I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 523 God Ikelos, Please Be Aware Of This

Advance preparation is very important.

As for why these tasks were not started in advance, it was because Bell himself did not plan to start attacking the god Ikelos as soon as the things here were over.

Originally, Bell planned to start getting ready the next day and then start conducting the analysis experiments on the gods.

Who would have known that such a big change would completely change his original plan.

Maybe it was because so many of his original plans had been ruined, Bell even felt like he was used to it.

"Before you act in the future, you should be prepared in advance for your plans to be ruined."

This may be the only way to avoid ruining the plan.

Bell murmured in his heart and his men were not slow in their movements.

Runes are being arranged one by one, filling up this temporary experimental small tree house set up outdoors.

Outside the small tree house, the god was already sitting on a wooden chair and waiting.

The fluctuations inside the tree house can be felt by all the gods present, but just because they can feel it, Ikelos is not feeling well.

"Wow...that boy really treated such a place as a fortress."

Loki clearly felt that the protection level of this small tree house was constantly increasing, and the space outside the tree house showed signs of solidification, which made her secretly stunned.

.......Isn’t that power?”

In this barely concealed situation, even Ikelos could see that the interior of the small bookstore was almost wrapped in countless powers.

As far as the eyes of the gods can see, almost all kinds of methods have been used inside the entire small tree house, and these methods all have a faint aura of power.

If he hadn't seen it, Ikelos believed that the person inside might be a god who often studied power. But he just saw clearly that a kid from the lower world walked in and arranged it.


Doesn't this mean that the person using the power is a kid from the lower world?

Ikelos was a little dizzy at this time.

"Children from the lower world can actually use powers... Ha~ I must be dreaming now, and it's still a nightmare..."

Ikelos, who was in charge of "Nightmare", felt like he was having a nightmare at this moment.

If it wasn't a nightmare, why would a child from the lower world appear in reality and wield the power of a god?

Ikelos subconsciously looked at the shackles on his hands and feet.

"Why didn't you feel it just now...?"

Yes, it was at this moment that Ikelos noticed that the handcuffs and shackles that locked him all had a faint aura of power, locking his body and soul tightly.


This discovery set off alarm bells in Ikelos's heart.

After being caught by the enemy and seeing the enemy show his power, Ikelos knew that he would not be able to leave alive.

It's really nonsense that children from the lower world can use the power of power.

"Those rune stones turned out to be created by power."

At this moment, Ikelos realized whose hand the rune stones he had bought to strengthen his family came from.

In fact, from the beginning, Ikelos felt that the rune stones contained some special aura, which was a bit like power, but there was still a certain gap between it and power.

At that time, Ikelos thought it was a magical text hidden in ancient times.

Those words also have the aura of power, but they are not very effective, and most of the magic words are in half-broken form, and the aura of power is almost too weak to be fragrant.

Now that the magic words suddenly appeared, Ikelos thought that someone had mastered a special inheritance, or had done some research and restored the half-broken magic words.

Who would have thought, but now it seems that it is completely different.

Those words are not half-broken magic words, but real power disguised as half-broken magic words.


At this moment, Ikelos had a hole stuck in his throat and couldn't spit it out, which was extremely uncomfortable.

After looking at Loki, Hephaestus and Hermes, these three people can be eliminated directly. So that kid is Hestia's child?

After realizing this, Ikelos's whole face twitched.

"Holy crap! This idiot actually got such a huge advantage!?"

Ikelos was very sure that that power must be the power awakened when deciding the family members.

Maybe the "power" that children from the lower world can only master after awakening to the gods is really nonsense, but such a probability may really exist.

After all, power cannot be transferred. Power is what God is born with. It is the person of God and an indivisible part of God.

……Please give me flowers…………

Therefore, it is impossible for gods to transfer their power, so the children in the lower world can only awaken the power of their power on their own.

This made Ikelos feel a rare and intense jealousy towards Hestia.

"Hestia, you...you are really unlucky."


Listening to Ikelos's fiercely jealous complaints, Hephaestus, Loki and Hermes couldn't help but nod.

In fact, they also felt that Hestia's bad luck really hit her.

You must know that Bell's identity is also surprisingly strange.

The product of the combination of the Zeus Familia and the Hera Familia, Auntie was once the "incarnation of talent". As the last orphan of the heroic period, this is basically the end of the buff.

"Humph~ It's a pity that there is no if.

In addition, Bell's own awakened power called magic.

Maybe it's just like what Loki said, being deported may be the best ending for him.

This shows that she was right to stay in Hephaestus's house, and it was fate that made such an arrangement.

"Ahem, you're ready. God Ikelos, you should be ready to wake up, right?"

Unfortunately, he couldn't make any choice at this moment.

At least on this point, Hestia always felt that she was really lucky, otherwise she wouldn't have bumped into Bell.

No one has this luck.

"Who is this shitty luck! Mr. Bell and I are destined to meet."

All these unlikely possibilities collided together, and they also collided with Hestia, who had just been in the lower realm for less than a year. This was a huge shock to Hestia.

Just as the gods were talking, Bell had already walked out of the small tree house.


At this moment, Ikelos's entire face was pale.

He can already think of his own ending.

"...Yeah, if you weren't staying at my house at that time, maybe it wouldn't be yours."

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

But looking back now, everything was fate.

Facing Hephaestus' sour words, Hestia accepted it with a smile on her face.

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