I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 555 Bell’S “Weakness”

"I thought I could escape, but who knew what would happen."

In fact, Bell still hopes to escape from the hands of these two goddesses.

Although it was an honor to be liked by the two goddesses, at least Bell felt that such a good thing would never happen to him even if his ancestral grave was smoking.

But now his relationship with Hestia and Hephaestus is already complicated enough, and it's really not suitable for the other two goddesses to get involved.

But the attitude of the two goddesses was very firm, and they even said that they should be sent back to heaven.

Does he dare?

Considering Orario's situation at the moment and his sense of the two goddesses, Bell really had no choice but to take action.

"Let's take it one step at a time."

"I must talk to Hestia and Hephaestus when I get home. I'm afraid I can't hide this matter."

Based on God Loki's attitude, if God Loki lives at home all the time in the future, this goddess will probably come to join him more often.

"The goddess's love is too firm..."

Bell couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

After suppressing the complaints in his heart, Lu En appeared in front of him and opened up the space forcefully.

This work could have been reduced by hand.

Unfortunately, both hands were held by 037, and Bell couldn't break free from the embrace of the two goddesses, so he could only be a little more primitive.

But Bell didn't notice that when he sighed, the two goddesses exchanged glances again.

The smiles in each other's eyes were so conspicuous.

At this moment, they finally understood Bell's biggest weakness.

Due to their special status, Bell didn't dare to play hard.

And sincerity is also a surefire skill.

Some words can have unimaginable effects when spoken out loud, especially when dealing with Bell.

"This kid really can only use soft ones."

I have been in contact with Bell for a lot of time, and I have also faced Bell's unreasonableness, and he often even resorts to self-destruction in order to achieve his goals.

But Loki could tell from Bell's treatment of Haruki and Winnie that Bell would choose to be soft on some things.

But there are conditions for Bell to do this.

First and foremost, the most important thing is not to stand against Bell.

Because when facing the enemy, this kid will never show mercy.

But as long as he is a teammate on the same front, this kid will never be ruthless, and will even provide conditions as much as possible to achieve his own goals.

It's like Bell kept recommending excellent children to her in the beginning.

There is Cassandra who has the ability to predict, and there is Haruhime Sanjono who has the ability to level up. These are Bell's efforts to strengthen her family.

And the reason why Bell would do this is just because her family can attract more attention on his behalf, so that he can better hide behind and slowly improve himself.

How did you get promoted to Level 5 in half a year?

Didn't Bell rely on intelligence collection and layout planning?

He used Hestia's popularity to win over Hephaestus, and used Hephaestus's channels to sell the runes he made, thus obtaining funds for development.

Step by step, he planned and won over her family members, planned the future of the heretics, solved the troublesome dark faction in the dungeon, and even made Freya have to choose a camp.

Therefore, as one of the witnesses of Bell's journey, Rocky admires Bell very much and also has a good impression.

Being capable, resourceful, decisive, and ruthless are the characteristics of a good adventurer.

These characteristics, coupled with his cautious to perverted style of doing things, inevitably attracted her attention.

"I guess Freya is about the same."

"But that nymphomaniac seems to have been addicted to it earlier than me."

The three of them crossed the space rift together. The other side of the rift was in the tightly guarded room.

The room has brighter lights and more luxurious furnishings, and you can see dazzling money floating with the naked eye.

There are also many gamblers in this secret room, but judging from the conditions for entering this room (chbb) and the situation of these gamblers, it is estimated that most of them are rich men, earls, and truly powerful gamblers.

And these gamblers all have common characteristics.

They are all very greedy.

Those eyes that did not hide their desire have been locked on Xi'er. It seems that this is the consensus of all the gamblers here.

What they wanted to see was not Lyu, the gambler, but Lyu's nominal wife, Xier.

Judging from their obvious desires, I am afraid that if Lyu and Xi'er were ordinary people, they would probably have their bones and marrow sucked out by these people, and all their use value would be squeezed out, and they would not even be able to save their lives.

"what a pity."

Seeing the greed and lust of these people, Bell sighed lightly.

"Guys who only know greed and only have women in their minds will fall into the abyss of their own desires today."

"That child was once a member of Astralia. Seven years ago, the family was almost completely wiped out due to a plot by members of the dark faction. She also bore everyone's resentment and has been chasing and killing those who are on the bright side over the years. A member of the dark faction."

Freya was supplementing Lyu's identity information beside her.

"Asteria...has her hair been dyed?"

Loki remembered the female elf named Lyu Liang. She also remembered that when Astraea was still there, the child seemed to have golden hair. Unexpectedly, she had dyed her hair and turned into Freya's tavern. female shop assistant.

"I remember that child was called the most talented child in Orario along with my Esther, but now...

With the Lord God not around, Lyu's own data cannot be updated. Even if he achieves great deeds, he still cannot change his current predicament of being at Level 4.

The difference in levels in Orario is the difference in strength.

In the past, Lyu could be compared with her Ais, but now the gap is only two levels.

Bell naturally knew Lyu's information, and immediately set his sights on the people in the room except those in power and the waiters.

That is, on those women wearing gorgeous dresses.

"The atmosphere is very heavy, and their eyes have lost all hope for life.

There is no need to say more about what happened to these women.

I'm afraid it's the "collection" of these men in this room.

Bell has heard that some men like to collect stamps, and he also knows that some people really do this.

It's just that this is really the first time I've encountered this kind of scene.

Loki and Freya could naturally see the situation of those girls.

As gods, the only person they can't see through is Bell. Their eyes can see everyone except Bell.

"Tsk! What a disgusting bunch of guys. They are simply worse than Apollo's character."

Loki sighed with disgust.

Freya said nothing, but the disgust in her eyes was very clear.

PS: Please collect...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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