I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 585 Cut Off The Front Feet First

As the scavenger of the dungeon, Zaganat's goal is actually very clear, to kill all the intruders who appear in front of him.

Therefore, it determined that the intruder in front of it was the target it needed to eliminate most.


He made a hoarse roar, which was quite intimidating.

The two powerful hind legs had already accumulated strength, and the body that was so huge that it could almost be compared with a Cannon Dragon was extremely fast, almost reaching a speed that even Level 5 could not catch - it disappeared.

While moving at high speed, Zaganat did not forget to raise his claws to deliver a fatal blow to his target.

But the invincible one-shot kill failed.


The high-speed moving body was blocked, and the sharp claws were also blocked by a knife.

Feeling the repulsive force from the blade, Bell clearly realized the level of Zaganat's strength.

"Speed ​​is basically the top of Lv. 6, but power is not as strong as speed. It is not much higher than Lv. 6."

The body sank slightly, and the right hand holding the knife exerted force. The friction between the blade and the sharp claws produced a lot of sparks, but the sharp claws were also blocked aside.

"The claws are very aggressive and are almost as powerful as any top weapon. At the same time, the body is also very hard. Ordinary weapons cannot cause damage at all."

"It does not have any magic ability, but its body surface can bounce any kind of magic. Just a deflection magic is already the nemesis of all magicians. Coupled with Zaganat's amazing speed, magicians want to create It’s not easy to get a chance to sing.”

Just the summary after a simple contact is enough to make people despair.

It possesses amazing speed, super destructive power and extraordinary defense, and can also rebound magic. This monster will blind any Familia who encounters it.

"No wonder the Astraea Familia will be wiped out. If we encounter such a monster, even Freya Familia and Loki Familia will not be able to get rid of it."

"Especially when you don't know anything about Zaganat."

But Bell was happy at the moment.

If Zaganat's level reaches Lv. 6, then one person should be able to gain enough promotion by killing it.

"But it's a pity, I said."

Offensive magic will definitely not be used. Using magic on Zaganat is just like seeking death.

But as long as it is not a direct offensive magic, there will be no penalty such as being rebounded.

To put it simply, it is not impossible to use magic, but it needs to be connected with physical attacks. The mixture of physics and magic will not cause magic to rebound.


After blocking another sharp claw attack, Bell took action.

Relying on his own speed, he came to Zaganat's side with just one step, and slashed it with a knife before its front legs could retract.


Zaganat screamed in pain, quickly retracted his front feet, and took a step back.

Bell's amazing eyesight naturally saw a small gash on the forearm where the blade came into contact.

"The defense is really strong."

Although the force of the knife just now was not very strong, the magic of Rune was added to the blade, which strengthened the sharpness of the blade.

But even though the sharpness was increased by two levels, the knife still could not completely cut off Zaganat's forefoot and forearm, and even only made a small gap, which made Bell have to sigh.

"As expected of a dungeon scavenger, its various abilities and expressions far reach the limits of a Level 6 monster."

"But you also let me know where your strength limit is."

As long as enough damage can be caused, it can officially begin.

Bell gathered strength under his feet and came to Zaganat.

At this moment, Zaganat could feel the uneasy threat from Bell's body, and it couldn't help but let out a howl.


It's like a coward yelling before trying to embolden himself.

After roaring, Zaganat immediately rushed forward as fast as he could.

This time Zaganat did not continue to use his front feet, but used his strongest tail.

……Please give me flowers…………

Zaganat's tail looks like a tail spine made entirely of bones. Because the entire tail is made of distinct bones, even a mere scratch will cause serious damage.

Bell saw Zaganat turn around quickly, and a tail had already swept in front of his eyes.

He did not choose to resist, but turned sideways and slashed directly under the tail with the long knife.


The powerful and heavy blow made Bell's palms feel numb, and even more so for Zaganat whose tail was bounced away.

However, Bell noticed that Zaganat's tail did not have a cut like the forearm of his forefoot.

"The tail is really hard."


Aiming at Zaganat's forefoot where a small cut had just been made, he slashed at the same position three times in a row.

But also because of this confirmation, all the characteristics of Zaganat have been completely understood.


Don't give it any chance to resist.

After exploring all the information and confirming Zaganat's strength, there was only one thing he needed to do now.

PS: Please collect and send flowers...Please comment and give a small price.

As the scavenger of the dungeon, he does not have the right to use magic, but he has the ability to rebound magic. Zaganat's role is to eliminate all difficult intruders. Therefore, it has amazing speed and destructive power, but because of its scavenger characteristics, its endurance is relatively low. As long as all targets are dead, Zaganat will be eliminated on its own.

This time Zaganat's previous advantage was completely wiped out.

Bell, who was aware of these advantages and disadvantages, did not waste any more time and quickly closed the distance by taking advantage of Zaganat's instant stiffness after sweeping away.

A tragic wail erupted from Zaganat's mouth.

The front foot was chopped directly from the forearm.


The world has regained its color, but...

Kill it.

At this moment the world lost its color.

There is no such thing as showing mercy to Bell, his prey.

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