I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 540 Suddenly Feeling A Little Tired

"That time, in order to escape from my hands, he would rather tear his soul out. Although soul repair is not my specialty, it will take a while to restore his condition. And within this period of time He is the weakest."

"He needs time to repair the lack of soul. At this time, he will definitely avoid an unobjectionable battle.

Bell has been eyeing this for a long time, and this time he just took advantage of it.

This is a big gamble, just that the fairy needs someone to protect her during her recovery.

In that changing place in the dungeon, even the filthy fairy is not part of the dungeon, so he will also receive "greetings" from the dungeon.

The lack of soul is the biggest problem facing the fairy at this moment.

You must know that it would tear his soul apart. At that time, Bell heard how the fairy wailed during this process.

And pain is probably the lightest part of the problem that the fairy faces now, and his own incompleteness is the biggest problem.

Anxiety, panic, listlessness, schizophrenia, and even rapid decline in strength.

These are probably the situations faced by fairies.

At the same time, the fairy still needs to face the "greetings" from the dungeon.

Once the fairy is no longer capable of fighting against the dungeon, then the fairy may really become one of the monsters completely controlled by the dungeon.

Therefore, Bell decided to make a bet with Xianjing.

Just bet that fairies don’t dare to gamble with their own safety!


Loki immediately understood this relationship, but it was a bit subtle.

"You are so courageous. You actually gambled on an issue that concerns Hermes. If Hermes knew about it, he would probably go crazy."

Although he said this, the corner of Loki's mouth showed a slight arc.

Bell naturally saw it and deeply understood the hidden nature of Loki's heart.

Most gods are fun people.

Bell knew this very clearly before, and even understood that Hermes, who was caught in the situation, was the one having the biggest fun.

Bell also understands this sentiment, and he also likes to have fun. It's just that he just wants to watch, not be part of the fun.

"God Loki, could you please hide the smile at the corner of your mouth when you speak~"?"


Loki's face twitched and he quickly covered his face.

But the slightly raised curve at the corner of her mouth could not be smoothed out, which always made her smile unconsciously.

It turns out that you also know that you need to maintain your own image. Bell couldn't help but sigh when he saw God Loki's actions.

From the first time I came into contact with God Loki to now, I have always felt that this person is just a careless old pervert. Unexpectedly, I could still see God Loki starting to pay attention to his image.

Perhaps it was because God Loki and God Freya were standing in the same position at this time.

Bell smiled at this and skipped the topic.

But Hestia and Hephaestus caught Loki's attention.

Before they could say anything, Bell continued the topic:

"The relationship between the dark factions and the fairies has become very ambiguous in recent times."

"The guardians of the fairies went to protect the fairies and did not leave any contacts with the dark faction. Coupled with the death of God Ikelos, the dark faction will not have the opportunity to attack Orario. They will definitely wait for the next time An opportunity comes, and this time is my opportunity."

A series of things ended and the quiet time arrived, but unfortunately Bell couldn't take any time off at all.

My rest time. Sincerely lamenting his rest time, Si'er cheered up.

But when he turned around, Bell was stunned for a moment.

He saw that Hestia and Hephaestus were somewhat hostile to the god Loki.

"What happen to you guys?"

Bell knows that the relationship between goddesses is complicated, but did God Loki do anything just now to make Hestia and Hephaestus hostile?


The two goddesses tried their best to deny this fact, but Bell clearly saw that there were some uncomfortable emotions in the eyes of these two people looking at God Loki.

However, this thief-proof appearance made Bell feel inexplicably familiar.

It seems that this is how he feels about God Freya, right? Bell couldn't help but murmur in his heart.

This strange answer made Bell couldn't help but glance at God Loki.

"Not to the point, Your Majesty."

The reason for God Freya to target him was acceptable to Bell, but there was no reason for God Loki to target him.

"God Loki's favorite is Swordsman. Has this LSP ever been corrected?"

He shook his head vigorously in his mind to deny such a possibility.

Bell even felt speechless because of his own speculation that he would have such a weird idea.

This also made Bell feel nervous, and he couldn't help but start to reflect.

"Is it the sequelae of my recent excessive self-confidence?"

Shaking his head slightly, Bell quickly put aside these messy thoughts.

"Ah, probably because I haven't rested for a long time recently, I always think about those messy things."

"It seems that the plan to cross Level 6 will come later, at least until my condition is adjusted."

Thinking this way, Bell felt a little tired.

He raised his hand to gently hold his forehead, and gently rubbed the corners of his eyes with his fingers.

"Sorry, I'm a little tired."

Bell didn't hide anything about her condition. She could hide other things from the two goddesses, but her physical condition was definitely not good.


This sentence drew the attention of Hestia and Hephaestus.

When they looked at Bell, they saw some bloodshot eyes appeared in the whites of his eyes.

"Bell, you didn't have a good rest yesterday?"

"... I just got rid of God Ikelos (Li Nuohao) yesterday, so I reviewed the whole process in the room. And about the core of God Ikelos, I also have a little Researched it.”

Okay, doesn't this mean that you haven't slept at all?

Hephaestus knew Bell's character well, and the Xiapan he mentioned was definitely studied all night long.

"You...I don't even know what to say about you.

Hephaestus looked helpless, walked over and pushed Bell in the back.

"Bell, now you go back to your room and have a good rest."

"Don't review it this time, otherwise, Hestia and I will give you a nice village tomorrow.

.......I see. "

Bell had a wry smile on his face, but he still listened.

He was indeed in a bad mental state because of his excessive excitement. What he needed in this situation was rest, and he could no longer maintain that posture.

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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