I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 543 The Rift Between The Dark Faction And The Fairies

The news that Loki wanted to target the Dark Faction had already spread within the Dark Faction that day.


Xanatos was not very surprised when he learned the news.

Their repeated provocations against Loki had obviously driven the woman crazy.

The madness of that crazy woman in heaven was something that almost all gods did not want to see, because at that time Loki was really the craziest guy in heaven.

Now it is normal for the woman to have such a reaction.

"Let her take action. Now our situation in Orario has reached the zero point. Once we cross that point, we will officially start a war with Orario. However, now is not the best time to start a war."

Xanatos naturally also knew the situation on the fairy side.

To be honest, he personally agreed with Loki's speculation. After all, no matter how fierce the fight between their gods is, they will not really kill the fellow gods.

Even if they don't mind, they don't have the power.

"This is a rift."

Xanatos immediately felt that there was a big problem with this information, but it was also true that there was no way to contact the guardian of the fairy.

If there is an emergency, then this emergency is a bit too coincidental.

Moreover, the interruption of contact with the fairies occurred before the death of Ikelos, which is a little unusual.

Thanatos knew very well that the fairy side also had enough reasons to do such a thing.

The fairy spirit's revenge on the gods does not matter who the god is, but they have an attitude of revenge as long as they are gods.

The current cooperation between them and the fairy spirits was just established temporarily.

That's because their common enemy is the main god above Orario.

Once this prerequisite deteriorates, former friends will become real enemies.

"...No, fairies are not trustworthy."

"Whether it's Orario's estrangement or not, the fairies are a big problem. Once the conditions change even slightly, the fairies will immediately attack us."

Although he is not sure whether this prerequisite has changed, Sanatos also feels that it is better to guard against the fairy.

When the entire dark faction did not react, the blame for killing the gods was directly placed on the head of the dark faction.

The smart people in Orario naturally know that this matter is most likely not done by the dark faction, and they even feel that this kind of thing is more like done by the filthy fairies who hate the gods.

As for the dark faction, they changed their past ambiguous personal relationship with the fairies and began to further observe the movements of the fairies.

Under such a situation, the entire Orario was as calm as the water in a lake, with not even a hint of wind and waves visible.

Especially under the continuous bombardment of information, the entire atmosphere of Orario became quieter.

But no one knows what the situation is under the water.

Anyone who goes deep into it will see that there is an active volcano hidden under the water, and there is a possibility of erupting at any time.

At noon.

The "Mistress of Fertility" located at the corner of Daedalus Street welcomed two more goddesses today.

.......... Hey, what are you doing to me, you idiot?"

Loki, who was drinking tea, looked at Freya sitting opposite with half-open eyes.

"I'm a bit angry today, Loki."

Freya looked at Loki curiously. Others may not be able to feel it, but today she felt Loki's unexpected irritability.

"Who do you think caused this?"

"Huh? If you say it's me, I don't remember having trouble with you recently."

"...Forget it, it only has a little relationship with you."

It turned out to be that child.

Freya, who knew it in her heart, was a little curious.

But Loki had no intention of revealing it. She was still struggling with the matter about that boy recently.

"So, why did you come to see me this time?"

"Contacting the child is through you, of course."

......…I knew it. "

Loki had guessed this was the reason before coming here, but hearing it directly still left Loki speechless.

You know, she has been struggling with the boy's matter for a long time, and now she wants to become the connection between Freya and that boy.


Loki felt an unusual irritability and discomfort for no reason, which made her whole face smell bad.

"Why should I help you do such a thing? In the final analysis, it has nothing to do with me."


Loki's reaction clearly appeared in Freya's eyes, which made the smile on Freya's face become slightly stronger.

It is irrefutable that most gods are happy people, and even Freya is no exception to this.

As the god in charge of the power of "lust", Freya is the most sensitive to desire. So she clearly felt the "unhappiness" that Loki brought when he spoke.

"Obviously you didn't have this attitude before."

"Huh? I had this attitude before, okay!"

Like a cat whose tail was guessed, Loki's rebuttal voice became louder.

But this made Freya even more interested.

In addition, Loki spent much more time in contact with that child than he did, so it was inevitable that he would be attracted to that child.

Freya couldn't help but sigh in her heart.

"But it's no wonder, these children are indeed outstanding."

"There's still less contact."


The 250 veins on Loki's forehead kept beating, "The unhappy mood accompanying these words made her even more unhappy.

"Who! Who said that!"

This reaction caused the smile on Freya's face to disappear. She just tentatively said the child's name, but she didn't expect Loki to become so sensitive.

"When you were unhappy before, you wouldn't yell like this. You were just like a cat. Once you encounter something that scares you, the cat's hair will stand up.

Although she was unhappy to see such a scene, Freya could not deny that the child's excellence could easily attract the attention of the gods.

Do you fucking treat me like a beast?

"Loki, I didn't expect that even you would be attracted to that child."

"Although I knew that child would attract the attention of gods, I didn't expect that even you would be attracted to that child."

These words made Loki feel uncomfortable.

She tried to cover it up with a louder voice, but Freya could see Loki's guilty conscience better than anyone else.

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Freya just stared at Loki so hard that even Loki felt uncomfortable, and then she sighed and looked away.

Loki trembled all over, his eyes drifting from side to side.

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