I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 584 The Scavenger Of The Dungeon Zaganat

The White Palace is a special name based on the different colors of the deep walls behind the 30th floor.

The name sounds nice, but it doesn't mean that this white palace is a good place.

The White Palace is the unified name for an area below the 30th floor of the underground city. Because the walls are made of white rocks, it was named "White Palace" for no good reason.

There is no "beauty" in this "white palace". Once you enter it, it means that the individual has made a life and death decision. Even if you are completely buried here, it is your own choice.

Yes, another meaning of this "white palace" is that this is the palace of bones.

Lyu, who understood where this place was, was completely despairing at this moment.

"To be dragged here..."

There were many injuries on his body, and a piece of flesh was missing from his right calf. There was no strength anywhere in his body, and he was almost no different from a semi-disabled person.

The "White Palace" itself is an adventurer's nightmare. Now that he left this hell in an imperfect state, Lyu knew that he had no chance to go back.

"Heh... maybe, this is the end of me."

After smiling to herself, Liu completely lay on the ground, accepting this desperate ending.

But it’s useless even if you don’t accept it.

Even if she doesn't accept it, can she, a half-disabled injured person, still try her best to escape from this hellish place?

I'm afraid even if she does escape, the adventurers who died on the 27th floor will never let her go.

So, let's end it like this.

The cold ground made Lyu feel completely cold at the moment.

"I'm so sorry everyone, I should have come a little late, I don't know if you are still waiting for me."

The figure of his former partner seemed to appear in front of Lyu's eyes.

She could clearly feel the blood draining from her body, and her body temperature was gradually lowering with the loss of blood.

The consciousness also became blurred little by little.

"Half-dead. That's fine, it's easier for me to deal with it this way.

Just as Lyu was dying of consciousness, she suddenly heard a voice coming from her ear.

who is it..….…

She tried very hard to open her eyes, but now she didn't even have the strength to do so.

Lyu lost so much blood that she could no longer hold on and fell into a coma.

And just after Lyu fainted completely, the wound on her calf that was constantly bleeding suddenly stopped bleeding.

The bad conditions in various parts of her body were as if the "stop button" had been pressed, and her body floated from the ground.

Bell, who didn't come out until the end, was watching the female elf's condition.

"Yeah, precise control to the half-dead position."

However, Bell did not give the female elf direct treatment. After all, it was better for the female elf to experience some things clearly.

He just helped control the half-dead state of the female elf, arranged a simple barrier around her body, and then froze time within the range of the barrier.

As for treatment, that was what the female elf's companion needed to do, not what he, an outsider, needed to do.

"Then, should we send this female elf back immediately? Or should we wait for that guy to come over first?"

Udaios had actually been chosen for his promotion to the Moon Key, but Udaios' regeneration had to wait another month, which took a little time.

His original attitude towards this point was that he would rather wait an extra month than rush forward. Now he is not short of a month.

After all, he will stay at the Level 6 position for a period of time, and it will not be possible to increase the ability value for promotion in just one month.

Therefore, Bell plans to consolidate the foundation of his mastery in the future and prepare for the crusade against Udaios in a month.

But now some changes have occurred.

During the half month he went deep into the underground city to study, something very interesting seemed to have happened on the ground.

The female elf Liu Liang in the "Hospital of Fertility" store was seriously injured and fell to the 37th floor. This actually indicates (chcg) that the floor owner of the 27th floor, Anphisbina, has been reborn. At the same time, it also means that the 27th floor has become fragmented in the hands of the man who once planned the death of the Astralia family.

Judging from the damage suffered by Liu Liang, she should have already fought against Zaganat, the scavenger of the dungeon, and the battle ended briefly with her being seriously injured.

In other words, at this moment, a floor master has regenerated in the dungeon, and a dungeon scavenger whose strength is infinitely close to Level 6 has appeared.

So, is this an opportunity for Bell?

This couldn't help but make Bell jealous, and he was also thinking about whether to deal with these two monsters. If these two monsters come together to give him enough achievements for promotion, then he will not need to prepare for Udaios next.

The skin of the whole body is purple and black, and the face is like a dinosaur from ancient times, but there is no muscle in the whole body. What is visible to the naked eye is the body that is more lustrous than the rock bear, and the long tail is all bone spurs. Under the light In particular, you can see how intimidating this tail is.

The spider cracks visible to the naked eye on the ceiling continued to spread around, eventually becoming overwhelmed.

Although he was still thinking about the pros and cons in his mind, Bell would still not refuse if Zaganat came to his door.


"I'm still thinking, why did you just make a decision for me?"

This really surprised Bell.

Should I choose to wait for a month, or choose to take action to deal with those two monsters?

Large chunks of rock collapsed from the sky, countless pebbles splashed, and at the same time a huge object jumped down from the hole in the ceiling.

The scavengers of the dungeon will only be sent out when too many monsters are born on the floors of the dungeon and the dungeon believes that the adventurers cannot be eliminated.

Bell could clearly feel how terrifying this three-meter-tall monster was, and he could feel the terrifying aura all over his skin.


This made Bell shake his head slightly.

PS: Please collect...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

"Unexpectedly, I didn't expect that it was not close to Level 6, but actually at Level 6."

How can there be any reason to push one's own great cause to others? Unless one's own strength is not enough to embrace this great cause.

It seems that the Geluo on the 27th floor really made a big noise, and it actually raised the level of the scavenger by a notch.


Just as Bell was thinking this, the ceiling shook quickly again.

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