I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 508 The Purge Operation Begins

"found it."

After sensing that Winnie's position had shifted within a short period of time, Bell found the hidden spot hidden in the dungeon.

A very secluded place indeed.

"Special materials are used around it to block perception. It's really not easy to find such a place."

But what surprised Bell was that the space was actually the gap between floors.

I really didn't expect that someone could carve out a space in a place like that.

Are there no objections from the underground city?

"Did you find it? Where exactly is it?"

Loki couldn't help but ask.

"It's a place that was hard to imagine before. Even if they knew the place in advance, no one would think about the secret space in that place.


What Bell said made Loki even more interested in knowing.

"Floors and floors are in the gap."

"A crack? That kind of place can open up a space?"

"It should be difficult to do under normal circumstances."

Although Bell has never explored the special space between the upper and lower floors of the dungeon, it is definitely not easy to do this.

"Although the dungeon looks like separate floors, there are actually connections between those floors. Each floor is actually an independent space. Therefore, there are gaps in space between floors.

"Of course, this is just my personal understanding of space cognition. Moving the family's residence outside the world is also based on this theoretical basis. But I didn't expect that someone in the dungeon would actually achieve this step."

In the past, Bell had never thought that an architect like Daedalus could achieve this level of achievement, but this time it was an eye-opener for him.

The means of construction can also be applied in space.

What surprised Bell even more was that there were actually architects who could build such a special space.

Existing in the gap between floors, special materials are used to create a special space in this gap.

"Can something like this be done?"

Loki's question was full of surprise, but Bell could understand it. In fact, when he locked the specific location, it was difficult for him to imagine that the special space was built between floors.

"Theoretically... it's possible. But I've never tried anything like this before. There's no way I can say that it's possible to achieve this with construction technology."

Expressed unfamiliarity with building Bell.

After all, what he is mainly good at is fighting. All his skills are focused on fighting and magic production. Hard skills such as construction can only be achieved if he has the ability to make props like "Dabichi". Might be good at it.

It was like using pure construction technology to create a survivable space in the gap between two floors. Bell could only admire such technology.

"Then why don't you hurry up and remind Finn and the others?"

"No, there's no need to be so anxious now."

Bell was also a little irritable, but his face remained calm.

"She was used as bait to catch more heretics, not to kill her.

"The secret base of those guys is not a safe place. It needs to be sealed inside. Those guys must escape through the secret passage."

Although he felt irritable, Bell still understood what needed to be done now.

"I need to enter the base first, block all the secret passages in the base, and close all the traps. Only then can I avoid being treated as a turtle in a urn after entering.

"God Loki, you need to prepare Finn and the others. The man wearing goggles has magic that can make people go crazy. If they are not prepared, their teammates may become obstacles.

Of course Loki could also see the magic of the guy just now, and he also saw that the heretics who were a group of heretics started to fight each other. If Finn and the others were not careful, they might really fall into the trap.

Whenever one of Finn and the others is attacked, there will be an additional Level 7 enemy in the crusade.

Moreover, this Level 7 is still one of their own, so if they become hostile, they will not be able to kill him.

"I will notify Finn and the others before taking action."

Now that he knows this magic [Loki will naturally not let Bensi and the others step into the trap.

"Then now, the action begins."

The spatial coordinates have been located, and the secret base is no longer a secret to Bell.

After locating the spatial coordinates, Bell directly connected the spatial location there.

…Please give me flowers…………

Bell put on a white cloak to cover his face again and stood up from the sofa.

The figure quickly disappeared.

At the same time, the space that was created disappeared.

"Mr. Bell looks very impatient too."

Hestia couldn't help but sigh, it was rare for her to see such an impatient Bell.

"Well, it has been seen before that that boy treats heretics better than normal adventurers. That boy has always been wary of adventurers. "But he is not so wary of those children of heretics. "

After Loki finished speaking, he drank the fruit wine placed in front of him. The cold fruit wine, with some strong fruity aroma and a touch of alcohol, swept through Loki's body, producing a trace of coolness.

Made her more conscious.


She needs to do a lot of follow-up work, and she also needs to tell her children not to step into a big trap.

But before leaving, Loki suddenly turned his head and looked at Hephaestus.

"Speaking of which, was it that boy's arrangement for you not to participate in the guild?"

Hephaestus nodded without protesting.

"I am just a production dependent, and my children are not as brave and good at fighting as you. My children are better at blacksmithing than fighting. And a production dependent like me is not suitable to participate in that kind of battle. Only by maintaining neutrality can we it's the best."

Sure enough.

Loki was not surprised by Hephaestus' answer.

Just like what Hephaestus said, it is best to remain neutral as a production family. Today's Hephaestus family is not like the past that only involved in forging and also took over the sale of rune stones.

Neither the serious family members nor the dark factions want to stop the business of runestones. Even if there are not many types of runestones being sold now, it is really a good wave of reinforcements for the dark factions.

Unless necessary, the Dark Faction certainly does not want the Hephaestus Familia to get involved in their war with the gods on earth.

At least, if the Hephaestus Familia is still there, then by changing their identities, they can purchase a large number of runestones. This is an indispensable power before they can complete their goals.

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please comment on the local price.

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