I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 563 I Hope The Dark Faction Can Catch This Trap

"That's about it."

Although the strengthening of desire can continue, this is based on the fact that the soul is completely polluted without paying any price.

"The pollution at the soul level is simply more serious than the pollution caused by the dirty fairies."

"Tsk, tsk~ It's completely incapable of reincarnation, completely swallowed up by desire."

The price is quite high.

Bell also did not expect that after being swallowed by desire, the soul of the person involved would be completely devoted to desire, becoming one of the souls overwhelmed by desire.

"If that's the case, it's not surprising that Hephaestus couldn't get rid of jealousy from her face in every possible way. This is simply a pollution that cannot be removed. J

There are things that the gods in the heaven cannot do, and the gods in the lower world are probably even more so.

But when he thought of gods, Bell had an idea.

"If desire is linked to god-killing, I don't know if desire, along with the god-killing properties, will cause irreversible damage to the soul of the god."

With the development ability of killing gods, Bell is already qualified to cause irreversible damage to the body of gods [but the soul, godhead and powers are things he cannot touch.

If the soul of a god can be polluted, then there is a way to strip it of its godhood and power. Bell can do it himself without even needing the help of the world.

The solution is to fall.

As long as it can cause the depravity of the god's soul, the essentially pure soul of the god will become filthy. A soul that is completely polluted cannot continue to possess godhead and power, otherwise, if the power is polluted, the world will be in turmoil.

Therefore, once a god is tainted by desire and corrupted, Bell can naturally peel off his godhead and power.

"Well, record it and see if there is a chance to operate it later."

If you have the chance, you can try it out.

But this will have to wait for the gods of the dark faction to be powerful.

If they have made any moves recently, they can catch one or two to participate in his practical operations.

Facing a serious god, Bell really couldn't do anything to kill him.

After all, it’s not easy to get started.

This is Pandora's box. Once opened, it cannot be closed.

Therefore, Bell feels that we still need to hold on to the bottom line.

Of course, there is no need to be polite when facing the gods of the dark faction. They are seeking death anyway, so it is better to make their death more meaningful.

Put away divergent thinking.

Bell continued to cast his gaze on the alienated dwarf.

"Like hungry flies."

When his eyes caught sight of the immobile gambler lying on the ground, Bell decided to give him a chance to express himself.


why why why!?

The old nobleman with animal ears was going crazy at this moment.

Seeing that the manager he had been cooperating with in the past turned into a man-eating monster, and his former partners were swallowed up one by one by the manager, his sanity completely collapsed.

"Why! I was just giving a baptism to an ignorant boy as usual, why did I encounter such a thing!"

At this moment, he only felt regret.

But what he regrets is not that he collaborated with the operators to do things that harmed people, but that he shouldn't have come to the casino today.

If he hadn't been there, such a thing wouldn't have hit him in the face.

"Why! Why didn't even the guards of the Ganesha family outside notice such a big movement?"

The old nobleman was still filled with resentment.

He is already old and his physical ability is not good at all. Now he is still facing such an exciting scene. His legs and feet have been so frightened that he has become weak. How can he run away?

At this moment, he only has the ability to resent in his heart.

But suddenly, the old noble suddenly felt that his weak hands and feet began to stop shaking, and even regained strength.

"I can move now!?"

This discovery made the old noble almost scream.

Then he mustered up the courage to take a look at the operator who was still feasting, but just such a look made him so scared that he almost vomited.

But it was also because of this glance that he, an old man with almost half a foot in the coffin, gained courage.

He doesn't want to die.

I don’t even want to be eaten alive.

He held his hands back, stood up quickly, and rushed towards the door.


The door was knocked open, and the two guards from the Ganesha family at the door were also startled.

The old nobleman who looked at the bright light outside immediately shouted at the top of his lungs:


But a shadow soon enveloped him.


Blood splattered everywhere.

A living person was punched into pieces.

This scene caused the noisy casino to fall into a brief silence.


There was a brief moment of silence, and there were screams all around.

"Of course, I am also prepared."

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

But if it's not just the dark sects involved, but even the filthy fairies, then there will be no way to die.

"Although I don't know if it is possible to separate the dark faction and the fairy, but after this incident, the dark faction may no longer have any trust in the fairy.

Of course, Bell wasn't just wasting his opportunity and time.

"Well, in this case, the casino is completely destroyed."

"The dwarf himself does not have the qualifications to be strengthened to Level 5, but the enhanced magic stone has such qualifications. As long as they are forcibly combined, just like the fairy guardian, that Dwarves could evolve into what they are now.”

After doing all this, Bell didn't pay attention to the people around him and walked directly into the barrier.

Bell has already given those people enough information. I believe that such a big movement, whether it is the gods of Orario or the nobles outside Orario, can see it very clearly.

It's just that God Loki still had a bright smile on his face when he spoke. Presumably, she thought she was doing everything right.

"On the one hand, we want to frame the dark sect, and even create a scene for those guys that the fairy has moved their hands."

"Are you so sure that those guys will believe that fairies did it?"

Now as long as the dark faction is involved, it will only lead to death.

Bell had just entered the barrier, and God Loki came up to him 290.

"In addition to impregnating the dwarf with desire, I also transferred a Level 4 enhanced magic stone into his body."

Of course, Bell himself thinks so too.

"You are really ruthless in what you do."

This experiment itself would not be postponed to this time, but the opportunity is just right, and the scene is grand enough. It would be a waste of such an occasion not to do something.

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