I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 522 Gamers Are Treated As Games

"Welcome back, Mr. Bell.

Hestia's lively personality will still infect some people.

The carefree innocence made Ikelos, who had fallen into madness, look sideways and thought in his mind:

"It's actually kind of nice to be an idiot."

If he hadn't guessed those things, Ikelos could now accept his failure calmly.

This is the rule of the game. Since there is victory, there is also failure.

"So, this is the punishment for my failure? Then this punishment is really serious."

If there is a chance to choose again, then Ikelos hopes that he can choose to be an ignorant god instead of knowing so many things that he does not need to know like now.

The meaning of the existence of gods is directly denied.

Even if Ikelos is happy, he still has the pride he should have.

At least as a god he is proud.

But now someone suddenly jumps out and says, "Your achievements are just what was arranged for you." Perhaps anyone who encounters such a thing can't help but have an explosive mentality.

He knew Hestia's character.

It's natural, and I usually don't care about trivial things, but my interpersonal relationships are surprisingly good.

#820 Ikelos, you really didn’t teach me a lesson at all, and you still resorted to such methods when you came to the lower realm. "

After welcoming Bell, Hestia then looked at Ikelos, the main target of this operation, and looked at the strange look in this guy's eyes. "Hestia instinctively felt that this guy definitely has no good intentions right now." .

"Then I'm really sorry for disturbing your game."

"It's not a game. In other words, only extreme guys like you would regard the lower realm as a game."

If she and Ikelos don't deal with each other, they just have differences in their attitudes towards things and people.

Hestia hated the self-righteous attitude of the gods. Children in the lower world were far from the games the gods thought they were.

Moreover, no one who really changed the gods in the lower realm would think that thinking is a game.

Ikelos didn't care about this. As a loser, whatever he said was wrong.

In fact, at this moment, he has no intention of staying in the lower realm anymore. Perhaps it would be better to be sent back to the heaven, instead of staying in the lower realm and becoming a puppet on strings.

"This is just what you (chee) think, Hestia."

"For most gods, the lower realm is their playground. How many gods are there besides you who really don't treat the lower realm as a game?"

Ikelos was not deliberately sarcastic, but told the cruel truth in a matter-of-fact way.

"At least, many of the gods in Orario are pretty good. Those guys from your dark faction probably have the same idea as you."

Hestia snorted angrily, but Ikelos did not object to this statement.

"Most of them. As far as I know, those guys come with the mentality of playing games. Just like those war games we play in heaven, Uranus takes the gods as the square, and the darkness The factions are on the opposite side."

"A game without confrontation is not a game."

Having said this, Ikelos smiled mockingly.

"It's just that I still miscalculated. I didn't expect that we who regard the lower world as a game are actually the game in the eyes of others.

"That's why I said you are too self-righteous."

It is okay to play games in the heaven. After all, the gods have nothing else to do. The only thing they can do is to compete with each other's strength, divide into several camps and play war games.

But that can't be the case in the lower realm.

At least don't treat the lower realm as a game.

You must know that many gods in the lower realm originally came down with the intention of playing a game, but in the process, many gods no longer viewed the lower realm as a game.

As far as Hestia knew, Loki was the most obvious example.

"Mr. Bell, what are you going to do next?"

These words directly attracted the attention of all the gods.

However, Bell did not hesitate. Since he knew what to do, he would definitely do it thoroughly and leave no trace at all.

"First of all, let's make sure that Lord God and God Hephaestus can watch the next scene."

"Me? I'm fine."

Hestia knew that she couldn't miss the next scene, and as Bell's main god, she definitely couldn't retreat from such a scene.

"That's okay with me too."

Naturally, Hephaestus was not under great pressure, even if he faced bloody scenes, but as a god, she had seen too much, and there was no shortage of this one.

Loki, who was not asked questions, was unhappy.

"Hey, why don't you ask me if I can accept it?"


These words made Bell silent.

"God Loki, if you can't accept it, why were you so active just now?"

"Then I'll make some preparations first."

It was even Bell's first time to operate on a god, so he needed to make some preparations before starting.

If Loki really couldn't accept it, he probably wouldn't have acted so actively just now.

If you can, why are you still saying these things?

But this statement is correct.

Just because Loki came out with Bell just now, Loki must have been present at the battle in the dungeon. After seeing the bloody massacre there, looking at the execution process of Ikelos, it seems that it really didn't have much impact.

Bell couldn't help but feel a little tired, sighed inwardly, and leaned forward slightly.

As this is the first time in life, you need to face various situations, and you also need to consider the possible escape of God Ikelos.

"...Can God Loki accept it?"

The goddess's inexplicable desire to win made Loki give a reason that astonished even Bell. Maybe it was because of his lack of experience, but he didn't expect such a statement.


A suitable environment is quite necessary.

"I'm not saying whether I can accept it or not, but I should be the person to ask."

It was a simple matter in the first place, but it turned out to be so complicated. How come he didn't know that God Loki still cared about this kind of formalism?

Hermes almost burst out laughing at these words.

Therefore, there are more things that need to be prepared.

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

At this moment, Bell was so depressed that he almost complained.

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