I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 562 Exchange That Makes People Shut Up

Bell glanced at the alienated dwarf who was eating people. He didn't have much interest in paying attention to such an idiot.

"Then there are them."

Now that he has taken action, he doesn't want to let himself get caught.

When he started, it was already destined that the insiders here would need to be dealt with.

Naturally, the minions inside the big casino need to be dealt with without exception.

As for the girls who have been abused, they still need to be given certain benefits to shut them up completely.

Bell also quickly thought of what these girls needed, and walked in the direction of the girls.

Lyu was startled by Bell's sudden approach.

But Bell didn't pay attention to Lyu, but looked at the girls with their backs turned.

"You are all poor people who were kidnapped by those people."

"After what happened this time, you will be released as Zero Three Three, and no one will continue to look for you."

Release...and no one will come looking for us...

These two sentences brought a lot of tears to the eyes of all the girls who had completely given up hope.

They were all poor people who were sold to pay debts.

Some of them are not ordinary people, but female companions of nobles from small places, or even the nobles themselves.

It's a pity that they were sold.

From the moment they are put on the "collar", their freedom is no longer up to them.

Countless times in the past, they hoped that someone would save them, but all they got was being insulted and played with.

Hope gradually turned into despair.

This also made them give up hope of escaping long ago.

But today such an opportunity came.

This makes them only question the authenticity of the matter.

Because they are afraid that this is just a beautiful dream, and they will continue to plunge into the nightmare after waking up from the dream.

"Remember carefully, what happened today was all done by the dark faction."

"The Grand Casino betrayed Orario in order to unite with the dark factions to gain greater benefits. It used "extraterritoriality" to help the dark factions collect a large amount of materials and intelligence.

He also used the dark factions to satisfy his selfish desires in Orario. "

"It's just that this time it's not just the dark factions who took action, but also the fairies. In order to lay the groundwork for themselves, they combined the eggs with the dwarves to create "fairy soldiers" with "the ability to Lv.5 strength.”


The girls present all heard it very clearly. The content was not very large, so they naturally remembered it all.

However, the girls just nodded obediently and did not look back.

"In exchange for shutting up, I will give you a chance to choose your life again.

A chance to choose life again?

Just when many girls were confused, a translucent membrane appeared around them, completely cutting them off from the outside world.

This scene made Lyu subconsciously want to rescue him.

But before Lyu took a step forward, the barrier was completely broken and the girls inside were fine.

However, these girls seem to have changed slightly.

Judging by her eyesight, there were indeed some changes from just now.

"Have their figures gotten worse?"

The girls who came out of the diaphragm felt more clearly what happened to themselves, and they all looked at their hands and their private parts tremblingly.

Bell had already turned around.

"Remember what happened today well."

Only then did the girls wake up from their dreams.

They were sure that they were not dreaming and that everything was real.

They all knew what was happening behind them, but they still turned around.

The group didn't speak, but knelt down in tacit agreement.

This is their gratitude and the only thing that belongs to them.


The head hit the spot and made a loud noise.


The head resting on the ground showed no reluctance.

Maybe the other party meant "exchange", but they were both girls who had seen the abyss.

They know better than anyone else that it is not so much "exchange" as it is compassion.

Physical impurity is the biggest pain in their hearts.

How could there be any reason to remain pure after being sold into this abyss? But now someone gave them a "regret medicine" to restore their bodies to purity.

How could they not be grateful for this?

Bell didn't say anything, didn't accept the girls' gratitude.

Just like what he said just now, it's just an "exchange".

Bell focused more on the alienated dwarves...

"The aura has been raised to Level 4."

The alienated dwarf grabbed his friends and servants and feasted there.

"Oh~ Not only is the flesh and blood replenished, but the soul is also devoured?"

"I didn't expect gluttony to have such an effect."

This needs to be carefully noted, but Bell is not too interested in this function.

As the master of the "Seven Deadly Sins", he is destined not to be affected by desires, but he has mysophobia.

Devouring other people's souls to grow yourself?

Sorry, he needs to maintain the purity of his soul and will not do such disgusting things just to become stronger temporarily.

"If gluttony can devour even flesh and soul, then strength should be able to do it."

A flash of inspiration flashed in Bell's mind.

He doesn't have much interest in devouring other people's souls and flesh, but if devouring power can be achieved, then this function may be of great use.

"From the looks of it, some of the abilities in the Desire series can really be developed."

The abilities of the Seven Deadly Sins may be much more powerful than he imagined.

But if this is really the case, aren’t the Seven Deadly Sins powers?

But the more he felt the diversity of this ability, the more it felt like power to Bell.

However, there are some 4.0 differences between power and the "Seven Deadly Sins"... In short, it is not easy to distinguish directly.

"The strength of the immortal elite soldiers is probably around Level 5, and they don't have self-awareness, so they can only be controlled like toys."

"Still need to work harder."

Bell went on to add another desire, "greed", to the mix.


The moment the black mist entangled itself, the alienated dwarves completely lost their human rationality, and only had the wildness that was completely released, and the hints that had been carried out before.

With the blessing of these two desires, the alienated dwarf's body once again more than doubled in size, and his appearance became more and more like a giant fly.

The pair of fleshy wings became even more terrifying, and the aura directly broke through from Level 4 to Level 5, and even seemed to be on the verge of breaking through to Level 6.

PS: Please collect...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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