I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 536 Is This Considered Differential Treatment?

"The third force......"

This sentence silenced all the gods.

Whether it was the gods of Orario or the gods of the dark faction, they were all chewing on these words at this moment, and at the same time they had a strange feeling in their hearts.

"Isn't this third force a fairy?"

In a trance, all the gods' thoughts seemed to be synchronized, and they almost all thought of the same question.

But this is not surprising, because the fairy's disgust for the gods can almost be written on their faces. In particular, the fairy spirits called "filthy fairies" have been infiltrated by the flesh and blood of dungeon monsters, and even reversed their effects. The fairy who once helped the gods and humans degenerated into a fairy who wanted to kill all the gods and humans.

In fact, the dark faction that discovered the "Filthy Fairy" also knew this very well.

Cooperating with the "dirty fairy" is almost equivalent to seeking skin from a tiger. As long as there is a slight mistake, there is no guarantee that one day the "dirty fairy" will turn the tiger's mouth and make them become dinner on the plate and meat on the chopping block.

After thinking about this a lot, the god's face became very ugly.

As the top of the food chain in the world, they are the only ones who treat the world as a chessboard for fun. When did their gods become the prey to be hunted?

As the host, Rocky 410 saw all the changes in the faces of the gods, but such reactions were too normal, so normal that they couldn't judge who the dark faction leader was at will, but they didn't want to.

However, Loki still kept the names in mind, and they would all be targets of investigation when the time comes.

"Ha~ worry about it, worry about it. It is the biggest mistake to think that you will find out in the end."

Loki kept snickering in her heart, and the satisfaction of the mischief made her acting skills even more impressive at the moment, but the smile in her heart made her face more serious.

"Ouranos's attitude is to put the responsibility on the heads of the dark faction."

"Can this be pushed too!?"

The gods' eyes widened.

"Who says no?"

Loki puffed out his chest indifferently, without any guilt at all, and even had a malicious smile on his face.

"Ikelos is judged to be a member of the Dark Faction. There is a big secret surrounding his death. The dungeon base that the Dark Faction has always hidden in the past was probably provided by Ikelos. Now Ikelos If they were caught, they would most likely reveal their hiding place, so the dark faction killed Ikelos.

"Is there a problem?"

This explanation made all the gods talk loudly. They didn't even feel that there was anything wrong with this statement, and it even made too much sense. It sounds like that's what happened.

Everyone couldn't help but shudder when they saw the good-hearted smile on Loki's face.

Although Loki looks like a standard goddess, this guy is much more powerful than other goddesses. This guy is really ruthless in his dirty tricks.

Therefore, everyone looked at each other and saw the compassion in each other's eyes.

"Dark Faction Lords, why are you provoking Loki when you have nothing to do?"

"I agree."

"Well, I agree."

It's all the dark faction's misfortune anyway. It doesn't matter if Ikelos's death is blamed on the dark faction. Anyway, they already have enough blame on their heads.

On the contrary, those gods who were dark factions themselves were so angry that their faces turned green.

They once again understood that the gods were really shameless.

This really means that all kinds of scapegoats are put on their heads.

Now even the crime of killing gods has been directly charged.

"Well, now that everyone agrees, it's easy to handle."

Loki looked at the gods who knew the current affairs and nodded slightly with a satisfied smile, then turned to face the guy standing at the door.

"Ganesha, did you hear that? Spread the fact that the dark sect killed Ikelos to all parts of Orario.

"In one hour, I will let everyone in Orario know that the dark faction has done something big."


Ganesha was still as loud as ever, and the shouting outside almost made the people inside feel irritable.

After greeting Ganesha, Loki's expression suddenly changed completely (chfc) when he turned around.

"Before Ganesha spreads the news, before that, you need to stay here."


All the gods had question marks on their faces.

Dionysus reacted and instantly understood why Loki did what he did.

"Loki, are you worried that the gods who are mixed with the dark faction among us will reveal what we just said?"

A bright smile broke out on Loki's face, but there was a hint of blackness in that smile, and his charming face turned into a devil at this moment.

"Actually, I don't really hate anyone, but the only ones I really hate are those guys who provoke me over and over again."

"To be honest, the death of Ikelos made me laugh for a while. He was just a useless waste, and he dared to get involved in something that shouldn't be involved... Bah! Who gave these bastards this? courage!!!"

A trace of terrifying divine power emanated from Loki's body, but it was restrained before it reached the threshold.

But just this trace of divine power allowed Loki to return to the evil god posture he once had in heaven.


Any god who had seen Loki in this posture couldn't help but swallow his saliva.

"Loki is really angry this time."

Both the gods with a fun-loving attitude and the gods of the dark faction understood that Loki's attitude today was not a joke.

"Today, I am going to frame those dead rats. I am going to leave them no room to live on the ground. I am going to make these dirty dead rats become real dead rats!"

At this moment, no god dared to look at Loki's brow.

It's okay to joke with Loki, because Loki no longer looks like he used to in the heaven.

But at this moment, Loki is like the evil god who once was in the heaven. Anyone who dares to jump out is not joking. Loki will really kill that idiot.

"Hey! Loki, you must be too angry today!"

...Oh no! Is there any brave man who will jump out?

This sudden sound shocked all the gods. Does anyone dare to jump out at this moment?

Looking away, everyone couldn't help but say "Oh" in their hearts.

The god who spoke was none other than Hestia, the otaku among the gods.

Normally, the relationship between Hestia and Loki was playful, and Loki would only make Hestia look a little ugly at most.

If it's Hestia, there's no problem, she's a brave man who can talk.

Everyone looked at Loki, and then saw a twitch appear on Loki's stern face.

...Little dwarf, why did you jump out?"

The voice is no longer as cold as before, and even the stern expression is no longer as evil as before. What stands out is a differential treatment.

This made everyone look at Hestia differently.

I can't tell that Hestia's words to Loki are quite special.

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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