I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 538 Going Underground Openly


"I see, is that why you let that child appear in front of the gods?"

Freya, who knew the truth, knew what Hestia and Loki were planning by looking at the reactions of the surrounding gods. It's nothing more than making Bell an adventurer with special output and weak combat ability to avoid being targeted by other gods.

But I know that Freya will not remind other gods.

That's the child she likes, why should other gods know about it?

Looking at the faces of the gods around her, Freya could probably tell what they were thinking.

"I thought that child sacrificed his future in order to gain the ability to develop. Ha~"

Freya only found this idea ridiculous.

A child from the lower realm has put in a lot of effort to create such a situation, but the naive god actually believed in "five-three-three".

There was a hint of sarcasm in Freya's smiling eyes.

"As for that kid, it seems that if I don't take the initiative, he won't take the initiative to contact me."

"I still need to find an opportunity to build a closer relationship with that child."

Freya thinks this question is still very important, especially when faced with a child who is cautious and a little sick. Don't think she can't feel it, that child is definitely the most wary of her.

"But that child didn't have any good methods to deal with me. It must be because I was patient with that child."

this is a good news.

After Freya glanced at Hestia with a smile, the corners of her eyes twitched a few times.

Apparently she still cared about the fact that Hestia stole her destined child. Especially when she knew that Hestia and Hephaestus had officially taken action, Freya found it difficult to hold back her emotions.

An hour passed slowly.

This hour is not a long time for the main god whose movements are restricted, but in this short period of time, the news that the dark faction killed Ikelos spread throughout Orario.

This is simply a big earthquake for the adventurers of Orario.

"The god Ikelos was not killed by the god Hermes? Instead, he was killed by the dark faction? Is it true or false?"

"Is this still false? This is the result of the guild's discussion with all the gods.

"It is said that the guild originally wanted to hide the news of Ikelos's death."

"Why? Wouldn't it be more suspicious to hide at this time?"

"Bullshit, if the death of God Ikelos is reported at this time, wouldn't it make Orario even more unstable? And now that we and the dark faction are in a fight to the death, the dark faction will let it go Have you ever had such an opportunity?"

In fact, there are many adventurers who understand this principle very well.

However, there were many adventurers who could clearly feel that something was not quite right with the publicity, but they quickly understood what was going on.

"I'm afraid the target this time is the dark faction."

Smart people can sense something strange from the rumors.

The guild unreasonably publicized the news of Ikelos's death, and directly stated that Ikelos was killed by a dark sect who infiltrated the guild.

Most people can just listen to this, but anyone who is a little smarter can tell that there is something wrong with it.

If the dark sect is really so powerful and can invade the guild at night, then Uranus, the main god of the guild, might already be unsafe, right?

And if the dark faction really has the power to kill gods, why would they target the god Ikelos? Wouldn't it be better to just target those key gods?

At least God Loki, God Freya, and God Ganesha are all good targets.

But when such a circle of important gods came down, the one who died was the god Ikelos who had been taken into custody. That was really strange.

"But the death of God Ikelos should not be directly related to the guild."

"...Brother, isn't this what the guild ordered us to do?"

The speaker looked at his companion as if he were an idiot.

"If it was the guild's instigation, would God Ikelos die in the guild?"

"And God Ikelos will face deportation and expulsion after he is taken into custody. Why would the guild deliberately kill him? Isn't this causing trouble for himself?"

"Taking a step back, the guild really has the power to kill gods. So if the guild wants to take action against some gods, why do they want things to become so inevitable? Is the current public opinion favorable to the guild?"

This is what makes people suddenly realize.

The guild will not cause trouble for itself. This kind of lie that is full of flaws, and even making up for it may not be able to make up for it, is definitely not done by the guild...

If it was done by the guild, then at least it wouldn't be so ugly, making it easy for people to doubt the guild.

Therefore, the high probability of killing Ikelos has nothing to do with the guild.

"Doesn't this mean that Orario has a third party?"

While speaking, the man's face showed some astonishment.

"Yes. And there is still a third party force that is capable of causing trouble under the guild."

"But now that third-party force is killing the god of the dark faction, we don't know if it is directly related to us. Perhaps it is because of this that the guild does not want to announce the death of God Ikelos."

After listening to his companion's words, the man nodded in understanding.

As for the two goddesses who contributed to the birth of this rumor, they were already sitting at the same table laughing "haha".

"Pfft hahaha!"

After sitting down, Loki held her stomach and started laughing, which even made her stomach hurt.

"Those idiots actually believed it!"

She was really going to die laughing at the reactions of those idiots.

Didn't you know she was the God of Lies? Those guys actually treated her words as truth.

"I didn't expect them to actually believe it. I thought those guys wouldn't believe such nonsense.

Hestia thought about today's 2.0 experience, and it seemed a little too smooth. It was so smooth that she wondered if those gods were really stupid.

But Hephaestus understood why those gods believed it.

"Hey, you two, don't really think of them as idiots. One of the reasons why those guys believe it is because of the help of the guild. If they hadn't been sure that the guild would not taint itself, today's statement would definitely be exposed."


Loki happily put away his smile. The success of his lie this time was thanks to the guild's endorsement. If it weren't for the guild's backing, such lies would definitely be exposed easily.

"However, fortunately it was successful."

Loki's eyes turned to Bell standing over there.

"This time we officially went underground. Are you happy?"

PS: Make up for last night’s update.

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