I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 586 Kill Zaganat


The pain made Zaganat roar wildly, but it did not have the ability to "regenerate". In addition, its body was made of a single piece of magic stone, so there was no such thing as recovery.

The severed front foot is permanently broken.

And what happened to Zaganat who lost his front foot?

Just when Zaganat wanted to retreat temporarily, he saw that its prey had appeared beside it at the same speed.


The eyes that turned color due to rage even paused for a moment.

Before it could react accordingly, the other front foot made a strange sound.


The sound was not very loud, but in Zaganat's ears it was like the death knell of hell was ringing.

At this moment, both front legs were lost, which made the retreating Zag "597" Nat unable to maintain the balance of his body, and his retreating body was pressed to the ground.

All the front legs that stabilize the body's balance were cut off, making it almost impossible for a crawling monster like Zaganat to move normally.

And that's what Bell wants to see.

A monster that moves quickly needs to find a way to target its speed.

As long as the speed is limited, the threat of magic will be reduced by more than half.

At the same time, after eliminating the speed threat, the attack threat is also eliminated at the same time.

Most of Zaganat's attacks are carried out with his tail and front feet.

But now that the two front feet have been severed, the remaining two hind feet cannot continue to provide the stability and speed needed for offense.

And this is the general.

"Dang! Dang! Dang!"

The melodious bells rang in the "White Palace".

Zaganat struggled to stand up, but he almost crawled to the ground with his body. All he wanted to do was to make a final struggle.

"I don't like to end up in front of monsters because of my own carelessness."

Bell looked at Zaganat who was still struggling in front of him and spoke in a rare voice.

"Zaganat, scavenger of the underground city, I will not give you a chance to struggle."

Struggle means change. Bell hates uncontrollable changes in established things the most, unless such changes are always under his control.

All the light points in his hand converged on the blade, and Bell took a standard stance.

"Yan Hui——"

His body turned into a thunder, and he was in front of Zaganat in an instant.

At this moment, the sky and the earth turned pale. At this moment, hundreds of Bell's figures appeared in this space, and each overlapping figure swung a knife.

The entire space seemed to have been cut out with countless lines, even causing the light to be deflected.

Time stopped at this moment.


The sky and the earth returned to color, but the silk threads completely chopped the entire space into pieces, like a scene of shattered glass.

But those chopped up spaces seemed to have fallen into the void.

And Bell had already appeared behind Zaganat, showing the appearance of sheathing the knife.

"————Dimensional Slash."

Integrating Bell's Yanhui skills, control over space, and power storage, he successfully developed a more aggressive Yanhui derivative technique.

The charge makes up for Yan Hui's lack of aggressiveness, and the space further increases the number of overlaps of Yan Hui's move, which makes this move more aggressive and also gives Bell the ability to kill with one hit. trump card.

After retracting the long knife into the four-dimensional space, Bell turned around and looked at Zaganat, who had completely lost his life.


Zaganat's body seemed to have been cut by a thread, and his head hit the ground heavily.

It was like a switch was turned on. The moment the head landed on the ground, other parts of the body also fell to the ground piece by piece.

"It works well."

Watching Zaganat's body slowly turn into white ash, Bell couldn't help but laugh.

This move had just been completed, and being able to exert such power in actual combat really relied on his complete mastery of the "Yan Hui" technique, otherwise he would not have been able to exert that kind of power.

After adjusting his breathing a little, Bell looked at Lyu, who had been placed aside at the beginning of the battle.

"Let's take a short walk."

It was already night in Orario at this moment.

As the "Hospitable Hostess" of a first-class tavern, she is also very busy today. Even outside, you can hear many adventurers drinking and chatting inside, and even laughing from time to time.

It's just that the poster girl in the "Hospital Hostess" is not in such a good mood today.

Xier's worried eyes looked out the door from time to time, and she couldn't help but sigh.

"Lyu, when will you come back?"

She naturally saw the guild's wanted order for Lyu, and also knew what Lyu had been doing these days.

But it was because of this that she became even more worried.

Lyu was one of her rare friends, and he was also one of the few friends who didn't associate with her for reasons other than appearance. Xi'er had always cherished such friends.

Perhaps it was because of Lady Freya that she preferred people with pure hearts, and Lyu was also one of the few pure people.

"Ah la la...Xie'er is worried about Liu again, meow."

Aniya looked at Xier's sad face and knew who she was thinking about.

"Lyuya is really awesome, even though he said he didn't want to come into contact with those dark faction guys, he ended up being attracted to those guys anyway, nya.

"There's nothing we can do about that kind of thing."

"That's right, there's nothing you can do about that kind of thing, nya."

The other two waitresses also knew this very well.

In fact, everyone knows about Lyu's origin, and they all have an understanding of what she has experienced, so they understand better why Lyu is attracted to that news.

"The things she has experienced are different from us. Although we have retired, our family has not been destroyed like this." 5.2

"That guy Lyu has always had a dynamite barrel in his heart. Once it is ignited, there is no way to put it out."

Chloe Lolo, one of the waiters in "Mistress of Plenty", was once a mercenary in an underground organization and is now enjoying a semi-retired life.

Lunova Fast is also one of the waitresses in "Housemistress of Plenty" and was once a member of the underground organization. Now she is enjoying a semi-retired life.

These two people are both Level 4 and belong to different families. However, due to some fate, they met in this tavern. Now they have to bear a debt of more than 100 million French, so they can only stay. I can pay off my debt by working here.

But unlike them, Tong is the most special one among them.

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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