I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 539: The Blame-Shifting Fairy

"It's not that I'm happy. If it doesn't affect me at all, I can be happy. It's a pity that there are still some flaws in God Ikelos.

There was a hint of gloom in Bell's eyes.

Although he was the least affected in this whirlpool, he was still standing in the center of the whirlpool. Once the vortex becomes larger, the person buried deep under the water will also be revealed.

Therefore, this vortex needs to be resolved as soon as possible.

Bell has enough understanding of the dangers of the dark faction, so a plan to exterminate the dark faction needs to be arranged.

Loki took one look at the look in Bell's eyes, understood in his heart, and directly opened his mouth to challenge.

"So, what needs to be done next is to wipe out all the dark factions?"

"Yes. The existence of the dark faction is an anomaly. As long as they are wiped out, Orario can usher in a certain period of stability."

These words made Loki agree. As long as the dark faction does not continue to jump, Orario can definitely enter a stable period.

"27Aren't you afraid that Freya will come to your door during this stable period?"

Bell himself believed deeply in what Loki said.

Once Orario calms down temporarily, the person who poses the greatest threat to him may be God Freya.

Moreover, Bell is almost certain that as soon as Orario enters a stable period, the goddess will definitely come to her door.

"Um...it's Freya again!"

Hestia's eyes suddenly became sharp. The person she least wanted to see right now was Freya.

"Can't that guy restrain himself?"

This complaint made Loki reply rudely:

“If that guy knew how to restrain himself, he wouldn’t be a nymphomaniac.

This is true.

Gods generally use unscrupulous means to achieve their own goals, because the identities of gods are different from those of ordinary people in the lower world. Sometimes, we cannot trust the cognitive abilities of gods too much.

"This time the nymphomaniac has restrained himself a lot. If it had happened in the past, she would have taken action herself."

What Loki said was very rude, but it was also true.

Freya's recent actions can be said to be very light-handed, as if she was afraid of being too heavy-handed.

However, if you take into account Bell's own particularity, Freya's behavior is actually understandable.

Hestia pouted and couldn't help mumbling.

"Isn't that because Mr. Bell himself is not affected by the charm? Otherwise, how could Freya's offensive be so simple?"

The thing is actually what Hestia said. If Bell is not immune to the influence of "Charm" and he is not the person Freya is looking for, then Freya's methods have become more frequent at this moment.

You must know that wars among gods for their dependents often start.

Even if the weak dependents have talented dependents, the final result will be to watch other gods leave with their dependents because they cannot hold on.

This kind of war between the gods and their dependents often occurs several times a year.

People like Apollo and Ishtar are active participants in this "war game".

Freya is not a fan of "war games". She usually doesn't use barbaric means to plunder a child she likes. She usually shows her personal charm and temperament to make the child take refuge.

Because she possesses the power of "charm", Freya always has a way to make the children she likes loyal to her.

Bell also knew this very well, so he was even more wary of God Freya in his heart.

Loki did not follow Hestia to entangle Freya's methods, but turned the topic to the dark faction.

"Who are the members of the dark faction that you know?"

Bell shook his head slightly.

“Recently, many members of the family have been much more cautious in what they say, and I myself am too busy to get too much information.

Although this answer made Loki a little disappointed, it has indeed been the case recently.

She has also been working hard to collect information about dark factions recently, but she has not gained much.

"It's no wonder, there are so many things happening in Orario, those guys are not stupid, they naturally know that the walls have ears.

"In addition, the drama of Ikelos's death happened, and we also attracted a third party force. It is estimated that those guys will suspect the fairy.

"There is a high probability that he will think in the direction of a fairy."

"God Ikelos was set to die in the guild's prison, which is the greatest vindication of the guild. Neither the gods nor the dark factions have the ability to kill the gods, and they will not think that it was each other who did it. So to the gods The only ones who have resentment and have reasons to kill gods are fairies."

The fairies who hate the gods throughout Orario are a big target.

It's just that the fairies won't jump out of the dungeon to cause trouble in the near future.

Some time ago, part of the fairy's soul was torn off, and nearly one-third of it could not be restored in a short time.

So after making sure that the fairies were hidden, Bell rudely put all the blame on the fairies.

Although the Dark Faction and the Fairies are on the same side, as long as there are really seeds of doubt, the cooperation between the Dark Faction 740 and the Fairies will create some discord.

This is a very good thing.

Loki couldn't help laughing, his eyes revealed only joy.

"The cooperation between fairies and dark factions is just far-fetched."

"Because there is a common enemy like Orario, the two sides have the opportunity to cooperate. But if it is really possible for the fairy to kill the gods, even if this statement is just a malicious guidance, as long as the fairy If there is no way for Jing to provide proof, then the cooperation between the two parties will cause big problems.

At this moment, Loki was about to see the rift between the dark faction and the fairies slowly becoming irreconcilable.

Immediately, Loki's eyes shifted to Bell's face. This boy really knew how to think of a solution.

"But there is also a question. What if the fairy gives an explanation?"

Yes, once the fairy makes an explanation, there is a high probability that the dark faction will believe it.

Do you believe the intelligence told by the enemy's enemy is reasonable?

But Bell shook his head indifferently.

"The Fairy Spirit may be able to explain, but he has been at his weakest recently, and I am afraid that even if he wanted to explain, he would not have time.

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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