the man laugh crazily. This was it, this was what he wanted to see.

The man glanced back from the corner of his eye and saw that the two heretics had suffered serious injuries, which would not affect him in the short term.

The man who understood this immediately withdrew his frenzied magic and restored the lowered level.

He had no idea about the three monsters in front of him for the time being.

It seems that using that little devil as bait can catch these monsters.

Moreover, there were so many monsters but one had the weakest action. It was obvious that that kid was different from the others.

To these monsters, that kid should be even more important.

"Although I want to continue to watch the despair of you monsters, but after I catch that brat, many of you guys will come to join me."

The man adjusted his state, and his speed immediately reached its peak. He rushed past Lei Yi like a gust of wind, picked up his spear, and rushed towards the upward corridor.

"Since you are connected with the dependents above, then call the people above you down."

"This is the opportunity I give you."

The man's voice suddenly stopped here, and the only response to the man was Lei Yi's roar.


Hearing the movement behind him, the man rushed upwards quickly.

"Ha ha..……"

Winnie was running alone on the dangerous floors.

The dungeon is a very dangerous place. All kinds of monsters are refreshed here every moment, and Winnie, who was born in the dungeon, naturally knows it best.

But she didn't have any choice now. She could only rush to the agreed place as soon as possible.

Only at that point can their heretical group be saved.

Just when Winnie had arrived in front of the corridor on the 23rd floor, a figure appeared, like a demon, and kicked Winnie violently away.

Winnie lost consciousness almost instantly.

Looking at Wei Ni who was unconscious, some confusion appeared on the man's face.

"Why this brat?"

The man who couldn't get the answer for a while did not continue to think leisurely here. If the upper-level family members were already on the 18th floor, it would not be so safe here.

God knows which family member the person coming is from. If it is Loki family member, then he will not dare to accept the attack easily.

Grabbing Winnie's neck with one hand, the man rushed directly to the secret space on the 23rd floor, took out a prop from his arms, and disappeared on this floor with Winnie.

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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