I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 530 A Hundred Secrets And One Sparse

After returning home from the meeting, Hestia threw herself into Bell's arms.

"Mr. Bell, something big happened!"


After catching Hestia rushing towards him, Bell was also a little confused by the sudden words.

The hand holding Hestia was placed on her waist, and when her face turned slightly red, he lifted her onto his crossed legs.

He was not in a hurry to ask directly, but gently helped comb Hestia's messy hair. After Hestia took a breath, he began to ask:

"Could it be that God Freya is looking for you again?"

.....it's not that kind of trouble. "

After a moment of confusion, Hestia's voice became much lower.

Although they have a good relationship and often exercise together in the evening, this inadvertent pampering still makes her heart beat faster. He even spoke a little carelessly.

After finally calming down for a while, Hestia readjusted her mentality and began to describe what happened at the meeting today.

"Mr. Bell, Ikelos's children broke the news that Ikelos may be dead."

Hearing this, Bell understood why Hestia said "something big happened". In a sense, it was indeed a big thing.

Holding her chin, Bell thought about what Hestia had just said, and then she understood.

"Did they react immediately because the gods' favor disappeared?"

"Well, that's the reason."

"There was no doubt that it was deportation, but you just said it was death?"


Hestia's pretty face fell when she mentioned this.

"It's all caused by our gods' self-sealing. The seals and divine power in our gods' bodies have always been closely connected, so when we use a lot of divine power ourselves, the seals will be affected, thus forcibly repatriating our gods."

"However, during this process, a large amount of divine power and the gate to heaven will be opened, creating a pillar of light reaching the sky. Therefore, when the gods of the lower world are repatriated, this is an obvious sign."

"According to our actions and what the few remaining children of Ikelos said, the favor of the gods appeared after 11 o'clock in the evening. At that time, when Orario's nightlife officially started, no one saw it. I have seen the appearance of the light pillar, which confirms that the god Ikelos was killed."

Because of this incident, Ikelos' death was even implicated.

Bell, on the other hand, was a little surprised that there were still Ikelos family members alive.

"The sweep of the dungeon is perfect. That area has been completely blocked by me. No one should be able to escape from it."

"Is it someone who was outside originally?"


Hestia nodded and confirmed Bell's guess, but while speaking, she clenched her lips tightly.

"According to the guild's information, those children are members of Ikelos who stayed above for procurement and communication, so they have never been to that man-made floor. I guess it is because Ikelos does not want the people above to be exposed and implicated below. That’s how it was arranged.”

Bell nodded. This arrangement was normal. If the people responsible above and those below were completely separated, a lot of unnecessary trouble would be reduced.

It is not uncommon for some adventurers to lose control of their mouths.

Especially after drinking, under the influence of alcohol and some kind of vanity, some important things can also be revealed while drunk.

It is actually not a big problem if things during the mission are revealed. Most of the mission information that is revealed is actually after the mission is completed.

But the key is that some people will reveal some long-lasting secrets, such as artificial floors hidden in the dungeon.

No one should dare to bet on such a thing.

Therefore, before it develops to the point where the adventurer's self-discipline needs to be gambled, the intelligence source itself should be cut off first. This directly prevents the most serious things from being revealed by the people with electric insurance.

Ikelos, you are so unnecessary!

Hestia now wanted to yell at Ikelos, because this guy's behavior directly escalated the current situation.

But there is nothing we can do now.

When the body dies, the power is directly taken back by the world, and even the soul is crushed by Bell, it is completely dead.

"What an oversight."

Bell shook his head slightly, but he didn't expect that God Ikelos hadn't clarified the matter to his family members at this time.

You must know that the conflict between the guild and the dark faction has been made public, but Ikelos still hides it and acts as a double-faced god.

However, if he puts himself in his shoes, he will not tell the information to these family members who do not know the situation.

Sometimes knowing is the reaction of knowing, and not knowing is the reaction of not knowing.

There are probably not many family members in the entire Orario who purchase goods from above but don't know the specific situation within the family members.

Since they don't know, it's better to let them continue not to know.

"Hestia, how did the guild deal with it?"

"How else can we deal with it? Now many people saw Hermes and Ikelos meeting each other when they finally appeared, and they encouraged the gods to point their fingers at Hermes."

"Oh~ That means that the people of the dark faction actually hope to completely calm down the god Hermes."

"Well, that's what I thought too."

Although Hermes had a very bad character, Hestia didn't think there was anything wrong with having such an errand boy.

"Originally, even the guild would not be able to deal with this matter, but who knew that the guild would immediately show off their cards and directly reveal that Ikelos was dead.

That is to forcefully protect the god Hermes.

Bell thought to himself.

Hermes is undoubtedly a fun-loving person, and his position has always been very delicate. But it was such a subtle position that allowed him to get information from all aspects. Especially now that Hermes has been drawn into the guild's power, the guild will not give up on Hermes.

"They are all the dependents of Ikelos. They are all fine and still have to come out to cause trouble."

Now talking about Ikelos, Hestia felt her teeth itching.

"Don't be so angry. I think if the followers of God Ikelos don't come forward, I'm afraid some people will come forward. The arrest of Ikelos is also a heavy blow to the dark faction. Maybe, that artificial floor The other parts are used by the dark faction."

Bell had a vague smile on his face.

Although the matter of Ikelos was considered his carelessness, when the matter has developed to this point, it is not difficult to see that there may be other gods who will take the initiative to jump out, just to spread the blame on God Hermes.

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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