I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 554 Confess But Don’T Agree

"They have entered, do you want to follow them?"

Seeing the two people entering the strictly guarded room, Bell handed over the decision to the two goddesses occupying his left and right sides.

"Of course I'm going."

Loki will not forget that this is the main purpose of coming here this time.

When it comes to theater, she, Loki, is a professional.

The outcome of this big casino is doomed.

All the members who are traveling together will not have a good outcome. After all, this is the reshuffle of the guild, and the guild wants to hold it all in its hands. Where can these people get their turn to make irresponsible remarks?

However, Loki was very willing to see the last moments of freedom in the big casino, the scene where their unparalleled status collapsed.

That joking and arrogant smile appeared on Loki's face again.

"Loki, your smile has become dangerous.


Loki, who was reminded by Freya, quickly covered his face with one hand. This was really a bad habit of hers. Sometimes her thoughts would be revealed involuntarily on her face.

Bell naturally also saw the "healthy" smile of God Loki.

But compared to the healthy smiles he had seen before, Loki's smile was obviously not good enough.

Think of the former sunny boy Malik.

A cute and loving girl with pink hair.

If you take out those famous scenes of Yan Yi, then Loki God's smile is just as good as the breeze.

It was the way he deliberately concealed himself that made Bell want to laugh.

Loki, who had sharp eyes, immediately saw the slightly curved corners of Bell's mouth, which made her feel a little unhappy.

"Why, I don't want you to see me looking funny?"

Loki, who was baring his teeth at Bell's reaction, looked like he wanted to laugh.

"It's not that funny, but I really want to laugh."

After being discovered, Bell did not hide, but while talking, he also arranged a barrier around him.

"It's just a little funny to think that God Loki deliberately covered his smile because of me.

But now Bell finally understood why he suddenly realized that God Loki had special thoughts for him.

It turns out that the problem lies in "change".

He was surprised by God Loki's reaction before. At that time, he thought it was due to his excessive self-awareness caused by not taking a rest for a long time.

Who knows, this is not his illusion.


Knowing that it was not a mockery, but something else, Loki's face turned red.

Loki, who was usually only proud, now became more arrogant.

In the past, she looked a bit like a tomboy, but now she looks like a goddess.

It has to be said that no god is ugly.

But Freya was unhappy.

"Bell, you said you can say nice things when facing Loki. Why are you so wary when facing me?"

...Did you ask me to say this directly?

But Bell thought for a while and decided to speak out. Anyway, only the two goddesses could hear it now.

"Because I have identified Hestia and Hephaestus, shouldn't I keep a certain distance from others?"

"I took the initiative to cut off ties with other people, because I knew that once I took the path I wanted to take, I would be two different people from them."

"As for God Freya's matter, I have been in contact with Hestia after all."

After Bell finished speaking, he felt much better.

These words shouldn't have been said, but that's what he thought.

In fact, what happened with Hephaestus really surprised him, because he really knew that Hephaestus had that kind of thoughts about him, just like he knew now that Loki had that kind of thoughts about him.

"I don't have [Goddess Killer] in my skills, so why are more and more goddesses targeting me?"

Shaking his head slightly, Bell was surprised by the reactions of God Loki and Freya.

He said such direct words so frankly, why didn't these two goddesses react at all as he expected?

"I know what this brat thinks like."

Loki was not surprised at this result.

"Hey... I'm still one step away from taking the lead."

Freya also looked helpless.

In fact, Freya really felt that she had lost unjustly.

She actually paid enough attention to the children who came to Orario, and she still had her eyes in Orario's tavern.

But her eyes did not see through the wall of sighs deep in Bell's soul at the first time, otherwise she would definitely attack Hestia directly from the beginning.

It's a pity that it's a few steps too late now.


The reactions of these two goddesses really raised a lot of questions over Bell.

"God Loki, God Freya, do your reactions like this mean you agree with my statement?"

"I don't agree."*2

The two goddesses' simultaneous answers made Bell's face twitch a few times. He thought that the matter here could be solved by talking today, but who knew that these two goddesses had no intention of giving up at all.

Loki, who was holding Bell's left hand, sneered without caring at all.

"Your kid's thoughts are very obvious. You have had this attitude from the beginning. You are like a little chicken that has broken out of its shell and recognized anyone as your mother.

"Don't think that other gods will act according to your ideas."

"Be willful, that is the right that every goddess can exercise."

This sentence left Bell speechless. Can he say that this is his right if he is willful?

But Bell also knows that this is not a woman's right, but a right that only a female god has.

Not because of anything else, just because the goddess's love is special and unique.

Even Ishtar, who is known as a bus and has returned to heaven, is no exception.

It's just that Ishtar is more inclined to lust than love, so she became a bus.

"(Zhao Zhao) willful... My words are not as direct as what Loki said. However, you should know that the goddess's love is uncompromising."

"The encounter between our goddess is not something that ordinary people can bear."

"And after being targeted by us, do you think you can run away?"

"Unless you send us back to heaven."

Freya's words were very harsh, but Bell was not willing to send the two goddesses back to heaven just because of such a thing.

He can destroy flowers with his own hands, but that is not possible when he is being targeted like this.

What's more, God Loki and God Freya are still the pillars of Orario. No matter which god is sent back to the heaven, these two cannot be sent back.

By doing this, he is making himself unhappy.

So when faced with this kind of situation, Bell would always like to keep away from him, and if he doesn't contact or get close, it won't be a big problem.

.......Please let the two goddesses continue to stare. "

PS: Make up for yesterday’s chapter.

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