I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 588 Come Here And Lie Down

After putting down the female elf, Bell returned home directly.

"I haven't been home for half a month, now I can take a good rest."

In half a month, I completed the accumulation of ability points and "Swallow Return", and even killed a Lv. 6 Zaganat. It is basically certain that I have obtained the key to continue moving forward, and the next thing can be done for the time being. Sexually, let it go.

"Then there is the long-lost embrace of Hestia and Hephaestus. I should be able to have a good sleep today."

With such a relaxed and happy mood, Bell walked into the big tree house.

As soon as he entered the big tree house, Bell saw God Freya sitting there, and there was no goddess next to her.


Good guy.

At the same time, Bell also knew why God Freya was sitting in the living room. It must be because of the eyes of the "mistress of abundance".

"Back, Bell."

Looking at Bell who was looking a little dusty, with some surprise and helplessness in his eyes, a smile flashed across Freya's eyes.

It's getting late today and everyone else has gone back to their rooms to rest.

She herself was one of the people resting in the room, but she happened to see Bell through Xi'er's eyes, so she naturally understood that today was the day that Bell would come back.

Freya didn't have much preparation for this. She just wore the pajamas in her room and came to the living room, waiting for Bell to come home.

"Good night, Freya."

This time Bell didn't add a suffix that would make Freya roll her eyes, so naturally she didn't get that roll of the eyes.

Freya looked a little different today than usual, maybe because she was wearing pajamas.

The white dress and pajamas did not highlight any color, but were very simple. It was not as simple as something a beauty god would wear. It could be said to be very conservative.

Not to mention the chest, even the shoulders, legs and arms are well wrapped in it.

Although the nightgown is very conservative, I don't know if it is because the nightgown fits too well. It is obviously not deliberately exposed, but Freya's perfect body curve can be clearly seen with the eyes.

Not directly astringent, but very attractive.

There is an unspeakable attraction in the simplicity, which once attracted Bell's attention.

Freya naturally noticed Bell's gaze on her, but she just smiled and let Bell look at her openly, and even asked with interest.

"Is it beautiful?||?"

"It's beautiful."

Isn’t beauty beautiful? That’s the biggest lie in the world.

It's just that Bell discovered another side of Freya's beauty, which was not the directly expressed beauty of body and face, but the beauty of pure temperament.

"I'm beautiful, but why aren't you attracted to me?"

.....Freya, if you say that, I won’t be able to continue what I’m going to say. "


This natural answer brought a smile to Freya's face. Isn't this a good approach?

"Come and sit."

Bell did not refuse, but in just a few steps he sat next to Freya.

Freya turned sideways and watched Bell, who was sitting upright, move closer and reached out to take off the hat he was still wearing.

Everything you see on that face is childish, it's like the perfect disguise. People who don't know will definitely be confused by this face and think that this child is just a newbie.

"You kid always maintain this cautious look no matter where you go."

This is definitely a serious disease, and it is a serious disease that goes deep into the bone marrow.

"Caution and caution are the first priority. The situation in the dungeon is changing rapidly, so it is definitely right to be careful."

"Will the monsters in the dungeon pay attention to your face? This is how you prepare for adventurers.

Freya almost had the words "Am I that easy to deceive?" written on her face at this moment.

Although she is a god and has never been to the dungeon, she also knows that the monsters in the dungeon don't care whether the adventurer's face is childish or not.

No monster will judge the strength of an adventurer based on his face, but adventurers who venture in dungeons will.

A series of characteristics of being inexperienced and inexperienced can be seen on the face and eyes.

Some fledgling adventurers have their clear stupidity written on their faces, so veteran adventurers almost always target these immature adventurers.

Therefore, this childish face is almost prepared for those experienced adventurers.

But such behavior was called "cautious" and "cautious" by Bell.

But in Freya's opinion, this child was just preparing to avoid being noticed by his face under the hood.

In this way, when others see it, they will not regard Bell as an experienced adventurer, but as a newbie.

Of course Freya noticed that the child's face was even more over-prepared.

"Also, you still have a barrier on your face that confuses your perception. How well are you disguising yourself?"

The childish face mentioned just now is the third layer of defense. The first layer is the hood, and the second layer is a barrier that confuses cognition.

Good guy, he put a layer of enchantment all over his face just to prevent people from noticing him. Freya was really convinced by Bell's operation.

Freya reached out and pinched Bell's face, kneading it hard to make the stiff face soften.

"Just pretend like this when you are outside. Do you need to continue to pretend when you are at home?"

This made Bell a little embarrassed, well done) Actually, he didn't pretend to be this way on purpose, it was just a matter of habit.

"You can't blame me. Just after I came up from the dungeon, I went to the "Mistress of Plenty" to send people back, so I habitually maintained my appearance in front of others.

"Then you are still reasonable."

Saying that, Freya pinched Bell's face hard.

"Okay, put the cloak and coat into your space."

Bell complied obediently. After all, his cloak was still quite dusty, and it wasn't very comfortable to wear at home.

"Come here and lie down.


He saw Freya patting her thigh gently beside her, obviously to let him rest her head on her.

"Freya, actually I..."

"Come here and lie down."


PS: Please collect...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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