I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 587 If You Don’T Have The Strength, Don’T Mess Around

"I just don't know what's going on with Lyu now, nya."

Although Aniya doesn't understand some of Lyu's thoughts, but as far as Xi'er's current situation is concerned, it's better not to talk about anything else. It's best to know Lyu's current situation first.

"She's not in good shape."


A sudden sound startled several waiters present.

The four of them looked around and saw a man in a white cloak sitting at the edge of the bar.

"When did someone sit down?"

The person who quickly realized who this person was was none other than Xi'er.

"Mr. Bell, why are you here?"

"... Even if the relationship between God Freya and me is very special, you don't have to hate me so much, right?"

Xi'er's pupils shrank slightly. She was obviously saying these words with a smile, so why would this person know some of her thoughts?

"That's because your thoughts are entirely on your face. I have a very strong sense of the emotions and desires of ordinary people, and the same goes for how a person feels about me."

Maybe it's because of the Seven Deadly Sins, otherwise the emotion of "hate" wouldn't be so obvious to Bell.

But it's not that he can't understand Xi'er's emotions. After all, it was his half chosen by God Freya, and she was even recognized as her daughter by God Freya.

Faced with his relationship with God Freya, it is inevitable that Xi'er, "Xie'er", will identify him as the person who stole his mother. How can he not hate him?

If it were him, he might even hate such a thing.

Bell didn't stay on this topic for a moment. He tapped his fingers twice on the bar, and a figure appeared on the bar, and this person was Liu Liang, who was only half-breathed.


When several girls saw the person, their faces were full of horror, and they immediately rushed up regardless of anything.

But none of them could feel Lyu's breath, and he seemed to be completely dead.

"Go and prepare the panacea, otherwise, she won't even be able to hold back her last breath.

Aniya did not hesitate and immediately went back to the next room to get the panacea.

As the female boss, Miya focused all her attention on Lyu.

She found that the injuries on Lyu's body miraculously stopped collapsing, and even the broken wound on her calf did not continue to bleed. It looked as if time had been stopped.

"Special magic? No, it should be a barrier."

I have never heard of time magic.

This should be enchantment magic, just to maintain the physical condition of this idiot daughter in an immortal state.

But even this kind of barrier magic Mya has never heard of.

Then there are so many people in the store.

But when Miya looked over, she found that no customer's eyes were turned this way, which made her sure that other people in the store could not see the situation at the bar at all.

"Then, it is indeed barrier magic."

"Lady Freya, your vision is still the same."

Although she is in semi-retirement, Xi'er sometimes tells her some internal affairs of the family members.

But because Seele is Freya's spokesperson in the world, in fact, what Seele said is the message Freya wants to pass on.

Therefore, Miya can be regarded as the second person besides Xier who knows the current situation of Lady Freya. She even knows what Lady Freya does.

"A bunch of idiots from the Familia..."

Thinking of those idiots, Miya covered her face and didn't know what to say.

"Didn't any of those idiots realize that Freya-sama, as a god, would be bullied by children from the lower world at will?"

Yes, Mya is the only one among the Freya family who knows that Freya is essentially a virgin goddess.

Kamiya also chose to shut up and watch the show because Freya said, "Don't tell those children, I want to see if those children will find out."

Therefore, since that time, Miya has never taken a fancy to the dozen incomprehensible idiots in the family clan.

No matter what, the person Freya-sama is looking for is not those idiots who can't even see through this.

It is even said that in Miya's opinion, the reaction time given by Lady Freya to those fools is long enough. But until the secret was exposed, no fool thought in that direction.

That can only mean one thing, "These idiots are not the people Freya-sama is looking for."

Therefore, these fools' efforts are in vain.

On the other hand, look at the young man in front of me.

It didn't even take a year since I came to Orario, and I had already risen from a complete zero foundation to the level of Lv. 5, and this boy even revealed Lady Freya's secret with one sentence.

The results are obvious.

Miya felt that there was no need for those idiots to fight.

"I'm coming!"

Anya soon returned with a bottle of panacea.


Bell untied the barrier around Lyu's body with a snap of his fingers, and the time that had been forced to stop began to flow again.

After taking a focused look at the female elf's condition, Si'er was certain that the female elf had no life safety issues now.

When she heard that Liu was about to get sick, Aniya immediately opened the bottle and poured the elixir into Liu's mouth.

"Give me a message."

PS: Please collect...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

"As expected of a bottle of 500,000 French elixir, the effect is indeed good."

"Don't step into the pit dug by the dark faction if you don't have enough strength. Next time, such good luck won't happen."

But now he no longer has such a big funding gap, so there is no need to construct other revenue channels.

Bell couldn't help but sigh in admiration.

Facts have proved that the effect of the panacea is quite good, and 340 Liu's pale face immediately improved after being forced to drink it.

After leaving these words, Bell did not stay in the tavern and chose to leave directly.

"She only has half a life left."

The missing piece of meat in the calf also began to slowly heal, and the missing part was quickly repaired.

Blood flowed from the wound on his calf again.

He has been working in the dungeon for half a month. He also needs time to rest and update, but he doesn't have so much free time here.

If the pharmaceutical business hadn't been so big, there might have been a bigger fuss once this piece of cake was touched, and Bell really wanted to get involved.

"Ah! Lyu, don't really die!"

Other injuries on the body are also getting better little by little, and new skin and flesh have grown out of those small scratches.

Aniya was stunned, but was reminded by Bell.

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