I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 542 Loki Should Be In The Second Stage

Although that sentence was very damaging, it had been used as a point of attack for so many years. In fact, Loki already had some immunity in his heart.


Looking down at his barren figure, he once again thought of the bulging, bulging, bulging figures of Hestia and Hephaestus in his mind, and an indescribable anger surged into his heart.

"Fuck! Isn't it just two extra lumps of fat?"

But the fatness in Loki's words made her so envious.

If possible, Loki actually wouldn't mind having a little extra fat on his body, especially in certain locations.

Normally Loki would be particularly unhappy with such words.

Body shape is a topic that she can't avoid all her life.

But today, she felt that she couldn't even sleep because of this "body figure".

Loki actually knew the reason. "One-three-seven"

But just because he knew that Loki was in a particularly complicated mood at this moment.

Loki, who was sitting cross-legged on the bed, no longer looked as sinister and cunning as usual, looking like a tomboy. But even such a tomboy also showed some shyness that didn't look like a tomboy.

"Do I really have that kind of affection for that boy?"

The more he thought about it, the more Loki felt that this was the case.

Recently, she has actually been paying more attention to Bell. The boy's shining point is such that people unconsciously turn their attention away.

Coupled with Bell's talent and ability, Lu Ji felt extremely sore every time he thought about it.

Damn it! This kid is a family member by himself!

Loki knew very well that that boy didn't need other companions. He was a dependent himself.

Almighty is how Loki judges Bell.

But this is not the key, these are just some of the reasons why she pays attention to Bell recently.

Perhaps the real key was that lately she had been living with the dwarf.

"Hey... How could I, an LSP who likes girls, be interested in a little dwarf's child?"

Loki had mixed feelings.


"Loki doesn't really like Bell anymore, does he?"

Hestia, who was sitting on her bed, was somewhat worried about Loki.

Hephaestus, who was sitting on the other side, looked slightly sideways, her arms supporting her slightly heavy chest, and her legs also supporting the other side.

"Behaviors displayed unconsciously are more telling."

This sentence immediately made Hestia jump.

"How could this be possible!?"

It's obviously her child, so why do so many gods like to have a hand in it?

"Is Loki also because of Bell's talent and talent?"

"This should not be the case."

The reason why Leia was targeting him did not apply to Loki, and Hephis knew this very well.

"The quality of the children in the Loki family is not bad. Although they are not comparable to Bell, after excluding Bell, they are still one in a thousand, or even one in a thousand."

"The most important thing is that Loki is not Freya."


"It's not Freya" was too penetrating. After Hestia calmed down, she felt the same thing.

Loki is different from Freya after all.

"Then Loki really falls in love with Bell?"

Since I'm not eyeing Bell's talents and talents, I really like him.

But this made Hestia feel even worse.

"Guess so."

Hephaestus also directly confirmed this at this moment, but her mood at the moment was no better than Hestia's.

She was also very sure that Loki was probably in the same situation as them.

And Hephaestus had a terrible headache at the moment.

"In the past, even if Loki liked her children, he never made such a change because of her children."

"Although Loki often teases his children and often touches them. But she is a goddess, and the children she likes are of the same sex. Those children will subconsciously let Loki play with them, and at most they will only treat Loki. Ji becomes a goddess who likes to have fun. And Loki's love for her children is actually more pure."

"Loki's children have also changed Loki's crazy and merciless style. So Loki's lower world has now begun to become smoother, and no longer as cruel as the heaven.

This is actually the root cause of many gods’ lower realms.

What the gods want is "change", and the children in the lower world have such conditions, and even change the gods' immutability to a certain extent.

That's what Loki is... ------

The same goes for her and Hestia.

"But these are all changes within the control of the gods. But if the gods change for a person, then this is an uncontrollable change."

"For gods, only 'change' is uncontrollable. So, when I paid attention to Bell because of the curse on his face, the change in me was uncontrollable. Just like Loki covered his face because of Bell's words, maybe she was just covering up the smile on her face, but "covering up" itself was an uncontrollable "change" for her. "

"So to be clear, that guy is definitely obsessed with Bell.

"Why don't you keep an eye on my Mr. Bell if you don't keep an eye on that guy when he has so many outstanding children?"

PS: Make up for the chapter that was not updated yesterday.

At that time, Hephaestus did not choose to be patient, but directly chose to follow her heart.

Once you get used to having your eyes too focused, you will gradually start to care about what Bell says.

Hestia naturally knew this, so she could only bite her back molars in pain at this time.

In Hephaestus's view, Loki was in the second stage at the moment and was already in a dangerous stage.

"You must know that the gods have always fought over the issue of dependents."

Hephaestus rolled her eyes at Hestia.

But when did you enter the first stage?

"You yourself are one of the gods, don't you know that outstanding children from the lower world can often attract the attention of the Lord God?"

Is there any need to say that?


At first, I was just a little concerned about it, and my eyes would unconsciously shift to Bell.

1.4 Hestia almost gritted her back molars.

Hephaestus expressed his thoughts and stages, but this made Hestia even more uncomfortable.

As the subject of a criminal record, Hephaestus herself knew exactly what this felt like.

In the end, he may become involuntarily focused on Bell, and then he will have the strong possessiveness that only a god can have.

"And this is especially true for children with extraordinary talents like Bell. If Bell hadn't liked to hide himself, he would have caught the eyes of the gods when he reached Level 2."

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