I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 535 Not A Guild, Nor A Dark Faction

"It is indeed Ikelos..."

Dionysus' mood was slightly complicated. He definitely felt that it was the body of Ikelos, but he did not expect that Ikelos would actually be killed.

Loki did not speak, but glanced at all the gods present.

"Ikelos is completely dead. Ouranos has asked the gods in the heavens, but there is no news of Ikelos' rebirth.

There was a pause at this point, and then the slightly squinted eyes opened. Those blood-red eyes were filled with "accident" and "sadness".

"So, at this moment I can conclude that Ikelos has been completely killed."

"As a god, all he has left behind is his mutilated body."

At this moment, all the gods present fell into silence for 30 seconds.

Looking at Ikelos's body, they were sure that they were not dreaming. Even if they were dreaming, they would not dream of such an outrageous scene.

"I didn't expect that there are people who can kill gods."

One of the gods exclaimed inadvertently.

The killing of fellow god Ikelos was a huge shock to them.

"The divine core was taken away, the soul disappeared without a trace, and even the power no longer exists."

Just like Loki said, Ikelos was completely dead at this moment.

"But, who did it?"

Yes, killing gods is a serious crime.

In the past, "killing" was just the extent of killing gods by children from the lower world, but it was not defined as killing gods in the true sense.

Gods cannot kill gods.

Therefore, this time Ikelos was obviously killed by a child from the lower world.

All the gods set their sights on Loki, the host of this divine meeting.

But the person involved used his hands to ward off the eyes of the gods like swatting away mosquitoes.

"Don't look at me. I don't know many things, and some of them may be released on purpose."

As soon as everyone heard it, they knew that Loki knew the information. Now everyone couldn't sit still and started talking one by one.

"That's better than us not knowing anything."

"That's right, and since everyone is here, everyone can analyze the information you know.

"Are you planning to analyze it for me? I won't know about your dirty tricks?"

Facing these faces, Loki smiled and scolded them rudely.

But she didn't want to hide anything. This was not valuable information in the first place.

"The time of death of Ikelos was last night, the guild is very sure of this."

"And it's not just the guild. Hermes brought that guy into the guild, and Hermes can be sure of this."

Among the gods, Hermes raised his hand and nodded slightly, proving that he could testify.

The gods thought about time and determined that the time of Ikelos's death should be after Ikelos was taken into custody.

"Ikelos's body was found in the guild's prison, but no screams were heard before that, and nothing unusual was found in Ikelos' cell."

"I can somewhat trust this part of the information. After all, the guild will not expose such embarrassing things.

That's true.

Ikelos died in the guild's cell, and no sound was found during the death of Ikelos. Doesn't this speak of the guild's incompetence?

Even if it is false news, it will not make fun of the guild's reputation.

Therefore, the fact that the guild disclosed the information directly showed that it was not the guild's incompetence, but that the enemy was too good.

But, isn't it possible that the guild is colluding with the enemy?

Before the gods could express their thoughts, Loki spoke out one step ahead.

"As for the guy who killed Ikelos colluding with the guild, it shouldn't be possible. It would be too obvious to be able to do such a thing. And if the guild wanted to do it, it wouldn't be like two Ikelos would appear. Let the child identify it.”

This seems to be the case too.

If the guild really wants to do this, it won't reveal so many flaws.

"One more thing, is there any benefit to the guild from killing Ikelos?"

"If we want to catch a typical example, it would actually be better to kill Ishtar's Bichi. That guy is a marked member of the dark faction. We probably won't say anything if we kill him."

Loki didn't mean to help the guild explain, but if he thought about it from this perspective, there were some things that couldn't be explained.

Why did the guild want to kill Ikelos?

Just because Ikelos helped the dark faction?

If that's the case, wouldn't it be better to just repatriate Ikelos? Is it necessary to directly kill Ikelos for such a thing?

Not really.

And Loki is right. In fact, if you capture the typical character, it would actually be better to get Ishtar.

Although Loki's words are a bit crude, it is really the truth.


PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

"If one of those guys' children has the ability to kill gods, then their first targets will be that crazy guy and me. What's the point of choosing Ikelos to help them? Harm (Zhao Hao) )Are you afraid that Ikelos will spread their information?"

But what about the reality? It really doesn’t look like something a guild would do.

"Could that be a dark faction?"

Unfortunately, it is obvious that there are no children with this ability among their dark sect.

If you are lucky enough to take Freya and Loki away, then the situation in the lower realm will be stable.

"So, I ruled out the relationship between the person who did it and the guild."

It sounds like this is the case, and Loki's speculation is actually very reasonable. The key is that the guild will not do such a thing.

Loki gave his answer before the gods did.

"At least I don't think the guild will play this kind of game in its own territory."

The gods of the dark faction among the gods also have black lines on their heads.

If there are children in their dark sect who have the ability to kill gods, then Freya and Loki will be the first ones to take action. What stands out is that they were caught off guard.

This speculation made Loki couldn't help but laugh out loud, and even made a series of "hahaha" sounds without any image.

"If we have a relationship with the guild, we won't do anything detrimental to the guild, and the children who are related to us won't do anything to kill Ikelos. No."

"Please, if the dark faction is really so ambitious, will they be as cowardly as dogs when facing Zeus and Hera?"

"The third force, I think this would be a more appropriate explanation."

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