I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 565 God’S Emotion

Shakti saw the small "magic stone" contracting in the operator's expanding muscles while gliding on the ground.

"It's much smaller than ordinary magic stones."

The body quickly slid out of the attack range of the monster operator, and Shakti immediately stood up and looked at the area where the muscles were wrapped.

"It's in the spine."

"It looks like a magic stone must have been implanted."

"So, this person is an experiment?"

This thought frightened Shakti.

But the alienated dwarf didn't give her that much time to think, and came towards Shakti with a slow desire.

"you are mine!"

"you are mine!"

The sound coming from his mouth was like a completely broken radio.

The saliva kept dripping from his mouth, as if he had found delicious food.

Shakti's face looked very ugly, and it was obvious that she was being targeted.

"As expected, you become stronger by devouring flesh and blood."

The moment he saw the magic stone, Shakti understood why the monster in front of him had such strength.

Because this monster eats people and is also a capable adventurer. 423

"They are not heretics, they would not do such a thing."

"So, is it the experimental subject of the dark faction?"

But at this moment, Shakti was thinking about a more important issue.

"Is this big casino already controlled by the dark faction?"

Shakti, who was thinking like this, took a breath, danced with the spear in his hand, and with the power of rotation, the wolf slashed at the monster's ankle.


The moment the spear hit the monster's ankle, a large number of vines sprang out from the skin, directly blocking the spear's slash.

A sound of metal colliding made Xia Keti's heart drop to the bottom.

"And this hand!"

But this momentary opportunity was seized by the monster.

Before Shakti could retreat, the monster stepped on the spear and grabbed Shakti at an abnormal speed with its hand as big as a human.

"Wind of Light!"

Countless wind balls hit the alienated dwarf's back, leaving bloody holes in his back.

It might be fine if it were an ordinary magic attack, but "Wind of Light" attacks by condensing countless wind masses.

Maybe the attack is not very strong, but numbers are the best.

Behind the alienated dwarf is the embedding point of the magic stone, and high-frequency attacks can easily affect its actions.


The pain prevented the alienated dwarf from continuing to target Shakti.

Seizing this opportunity, Shakti twisted the barrel of his gun and directly drove the alienated dwarf off his spear.

When he got free, Shakti immediately rushed forward with his gun in hand without any hesitation.

The moment the monster in front of him turned around to reveal the weakness hidden in the magic stone on his back, Shakti immediately accelerated.

A little cold light shocked the world!


The tip of the spear instantly hit the newly exposed magic stone.


The magic stone in the monster's body is very fragile. As long as it encounters some attacks with high attack intensity, it will definitely be unable to resist.

Only a crisp cracking sound was heard, and the alienated dwarf's body paused. His body instantly lost strength and his breath became extremely weak, but his body did not directly turn into a pile of white ash like an ordinary monster.

And this scene also cheered up the gods watching the show in the corner.

"No death!?"

The magic stone is the biggest weakness of the monster. As long as the magic stone is broken, the monster will be completely destroyed.

But the biggest surprise happened right in front of him.

The appearance of the magic stone had already determined that his guess was correct. The operator of the big casino was the experimental subject selected by the immortal.

The broken magic stone is the most direct evidence.

"The magic stone used is not a very colorful magic stone, but a special kind of magic stone. It seems that the fairy spirit has made corresponding (chbi) improvements."

That kind of magic stone, which is almost the size of a thumb, is obviously not owned by normal monsters.

But the gods also guessed why this special kind of magic stone was used.

"Ordinary magic stones cannot be grafted into a human body, so are they using a special kind of magic stone?"

But what surprised the gods the most was that after the magic stone was broken, the person involved did not turn into a pile of white ash like a monster, but temporarily lost his power.

This means that Xianjing's research direction is correct.

"I didn't expect you to be using your brain behind my back."

"I didn't think that the person being betrayed had only hatred in his brain, but I didn't expect that he still had such a thinking ability."

This really exceeded God's initial expectations.

But at the same time, he also understood that the fairy did not cooperate with him on the surface, but planned to completely destroy all the gods from the beginning and hold the entire earth in the palm of his hand.

The current experiment is the answer given by the fairy.

"To solve the problem of production and energy supply and demand, you only need to find those special species to give birth to a large number of Level 5 soldiers. You can even let these soldiers be strengthened by eating. You really thought of a solution."

Special types of monsters may be hard to find in dungeons, but you won't be able to find them if you want to.

I'm afraid a dozen of them can still be found.

On the other hand, she has not forgotten her ultimate purpose of coming here.

The god secretly made a decision in his heart.

"Li Ang, please leave quickly."

Shakti let go of the spear in his hand, and his breathing became much more relaxed.


Even in casual clothes, she could see through the other person's identity at the first glance just now.

But Shakti didn't stay too long, but reminded her old friend who had helped her just now.

Lyu knew his identity, so he just nodded slightly and turned around to leave.

Once the soldiers created by the fairies reach a large scale, the first one to die may not be Orario, but them.

Once it is seen by too many people, even if the other party helps her, she can only have a fight with her old friend.

As long as the fairy elves are sure that the soldiers they create can be devoured and grown through special species, then the dark sect will become useless.

Looking at the monster in front of her whose brain had been penetrated by her spear, she didn't feel any relief at all.

It's just that she didn't reminisce with the other party, because the other party was a wanted criminal in Orario, and she was not suitable for being discovered by too many people.

The hatred of fairies towards gods does not distinguish between friend and foe.

Because gods are enemies, even if they cooperate now, they are just enemies that need to be destroyed in the end.

"It seems like we need to control our relationship with the fairies."

PS: Make up for yesterday’s.

On the one hand she didn't want to have a fight with Shakti.

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