I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 537 Double Act

"Who told you to find trouble so early in the morning?"

Hestia looked unhappy, her baby-fat cheeks bulging.

"I don't think there's anything wrong with your relationship with the dark faction. If you do something in the lower realm, you have to take responsibility. If the relationship is disrupted, it's all caused by your own actions.

"But it's your fault for letting me stay with you here!"

This is as close as saying "I don't want to waste time with you." What stands out is the reluctance.

This made Loki's face darken, but when facing Hestia, she had no good solution.

Because she knows better than anyone else that everyone else will be the minions of the dark faction, but this little dwarf will not.

"Hephaestus didn't go back, why did you go back?"

This made Loki almost spit out "Why are you so anxious, you rice bug?"

Hestia almost had her nose twisted in anger when she heard this.

Do you really think she doesn't understand the meaning? Do you really think she is an idiot?

But Hestia wasn't angry either, and quickly suppressed her anger with a smile.

"Hmph, I am different from the past. My children are very capable of making money."

These words attracted the attention of the gods.

The words "very profitable" made the gods immediately think of the recently popular rune stones in Orario.

In fact, everyone can feel some problems with the rune stone, which has some shadow of power, but it is the power of magic.

Maybe he has awakened a very special power?

As for the origin of that child, everyone was investigating, and the final result was Hestia. Now I heard Hestia say that her child is very profitable, so there is a high probability that he has not run away.

However, most children with this kind of magic do not have the ability to fight directly, otherwise Hestia's character would not have been shown to everyone early.

But Dionysus took another look at Hestia, feeling a little strange in his heart.

"I've been hiding it all this time, why are you saying it now?"

He always felt that Hestia seemed to be deliberately hiding something, but it was not easy to reveal it directly at this time.

"If a child is still hiding, why should he jump out at this time? Isn't it good to continue hiding?"

"Humph! My child also needs to grow up."

.......I see. "

Loki said "No wonder". Hestia's child obviously wouldn't come out intentionally after hiding for so long.

That’s it, upgrade?

Dionysus understood.

Upgrading can be said to be a necessary choice for growing adventurers on the road to growth. Only upgrading can allow adventurers to gain stronger power.

Of course, the process of upgrading is a big challenge for most adventurers. Otherwise, more than half of Orario's adventurers would still be at Level 1.

The faces of the other gods also looked more understanding.

They still care about Hestia's children. Even if Hestia's children don't have very high growth potential, they only want to upgrade after becoming an adventurer for half a year. This is typical of eagerness for quick success.

Although Orario attaches great importance to the talents and qualifications of adventurers, as well as the time it takes for adventurers to advance to Level 2. After all, the shorter the time, the more talented the adventurer is.

But he was a gifted adventurer.

Most adventurers with adventurous ideas have the qualifications to quickly jump to Level 2, especially those adventurers with a large family behind them. However, doing so would undoubtedly be a loss of one's own potential. To jump to Level 2 too early is simply a matter of vanity, as one wants to compete for the title of "the earliest to level up" in Orario.

The "Fierce" of the Freya Familia and the "Sword Queen" of the Loki Familia, they all undoubtedly have the ability to reach 500 points in any ability value, but it took them more than a year to advance to Level 2. ,why is that?

This is the basic operation of your own talents, talents and potential abilities.

Children who blindly pursue rapid upgrades will basically have no future.

But for adventurers with production capabilities, it's a different story.

For example, adventurers with production capabilities, most of their upgrades are to gain a suitable "development ability". This is very common among the craftsman's family, such as the ancient Bonnew family and the Hephaestus family.

As a craftsman, it can be said that it is very common to use upgrades to gain the development ability of "forging".

…………Please give me flowers…………

Since Hestia's child chose to upgrade so quickly, it was probably to gain a "mysterious" development ability.

When it comes to products like rune stones, it is easy to think of "mystery".

Now if Hestia's children could create rune stones of that level, and if they could really win a "mystery", they might be able to raise the level of rune stones to a higher level.

This makes it impossible for the gods to ignore it at will.

"Hestia, is there any problem with your child's growth?"

"I can help if you have any questions!"

Everyone knows that it is profitable and starts to build relationships.

If you help me now, you may be able to get more advanced rune stones later. This is a good thing with huge profits.


... Your ideas will be thrown in my face, and my child can't trust you to help. "

Hestia rolled her eyes and didn't pay attention to a word these guys said about helping.

"Besides, there might be those guys among you. Who will be responsible if something happens to my child?"

The gods didn't know how to refute these words.

That there is no god from the dark faction among them? Even if they say it themselves, they don’t believe it.

Those rats must be hiding among them, otherwise why would Loki restrict their movements?

The dark faction gods hiding among the gods all rolled their eyes collectively.

"Do we look so stupid?"

You must know that rune stones are resources that can be purchased with money. This resource can even bridge the gap between the weak and the strong to a certain extent. With such easy-to-obtain resources, they don't need to resort to other means.

In addition, this was the period when conflicts with the guild began to break out, and they did not want to have the help of rune stones at this juncture.

Now the faster Hestia's children grow up, the better it is for them.

Therefore, they will not attack a child who has low fighting ability but extremely strong generative ability.

Unless they are unable to obtain the rune stones at that time.

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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