I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 534 Problems At The God’S Meeting And The God’S Corpse

The next day the God's Assembly was held again, and the theme of today's God's Assembly was the death of Ikelos.

Because this theme is so popular, all the gods who usually don’t come to the gathering attended.

When the time came for the appointed start time of the meeting of gods, the seats on the steps were already filled with the gods of Orario.

As the host this time, Rocky stood on the front stage.

"Okay, I will be the host today, please be quiet."


Seeing Loki standing on the stage in a red dress, many gods in the audience raised questions.

Among them, there are many curious gods who raised questions:

"Loki, why are you hosting today?"

The result was a contemptuous eye roll from Loki.

"Are you stupid? Will the guild still dare to go to Ganesha to preside over today's Ikerus matter? If he presides over it, will you still put the responsibility on Ganesha?"

These words made many good deities laugh with ridicule.

To be honest, if the guild really does this, they really have such thoughts.

As for Ganesha, that blasphemous person usually does all kinds of tricks at the gatherings. If they get the chance, why don't they make Ganesha look bad?

But if the host was Rocky, they wouldn't dare to cause trouble.

As for messing with Loki... you must know that most of those who want to mess with Loki will not end well. The gods who have been tortured in the past know this very well.

Seeing that all these guys had shut up, Loki snorted from the tip of his pretty nose and started the theme of this divine meeting.

"Okay, now begins the report on the death of Ikelos."

"I got the news from the guild last night. Ikelos was indeed not sent back to heaven, but was killed."


This sentence immediately caused a great commotion among the gods.

It is one thing to know that they are joking, but it is another thing that Ikelos is really dead.

"Loki, are you sure? Ikelos was killed?"

"Could it be that Hermes really took action? And was it because Hermes had a grudge against Ikelos?"

"...Hey, hey, hey! Let's put an end to your discussion!"

Listening to the discussion below, Loki felt that something was wrong after just two casual conversations. She needed to give these idiots a warning.

"You are discussing whether Hermes did it all right, but don't you know that gods cannot kill gods?"

There was a pause in the discussion, and then all the gods showed some embarrassment on their faces.

Well, they identified Hermes as a suspect based on time analysis, but considering his identity, Hermes was actually the most unlikely target.

Loki shook his head speechlessly. She knew that these guys were definitely just joining in the fun.

"Don't slap the shit basin on Hermes without thinking. This time, things are far more serious than you think.

Loki's voice became solemn, as if he was reminding these stupid gods present to be serious.

"Whether Ikelos dies or not doesn't have much impact on us. The key lies in how Ikelos died!"

After entering the main topic, the faces of all the gods became much more serious.

They naturally knew that Ikelos's death was of great significance to them.

The key is not that Ikelos died, but as Loki said, how Ikelos was killed.

"As gods, we have the ability to seal ourselves. As long as our lives are threatened, or our sealed divine power is released, we will be forcibly sent back to heaven. Of course, even if our lives are not threatened, we can release our divine power on our own. They will also be forcibly deported."

"Ikelos also had this escape route, but he still died."

"That's the first question."

"Why doesn't this guy even have the ability to release divine power? If he could do it, he wouldn't be killed, but would be forcibly sent back.

The gods couldn't help but nod as they thought.

One of the male gods suddenly stood up.

"Is it because the self-seal on our gods has been changed?"

"real or fake!?"

This topic once again elicited a major response from the gods.

This is no joke. If everyone's self-seals are changed, doesn't it mean that as long as the seal can be changed, everyone's life safety is not guaranteed?


Loki glanced at the god who asked the question, Dionysus, and then she expressed her own thoughts.

"My initial thoughts were the same as yours. The self-seal on the gods has been changed, which directly determines that the gods cannot release their divine power with their own consciousness, and therefore cannot allow themselves to be sent back to heaven."

"But another problem also arose at the same time."

Dionysus frowned, obviously understanding the meaning of Loki's words, and continued it smoothly.

"Gods cannot kill gods."

"That's right."

Loki just snapped his fingers.

"No matter how ruthless we are, we can't kill ourselves as gods."

"what is the problem?"

Soon Ganesha's family members, who had been preparing outside, brought a body in.

"Is Ikelos really dead?"

"It's exactly what you said. The guild may have the ability to make changes to our self-seal, but there is no need for the guild to do such boring things.

As for who the owner of this corpse was, all the gods present confirmed it with just one glance.

"The Guild... Ouranos is also one of the gods, and he is also subject to this restriction. So at the beginning, I doubted whether the guild was guarding and stealing from others, but considering that gods cannot kill each other, I believe not It was probably the guild's fault.

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

"Maybe it would be better for you to see."

The corpse was tied to the cross. You can see the original appearance of the corpse, and you can also see that there is a huge gap in the heart of the corpse.

Loki did not answer this question directly. She knew that if these idiots didn't see it, they would never be able to realize this.

"Ganesha, ask your children to bring Ikelos's body up."

This question also made all the gods present turn their attention to Loki, and they were also very curious about it.

Dionysus still had suspicions about the guild, but he also understood that the guild could do the job of repatriating the gods, but killing the gods was really unrealistic.

"For us gods, repatriation is much easier than killing. There are even doubts about whether such a method is possible."

This corpse is Ikelos!

Dionysus frowned and thought about this explanation for a long time before nodding in approval.

From a cost-effective perspective, the possibility of this being done by a guild is very, very low, even to the point of being almost unrealistic.

"Loki, I want to ask a question."

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