I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 550 The Goddess’S Encrypted Call

"Oh my god...women are scary enough, but goddesses are several times scarier than women."

Bell naturally knew the term Shura Field, as it had happened before between Hestia and Hephaestus.

But Bell never thought that he would have the chance to face the Shura field, and it was also a Shura field created by God Loki and Freya.

This is really a track I never imagined.

This scene now made Bell so nervous that he didn't even dare to move.

If there was a chance to leave, he would want to leave this dangerous place immediately.

Unfortunately, the two goddesses were holding him at the same time, so it was basically impossible for him to escape under such circumstances.

Don't think that he didn't feel it, these two goddesses exuded a touch of divine power.

Once he really takes action, perhaps he will face an even more terrifying world next.

Loki and Freya could see some aroused sparks in their eyes as they looked at each other. No matter who they were, they would not be outdone.


Not far away, a pair of well-dressed couples naturally saw the drama between the two goddesses.

..... God Loki actually likes men sometimes. "

The man in the couple dressed as a man stared blankly at God Loki.

The man has pointed ears, short green hair, and a wide eyepatch on the right side of his face. Wearing a pure black suit, combined with his slender figure and that elf-like handsome face, 737 may attract countless girls to bow down.

"Li Ang, now is not the time to say these words.

The female companions who accompany them are also as good as the men.

The moon-white shoulderless evening dress highlights the girl's beautiful figure. The curvy figure is like a succubus, attracting people into the hell of beauty. That pair of talking eyes is even more attractive.


The purpose of the two of them coming to this big casino was not to watch a show, but for a more important purpose.

To this end, they also specially disguised themselves, and even one of them pretended to be a man.

Lyu's eyes swept around the large casino.

"The fight between God Loki and God Freya attracted most people's attention."

Most of the eyes in the entire venue were focused.

But this kind of public place is definitely not the place where the person she is looking for is.

Since the other party was sold to this big casino, the buyer would definitely not act like a fool in this place.

After scanning the entire casino, Lyu's eyes locked on the locked door at the innermost part of the public casino. In front of that door were two members of the Ganesha family acting as (chfj) guards.

"There is no way to go in directly using normal means."

"The guards of the Ganesha Familia won't allow anyone to do this."

Even if Lyu thinks that his strength is not bad, if he wants to use his personal power to influence the Ganesha Familia, he will go to bed too early and daydream.

"The purpose this time is not to cause trouble, but to save people."

"We need to know Anna's specific location first."

Liu's eyes swept over the guards, and his heart fell to the bottom.

"With such a strong defense, we need to leave this place as soon as possible after rescuing Anna."

There are guards from the Ganesha family outside, and even the "Ganesha's Staff" is among the guards.

Once caught it's all over.

Liu shook his head slightly.

"No, now is not the time to think about leaving."

"Finding a way to enter that room here is also a big problem now."

In such a large casino, only by being outstanding enough can you attract the attention of the operator.

And if you want to attract the attention of an operator, the best way is to win enough chips outside.

As long as she wins enough chips, the operators of the big casinos will arrange for people to come to her proactively in order to stop losses.

Invite her into the guarded room on the grounds of "Do you want to experience a more exciting gambling game?"

"So, how can I win enough chips?"

As a Level 4 adventurer, she has a lot of combat experience. She can analyze the situation by observing the opponent's expressions and movements during the gambling process, thereby putting herself in a more advantageous position.

But even so, Liu couldn't guarantee that every bet he made would be winnable.

If she cannot win enough money, she may not be able to attract the attention of big casino operators.

Just when Liu had a headache, the two goddesses beside Bell temporarily put aside their fight.

[Loki, it’s pointless for the two of us to argue here. 】

After calming down, Freya used the divine power in her eyes to beat slightly, and used the encrypted language of the gods to talk directly to Loki.

[Ah, it is indeed meaningless. 】

Loki, who had regained his composure, didn't know what Freya meant.

The biggest problem for them is Hestia and Hephaestus. If they don't solve these two people, then there will be no use fighting here for a long time.

[Although this brat doesn’t seem to be resisting, he is very resistant. 】

Loki couldn't help but pout. She was a goddess who actively showed her love, but this brat still resisted. It was like seeing a ghost.

Even though her figure is quite different from those two guys, she is still a goddess after all. Don't really treat her like a dish.

This kid...

Freya's slow breathing made herself calmer.

Freya was stunned for a moment, then understood immediately.


[The heart will not be affected by power, unless the child has that kind of desire, otherwise...]

Once Bell takes that step, Bell will be completely different from ordinary people.

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

[Hey...this kid's character is like this. 】

[No, this brat will never have that kind of desire. 】

【In that case, we will have to fight even more. 】

The time Bell has is different from the time ordinary people have.

Freya also knew very well what kind of temperament this child had. I'm afraid this child's thoughts were already focused on Hestia and Hephaestus.

[My female fox is charming enough, but this guy sent her to me in a design. Later, my female fox took the initiative to send it up, but this kid got out of the way. 】

[The reason is very clear... the time of life. 】

Loki was very sure of this, and this determined attitude also aroused Freya's curiosity.

If you look at it from this perspective, Freya can understand why Bell did this.

If Bell finally succeeds in defeating the black dragon and crosses a realm that no child has ever stepped into in the past, then Bell may really embark on the road to becoming a god.

But while understanding it, Freya was also surprised that Bell actually had plans to become a god.

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