I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 551 Continuous Single Bet Hits

"Come and have some fun."

"It's rare to come here and have fun."


Bell looked at the two goddesses in front of him in confusion as they pulled him towards the Russian turntable.

I don’t know how these two people discussed it. They were at odds just now. How come in the blink of an eye, these two goddesses started to get along so well?

"Did these two communicate without my knowledge?"

Bell always felt this way, but he had no substantial evidence.

But before he had time to think too much, the pull of his two hands made him temporarily stop thinking, and they followed him to the front of a turntable.

The arrival of the two goddesses made the female Asian dealer standing in front of the turntable a lot nervous, and her voice became much more respectful than when facing other guests.

"Please bet where you like."

The dealer's voice also drew Bell's attention back from the wheel.

"You don't want to place a bet?"

.........God Loki, I don't like gambling. ’

Loki's question made Bell helplessly shake his head.

Although he has the skill of "luck", he has a natural aversion to gambling. Maybe it's because this luck can't be transferred to drawing cards. Anyway, he doesn't believe in the damn probability, it's all a lie!

"It's rare to walk in there once, and you still say you don't like it."

Loki rolled his eyes at Bell, who was still pretentious.

"Bell, if you keep rejecting the goddess's invitations, you will be hated."

Even God Freya on the other side spoke directly.

...But, aren't you two here to see a show? Why are you suddenly interested in gambling?"

Bell has not forgotten the main purpose of coming out this time.

But Freya had already prepared a smile, and she released a finger and pointed at the girl with silver-gray hair who was standing over there worried.

"My children are worried about how to sneak in. If we don't help them, how can we continue to watch?"

Looking in the direction of Freya's god's finger, two familiar figures appeared in front of them.

"Lyu Liang and Ciel Froir."

"The hostess of the tavern, the rich hostess."

"No wonder the first person to get the news was God Freya. That's why."

Bell's eyes subconsciously looked towards the door guarded by two people from the "Ganesha Familia".

"There is a strong smell of lust, greed and gluttony in the room. It seems that their target is that room."

This kind of place guarded by adventurers is certainly not easy to enter.

The outer area is probably just an area for ordinary people to gamble, and the people inside that room should be the richer nobles.

It was even said to be someone invited internally.

"No wonder it takes a lot of chips to get in."

If it is an internally invited person and does not require the simplest and most direct method of blasting in, then an internal invitation is required.

If you get an internal invitation from a big casino, you can only show your gambling skills that are strong enough, or you can get enough chips that the big casino can't ignore it.

After thinking about it, Bell withdrew his gaze and looked at the turntable in front of him.

"I actually don't like gambling that much."


Loki and Freya looked at each other, then immediately looked away.

"God Freya, I have no bargaining chips..."

Just as he was about to place his bet, Si'er remembered that he had not redeemed any of his chips.

"I have it here."

Loki took out a chip from nowhere. There was only one chip, but it looked like it had been prepared for a long time.

"...You guys are united, right?"

As a result, Bell, who had the chips, couldn't help but complain in his heart.

One is preparing a game, the other is preparing props [Obviously it makes people feel that these two goddesses are joining forces to deal with him.

But these two goddesses were on opposite sides just now, and the burning feeling of oppression was at least not fake.

"Could it be said that these two goddesses also have a tacit understanding?"

Bell suppressed the doubts in his heart, and then took the chips provided by God Loki and randomly selected a number, 16.


The croupier looked at Bell differently. She didn't expect that this person who didn't look like a gambler would behave like one.

But she didn't say anything, but picked up the ball and threw it into the rapidly rotating turntable.

Soon the ball in the turntable slowly stopped in the turntable, and finally stopped in the grid in front of a number.



The croupier's pupils were locked, and Yuanran hit the right number.

...Please give me flowers...

Freya's beautiful eyes were a little bright. She didn't feel any magic power fluctuation just now, but she was caught so easily.

The odds are 1:35. This is not something you can bet on just by luck.

"Tsk tsk~ It doubled 35 times in one go. If you do it a few more times, it should be enough, right?"

Loki was not surprised by this result.

She knew that Bell had a rare "lucky" skill, so it wasn't surprising that he could do it to this extent.

"God Loki, do you believe that as long as the news gets out, I will be treated like a god of plague by the major casinos?"

"Are you still doing this? And will you run into the casino in the future?"

.....I think this time should be the last time. "

"Then what are you afraid of? Come a few more times to open the eyes of these gamblers.

You have opened your eyes and I am going to be remembered.

Bell couldn't help but complain in his heart.

Fortunately, he has the habit of hiding and covering his face habitually, otherwise he would be completely famous.

Today's Shura scene between God Loki and God Freya in the casino must have been seen by many people, so in the future Bell will definitely not be able to attend any official venue as a dependent of Hestia, otherwise once these two When the goddess came closer, he really couldn't hide it.

"In the future, try to attend as few formal occasions as possible."

Now is not the time for him to freely stand in the spotlight.

He is only at Level 5 now, so being targeted is still too uncomfortable. He needs to reach Level 7 at least before he can feel a little more at ease.

"I will update it after I get back today."

Bell didn't pay special attention to the data updates before. After all, he still planned to practice hard.

However, the current form still requires consideration of upgrades.

Shaking his head slightly, Bell looked at the numbers and pushed the chip to the 1 position.

I won't come here a second time.

The female dealer swallowed, turned the roulette wheel, and then threw the ball into the roulette wheel more skillfully.

As the turntable slowed down little by little, the ball also stopped in a grid.



This time the female dealer was really frightened.

PS: Please collect it...please give me flowers...please give me a price.

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