I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 564 Crazy Monster


The screams immediately attracted the guards of all the Ganesha family members.

Just kidding, there are many gods involved in the big casino. If there are some problems with the guards here, even the gods may be threatened, so the guards of the Ganesha family appear very quickly.


Shakti looked at the monster in front of him that had expanded to a certain size and its aura, and his expression was a little ugly.

Relying on the appearance of his face that had not been completely destroyed, Xia Ke proposed the identity of the other party.

But it was because she recognized the other person's identity that her face became very ugly.

The aura of this operator is obviously not that of a normal person.


The alienated dwarf did not utter any human language, but rushed towards Shakti with a roar like a wild beast.

"Damn it!"

The huge body ran at an astonishing speed, even making Shakti stunned for a moment.

Then I realized a very serious problem.

This mutant operator is probably much stronger than her.

His eyes were fixed on the hand grabbing for him.

At this moment, Shakti didn't think that the operator in front of her... no, the monster was created by someone. It was the Level 1 she had investigated before. Her strength had completely expanded with the burning of reason.


The howling wind and the strong smell of blood were swept along with the palm wind.

Shakti immediately ducked and quickly retreated.

"Evacuate everyone, and people below Level 4 should not come near."

Just as he regained his footing, Shakti didn't move his eyes away from the monster in front of him, and at the same time issued an order.

"Yes, leader!"

All the Ganesha family members who came over began to evacuate the crowd, and the adventurers above Level 4 were ready to fight together.

In a corner of the big casino, a god in uniform stood there.

"The operator of a big casino."

"The strength of Lv.1 has been improved explosively, which is impossible to achieve with ordinary methods."

No adventurer's strength can grow explosively at once.

What's more, he is a thief who has no qualifications and can only maintain the Level 1 level.

"Reason? Even if this inexplicable thing is lost, there is no way for a waste to rise to such a height."

"Is it a rune stone?"

The god immediately thought of the rune stone that became popular in Orario.

But he soon rejected this idea.

"The level of enhancement that the runestone can provide is not bad, but it is not to the point where it can deprive people of their sanity and make them cross level 4."

She has also conducted considerable research on the rune stones, and naturally knows the key to the power of the character stones in the rune stones.

It is a magical text with some power characteristics.

It can be said that it is the special nature of words, which can enhance the ability of adventurers.

It can be said that these words are a degraded version of power. If it were not for the characteristics of some powers, I am afraid that they would not be able to exert such effects.

Although such magic writing is rare, it is not completely unheard of.

There used to be many magical texts left over from ancient times, some of which were tainted with the characteristics of power, and at the same time had some special abilities.

It's just that the magic words this time are much stronger than those magic words.

But jumping 4 levels in a row does not exist.

The function of rune stones is only to bridge some gaps in ability values.

After the god suppressed this suspicion, he also began to guess what caused this.

"Is it really a fairy?"

The god thought for a while, and finally settled on the fairy spirit as the key to the problem.

It seems that the only ones with this ability are fairies.

"However, the fairy spirits should have used rational modifications in the past. It is difficult to imagine that they suddenly carried out such irrational modifications."

But it is not ruled out that the fairy has another decision.

"I completely abandoned my rationality just to develop soldiers who can run rampant on Orario."

"If the fairy gives up control, it's just to make the soldiers go berserk and Orario will be completely in chaos."

If you think about it from this aspect, rationality is the last thing that soldiers need.

It is enough that the soldiers have an endless desire for destruction around them.

Others don't need soldiers to manage them.

This more reasonable idea gave the gods an idea.

"It seems that this time is the fairy test."

It's just that the gods are not quite sure of this so easily.

If the magic behind this is really done by the fairy spirit, then it stands to reason that this soldier should have what he should have.

The god who thought this way did not leave the atrium of the casino, but continued to watch the Ganesha family members' crusade against the soldier in the corner.

Shakti, who used a spear to resist the attack, was also knocked away, and his body hit the wall like a wolf.


Even the Level 5 adventurer coughed up a mouthful of blood after being attacked so head-on.

The punch just now told Shakti the strength of the monster in front of him.

Maybe it's not just Lv.5, it's almost going to exceed Lv.5.


"do not come!"

Shakti immediately regrouped. At this moment, she needed to deal with the monster in front of her more carefully.

With no rationality and only brute strength and speed, such a monster is no match for her.

But from the beginning, she had a feeling that this monster was controlled by someone.

"No, looking for the controller is not advisable now."

He quickly adjusted his body and aimed a hard kick at the alienated dwarf's vagina.


"The controller should be nearby."

But this time, Shakti reacted faster. He kicked his right foot back, slid down quickly, and used inertia to escape from the disadvantage of being forced into a corner.

Her eyes scanned the monster in front of her.

This time Shakti was well prepared, quickly resisted, then deflected the attack, and immediately counterattacked with a gun.

"so hard!"

But at the moment when his body slipped out of the attack range, Shakti saw something crucial.

With a roar (Li Nuo's), the alienated dwarf rushed towards Shakti, and still punched out ten times.

"Magic Stone!?"

After such a kick, the alienated dwarf showed no signs of trouble, which made Shakti certain.

In an instant, the alienated dwarf quickly raised his hand to block. The hard skin and the tip of the gun produced some sparks, but they blocked the attack.


PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

Shakti knew that she could not find the mastermind immediately. Once she failed, the monster in front of her would start killing crazily, and even strengthen its own strength through killing.

A sharp stabbing shot.

"After all, he's not human anymore."

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