I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 531 Hephaestus’ Worries

"God Hephaestus, this is the recent increase in orders.

Chun handed over the recent order status to Hephaestus. She took a brief look and found that there were many orders for high-level weapons.

“Is the recent order volume so good?”

"Well, most of them are orders from the Ganesha Familia, Freya Familia and Loki Familia, and most of them are orders for first-class weapons. In addition, even some moderately powerful Familia have placed orders. Got a lot of orders.”

Hephaestus nodded slightly. It seemed that everyone had understood that those guys who were ready to move could hardly sit still.

"Chun, we are not accepting other orders recently. We must complete these orders first."

"Forge the weapons in the order of Ganesha, Freya and Loki."

"I see."

Chun nodded slightly.

Hephaestus put down the account book and rubbed his forehead a little. She also asked about the other child.

"How's Welf doing?"

"Well...he has now begun to take over the forging of the magic sword."

Suddenly talking about Welf made Chun couldn't help but smile. This should be considered the happiest thing for her to see. It's like seeing the little brother who committed the crime finally return to the right path.

"Did you finally jump out?"

853 Hephaestus breathed a sigh of relief. For this child who was talented and adhered to such unrealistic fantasies, she could only hope that the child could recognize the reality on his own.

Weapons are weapons, and weapons are meant to be used.

No matter what kind of weapons they are, their most important self-worth is not to be placed in a display cabinet, but to be used by adventurers as their best partners.

That child regarded the weapon as something that needed to be mourned, which was simply putting the cart before the horse.

"He can have ideals, but he still needs to be able to distinguish the difference between reality and ideals."

"It is simply unacceptable to give up one's talents for such an illusory ideal.

In fact, Hephaestus couldn't bear to see his children waste their talents for such reasons.

Welf's talent was all focused on the magic sword, but he gave up this talent because of the meaningless ideal in his heart and prepared to compete with others on ordinary weapons and equipment. This is simply the most stupid thing. the behavior of.


In fact, Tsubaki had the same idea regarding this issue.

(chee) "Wei Zai could obviously work hard to improve his forging skills on the magic sword first, and then go back to forging ordinary weapons and equipment after reaching a certain stage, which would save him a lot of detours. But he wanted to You have to give up your talent in the field of magic swords and take a detour into ordinary equipment and weapons."

This weird idea is also difficult for Chun to understand.

Most craftsmen hope that they can have the talent of forging magic swords like Welf, but they don't cherish it like other craftsmen.

"Maybe this is a disease of genius."

But now the disease has finally been cured, and Hephaestus is now very happy that he arranged Welf into the expedition team. If this silly kid trapped in his own world is not allowed to learn a lot, maybe he will be like this for the rest of his life.

There are no big problems with the other children in the family. Maybe their talents in blacksmithing are not as strong as Welf's, but they don't have as many things to worry about.

"Chun, is there anything else?"

"Others... the supply of rune stones has become scarce recently."

The fingers that tapped the table lightly paused, and a strange thought suddenly emerged in Hephaestus's heart.

"A lot of buyers?"

"Well, the rune stones have actually been in short supply since they were first sold. But I guess you won't increase the supply, right?"

"He doesn't have to worry about selling."

"That's true..."

Runestones are not something that Chou can sell. As long as they know the functions of runestones, no family members can choose to ignore them.

At this time?

Hephaestus supported her chin with the back of her hand, and at this time she gave an order to her captain.

"Chun, please record the identities and clans of those who recently purchased rune stones."

"Hey? I understand."

Chun, who was a little confused, nodded slightly. This was just one more process in his daily work, and he could just do it by hand.

After the report, Chun also left Hephaestus' office with his things.

At this moment, Hephaestus had a chance to relax.

"Really, Ikelos, you can't even die properly."

Hephaestus felt a headache just thinking about what happened at the meeting.

Bell's move was obviously clean enough, but who would have thought that the children on the ground in Ikelos would actually expose the biggest problem.

The bloodbath on the man-made floor originally thought that all the Ikelos family members had been completely wiped out, but who knew there were still such fish that slipped through the net.

Even because the child of Ikelos jumped out, he even pointed the finger at Hermes.

Considering her position and identity, Hephaestus naturally did not want Hermes to become the target of public criticism.

Now the situation is getting more and more complicated, and she needs to be prepared.

At least, she needs to help Bell gather some information.

Shaking her head, the short red hair crossed the corner of her eyes, showing the goddess' worry.

She has enough confidence in her lover, the goddess, but the dark faction is too despicable. "The goddess doesn't know if her lover will be blocked by those guys.

The goddess who was thinking stood up from her position.

"Go back first."

Now Hephaestus just hopes to see his lover soon and tell him her worries.

He left the office and went to the Hestia Familia through the passage in his room.

Returning to her room, Hephaestus smelled a faint fragrance coming from the room, which relieved her slightly tired and irritable mood.

After tidying up his clothes a little, he walked out of the room eager to see his lover.

When I came to the main hall, I saw the same scene as usual.

The lover I miss deeply sits quietly on the seat under the beautiful sunset.

Hephaestus looked a little crazy for a while.

After coming back to her senses, she walked over quickly with a thick smile on her face.


PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review

PS: It’s not that I won’t update anymore. I just woke up after taking a nap after dinner, so the update is a little late.

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