I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 609 Necessary Investment

On the other side, the Loki Familia seemed a little quieter than usual at the moment.

After the expedition has just ended and everyone has been greatly improved, there will not be another expedition for at least half a year.

Members of the Loki Familia who have been promoted are working hard to adjust to their disharmonious state after the upgrade and get through the unstable period after the upgrade as soon as possible.

As the backbone of the Loki Familia, Loki has not stayed within the Familia for a while, which allows the promoted members to have more freedom. All exercises are voluntary

The purpose is to complete the mastery of strength as quickly as possible.

Naturally, Ais was included among them.

After half a year of settling down, Aisi's heart began to become much more stable.

Perhaps it was because that agreement with her parents made her grow faster mentally, and also made her realize that she was no longer a child and could not always follow Riveria or rely on her. Anyone.

In the past, when the level was low, Riveria could lead her forward step by step, and the power of the family could also try to support her below, so that she could have a worry-free growth environment.

It's a pity that after Level 6, no one will continue to help her, and no one can~ help her.

Finn, Grace and Riveria have just reached Level 7. They all need time to stabilize their strength, and they themselves also need more growth.

Naturally, Aisi can only work hard by herself.

It's just that the growth rate of self-training is too slow, so slow that Aisi feels that her growth has slowed down a lot compared to before.

This sense of gap also made Ais return to her room after exercising in the dungeon. After having dinner in the family members, she immediately returned to her room.

Lying on his bed, staring at the ceiling of the room in a daze.

"My growth rate started to slow down."

Aisi could clearly feel that her growth rate was starting to slow down.

In fact, every adventurer with a high enough level will feel this way, and the same is true for the level of the adventurer. Each level of improvement will increase the proficiency required for improvement. Therefore, each upgrade of an adventurer requires more proficiency than the previous level to increase the ability value.

This is why top adventurers are so rare in the maze city of Orario.

I don’t know how long it will take for Level 6 to train all the ability values ​​to the limit?

"I should ask Riveria and the others."

Ais felt that she should still ask Finn and Riveria.

"Knock knock knock!"

""Sword Queen". "

The voice calling outside the door made Aisi sit up from the bed in an instant. She came directly to the door in a flash. She quickly opened the door and saw the people standing outside.

"Bell Cronney."

Bell, who was standing outside, took a step back, bowed slightly, and said with some hostility:

"I'm sorry to come to you so late and to come to your door during your rest time."

Ais just shook her head slightly, signaling Bell not to worry so much.

"Don't worry. Just why are you looking for me at this time?"

"The day before the Divine Moon Festival, something unexpected happened today. A god was swallowed by a monster far away from Orario, and even that monster was still taking the power that belonged to the god."

Ais listened quietly, then tilted her head and looked at Bell, as if to say, "What does this have to do with me."

Bell sighed, feeling for the first time that this "Swordswoman" really didn't understand the world, and then immediately explained.

"The monster that swallowed the power of the gods has extraordinary power. According to my speculation, the monster that swallowed the power of the gods may be able to exert the power of Level 7 or even Level 8.


Aisi's eyes suddenly lit up when she heard this.

She didn't understand the other words very clearly, but she heard this sentence very clearly.

But the long cooling-off period also made Aisi's mind much calmer than before.

In the past, she might have rushed forward when she heard the news, but now Aisi will think about whether she has the strength to face such a challenge.

Therefore, at this moment, Aisi raised her head strangely and asked in confusion:

"Why are you telling me? If it's a monster with that kind of strength, shouldn't it be looking for Finn?"

In response, Bell shook his head slightly.

"Even Captain Finn and the others do not have enough strength to face this monster. The monster that devours divine power and the ordinary monster are two completely different species. In addition, Captain Finn and the others have just entered Level 7. In this field, there is no need to consider upgrades now.”

.........Please give me flowers 0

But these words made Aisi feel even more strange.

"Since Finn and the others are no match, why are they looking for me?"

Aisi didn't know how strong Bell was, but according to Finn's judgment, Bell was at least Level 4.

"Are you coming to help me?"

Seeing that Ais could understand what he meant, Bell was obviously relieved.

This is Bell's biggest purpose for deliberately looking for Aisi this time.

PS: A little late.

"This is another reason. Compared to Captain Finn and others, you are more eager to upgrade, and you are more eager to get the ticket to enter LV.7.

"I also have my own purpose. You hope to gain the approval of your parents and make an agreement with your parents. And I hope to use your parents to give me further opportunities.

This was a judgment made several months ago, but after experiencing the expedition and knowing that the last fairy clone in the expedition was designed by Bell, Esko could not accurately judge what level Bell was now.

"So, I need you to get the Lv. tickets as soon as possible."

"In addition, I hope you can get the ticket to enter Level 7 earlier. Your father and mother are my reasons."

Bell has enough background to defeat more powerful monsters across levels, even if that monster has the strength of Level 7. But the famous "Swordswoman" in front of her may not be able to reach his level, so it is necessary to give her a ticket to Level 7.

Ais knows the agreement between her father and mother and she can't rely on Riveria and the others. Bell mentioned her parents' strength last time. The two Level 8s are stable. If they act together, their strength may still be good. Need to double it.

This discovery caused some excitement to appear on Ais's face.

"I see."

Bell didn't hide his purpose, and Ais understood this very well, so she didn't have any objections.

Aisi had a glimmer of understanding, and then her slow brain also understood the reason why Bell came to her.

Bell paused for a moment when he said this, and then confessed the reason why he came to Aiz.

No matter what, for Ais, getting help from Bell is obviously what she hopes to see most.

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