I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 509 Crazy Builder

Passing through the rift in space, Bell stepped into this specially built base.

As soon as he entered here, Bell first observed the surrounding situation, and released the perception and detection runes to "see" this area.

In an instant, almost the entire internal structure of the "base" was visible.

"It seems to be exactly what I imagined. Special materials were indeed used here."

Bell came to a wall and pressed his hand gently on the wall. The soil on the surface of Rune disappeared little by little, and what appeared in front of him at the innermost part of the hollow was a dark black metal wall.

"Tsk, tsk~ This is really an incredible building material."

"It's actually made of a mixture of steel that's indestructible to weapons and super-hard metal."

Bell is also someone who has paid attention to the market conditions. The deep-level rare metals used in indestructible weapons and super-hard metals belong to the "990" and are lower-level rare metals. The prices of these two metal materials on the market can be said to be beyond imagination. height of.

After all, these two metal materials are necessary materials for making first-class weapons and indestructible weapons, so their value is naturally higher than imagined.

These two metals are placed in the market and are rounded up by the Forging Familia. Most of them are used for the manufacture of first-class weapons, but when placed here, they become materials to stabilize the space around the secret base. Bell admires the work of such people. The bravery of the thinking builder.

At the same time, it also made Bell understand why bases can be built on floors and in the mezzanines of floors.

This is not just a problem of construction technology, most of it is made of money.

"Daedalus is indeed a legacy builder from thousands of years ago. His brain circuit is really strange and his courage is really great."

"No wonder we have to save the work for future generations. This is not a project that can be completed in one generation."

Even if Bell can create a large number of runestones and easily obtain a large amount of funds, he cannot withstand the consumption of such a wall of precious metals.

Moreover, metals and super-hard metals that are not bad materials are lower or even deep-layer materials. Excavation is a big problem, and transportation is also a big problem, so sometimes you can buy these rare metals without having money. , but also talk about soul luck.

You have to consider both capital and luck.

Now Bell is even more certain that there must have been some serious illness in Daedalus's mind thousands of years ago, which led him to have such stupid impulses.

Spending time, manpower, material resources, and a lot of money just to build such a thing?

However, Bell quickly restrained himself from this idea.

Maybe this kind of behavior seems really strange to him. But that was based on the fact that he could use the original runes to create an identical space as it was, and even more decent in scale than this secret base modeled after a dungeon.

But Bell is still aware of the fact that he is a cheater, and it must be normal for ordinary players to be unable to compare with him, a cheater.

Thinking of this, Bell suddenly felt that Daedalus was still a very capable builder.

Although it took a lot of time, resources and money, Daedalus really relied on him and the descendants who were cursed by him to complete the construction of a secret space that simulated the dungeon in the gaps between the floors of the dungeon. In a sense, this is indeed a feat.

Bell continued walking down the road.

The map of the entire secret base has been displayed in front of you, and all places, even the roads, can be seen.

"External detection can be blocked, but internal detection becomes very simple."

"It seems that the steel used on the outer walls also contains some materials that isolate spiritual power and magic."

This is an obvious thing.

If the outside world could sense the hollow situation inside, then I am afraid that this mezzanine would have been discovered by adventurers long ago.

You must know that there are many high-level adventurers with extraordinary perceptual abilities, not to mention that in the dungeon, a place where you have to be alert at all times, your perceptual experience will be even more acute.

However, the artificial floor of this mezzanine is still a secret, which means that the outer walls of this place have some materials that can block perception.

"There are not many traps inside, but they are more like the traditional skills of a builder."

Just like a magician will transform his magic workshop, builders are also the best at using fixed buildings to create an environment that is more beneficial to themselves.

Bell paid special attention to the materials used in this part and observed the material of the gate at a gate...

"As expected, it is made of the same composite steel as the walls."

"With this weight and lock, it would be too difficult to open the gate through brute force."

Indestructible metals have the property of not being damaged.

Although the feature "not bad" sounds like a bluff, in fact it really does have some bluffing effect.

The "indestructible" property is actually relative. Even weapons with "indestructible" properties will wear out sometimes.

Therefore, this gate is not an absolute defense.

But it is not an easy task to open a hole in this gate. It requires at least Level 7 destructive magic.

Unfortunately, the internal space of the secret base is not suitable for the use of high-power magic.

Once any side of the wall is affected by powerful magic, the space between floors will quickly collapse.

Moreover, using high-intensity magic in a small space is no different from committing suicide.

No matter how precise the magic control is, some of the attributes produced will have an impact on the people in this space.

Among them, temperature is the most obvious.

What these metal materials are best at is isolating temperature.

In other words, once the effect of magic exceeds a certain level, it may be extremely lethal to everyone in 4.1 in the internal space.

Through such traps, the intruders can be slowed down, and even opportunities can be found to kill the intruders.

This may be the strength of the builder.

Maybe their personal abilities are not very strong, but it is not easy to break through the cage they created with brute force.

Then, Bell found a lot of runestones placed inside the gate, all of which were fire runestones.

"This was a device that was added later."

"Once this place is left behind, I'm afraid even Finn and the others will have to fully explain what's going on here."

Maybe this kind of trap is simple, but it is really effective.

As long as we seize the opportunity, it is not impossible to use internal structures to counterattack foreign enemies.

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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