I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 553 Arrogance Is The Switch Of Self-Destruction

"That person has such a good relationship with God Loki and God Freya?"

While sitting at the gambling table, Lyu couldn't help but think about the man whose face was almost invisible.

"Furthermore, what is the relationship between Xi'er and God Freya? He can actually prepare the necessary bargaining chips for Xi'er."

Lyu now no longer wonders why God Freya appears in this gold-selling cave.

Judging from the relationship between Seele and God Freya, it is obvious that Seele told God Freya about the matter, otherwise God Freya would not have come to this place.

This gold-selling cave is faced with some lustful opposite sexes.

As a member of the Elf tribe, she only feels "disgusted" towards those lustful members of the opposite sex.

She didn't think God Freya would like this kind of place.

So, it's because of that man.

Lyu recalled the way God Freya and God Loki held the man's arms. It was not like ordinary intimacy.

"My dear, we are still at the gambling table."27

Lyu suddenly woke up from the sound in her ears.

She glanced at the gambling table and saw that the situation was still on her side.

But this is really not the time to think about other things.

Now that she has the chips, she needs to show her strong enough gambling skills as soon as possible to keep these chips higher. Otherwise, Liu Ke doesn't think she will be invited by the people in that room.

As a Level 4 adventurer, he may not have strong gambling skills, but he can still get a lot of information by judging people's expressions and movements.

Lyu relied on his past experience and turned the information he obtained into his own weapons, so that the information could play its best role.

Step by step, he emerged from the seemingly thrilling dilemmas at the gambling table and collected all the funds of everyone at the table in front of him.

After this operation, the chips were almost doubled.

This also attracted the attention of major casino operators.

Because Lyu and Xier obtained the gambling chips from God Freya, they naturally attracted the attention of many people around them.

Now these two people are killing everyone at the gambling table, and they have nearly doubled the chips they got, which naturally attracts the attention of many people around them.

"He is the one who took over the chips from God Freya."

"Winning again. You can win so many chips in such a short time. Who is that kid wearing an eyepatch?"

The casino looks at strength, and then considers identity.

Most of the people attracted here come here to have fun and socialize. Naturally, if you want to attract the attention of gamblers, you must have superb gambling skills.

After the gambling skills are attracted by the gamblers, the next thing the gamblers think about is the identity of the other party, and they will not pay attention to inappropriate identities.

"It seems to be the Count of Felunas."

"Ah, it seems that country almost collapsed economically for a while."

The count of a country naturally attracts a lot of interest.

Although that country almost faced economic collapse, looking at this couple gambling in the casino with such peace of mind | there should be no problem on the country's side.

Thinking about how this couple seemed to have a relationship with God Freya just now, everyone seemed to understand why this couple could be so unscrupulous. It turned out that they had a backer.

But the backer of God Freya is really a big mountain, very reliable.

This also made the gamblers present make up their minds.

You should get to know each other!

But before these gamblers could take action, an old man dressed as a butler approached them.

"This guest, the manager, Cervantes, would like to meet you."

The old housekeeper's voice was calm and his attitude was not arrogant at all, but his arrogance was already overflowing.

Bell looked away after seeing this scene.

“Can’t stand it?”

Loki had a faint smile on his face.

"No, I don't have any interest in this. But I only know that the Ganesha family is eyeing this casino, so will these people be jointly and severally liable in the end?"

Bell had no interest in the old butler's arrogance. There was no more arrogant person in the world than him.

People who focus on money and think that money is all wealth may never understand.

The reason why they can hold a pair of gold coins and be called rich is because money is defined by power.

How fragile that arrogance based on money is, I'm afraid only they will know it after they hit the bottom.

"Usually not."

"Well, just in general."

After Loki finished speaking, Freya added.

Bell understood instantly and couldn't help but smile.

"Then they are really pitiful, they encountered an unusual situation.

"In a tense situation like Orario's, it's really a shame that they can sustain it. However, I'm afraid the guild can't stand such a gray industry and huge capital flow, right?"

"Then this big casino should be handed over to the Ganesha family, right?"

Gray industries like big casinos may have had no problems in the past, but as long as they didn't exceed that level, the guild obviously wouldn't attack here.

But this big casino is obviously over the top.

If this place is not dealt with, it may become a gathering place for dark factions in the future.

Coupled with the fact that the Grand Casino is Orario's 447 lawless place and the largest cash flow place in Orario besides the guild, the possibility of being targeted here is too high.

"It's definitely not possible to give it directly to Ganesha. If the guild really does this, then those small countries outside will go crazy."

Freya's reminder reminded Bell that this large casino was integrated through deception. The cash flow here is connected to many countries other than Orario. This place is not suitable for being manipulated by guilds or guilds. Hold on.

"So, what God Freya reminded me is "on the surface"?"

Freya smiled slightly and did not refute.

That seems to be the case.

On the surface, the guild will not directly control the big casinos, but behind the scenes, it is probably not an issue that the countries that have been deceived can consider.

"But it's true that what happened to Freya's family members was obviously the fault of the people here. This kind of upright and gray industry really takes itself a little too seriously."

"It really doesn't make sense for people who have been given rights to clamor against those who have given them rights."

Bell, who understood this, immediately understood everything.

Every person here can't escape basically.

PS: Please collect...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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