I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 610 The Speed Is A Little Faster

"I'm ready."

After Bell waited outside the room for a few minutes, Aisi had already put on her combat clothes in the room. The bulging bag on his waist was exactly the fanny pack that Loki bought in the early days. It contained a lot of medicine, just in case.

"Then let's go."

A space tunnel was torn open on Bell's back, and he turned around and walked into it.

After seeing this, Ais also walked in.

After crossing the shackles of space, after walking out of the narrow space tunnel, you will come to a forest.

Looking at the forest outside, Ais was stunned for two seconds before looking back and seeing the outer wall of Orario's maze city.

"Is this...outside?"

"Well, we need covert action. This matter will become a very serious matter. It's best to handle it carefully."

"Well "seven or eighty"."

Although Aisi didn't know the reason for acting cautiously, she knew that Bell must have a reason for his decision.

After closing the space, Bell began to contact the four gods in the family.

"Hestia, did God Artemis point out the specific location?"

[It has been pointed out, but it is ten days away from Orario. 】

"Ten days? It's a little farther."

Bell dragged his chin as he thought about this ten-day journey. It was obvious that this was definitely not a ten-day journey by humans, but probably a ten-day carriage journey. To be honest, it’s a little bit

His space may be able to directly ignore the distance and reach the destination almost instantly, but that is based on his own positioning of the spatial coordinates. It would be too dangerous to go to a destination where he had not performed spatial positioning, and it would be no different from seeking death.

Space may be a very useful force, but once the location of space cannot be completely determined, the place it appears will be random.

To Bell, this randomness seems almost the same as committing suicide for fun.

Therefore, "randomness" is what Bell hates the most.

"There is no other way. It seems we can only use another method."

Bell's eyes narrowed, and a world map appeared in front of him. Among them, the city of Orario has been marked with a special cartoon style, and the other marked place is the approximate location of the appearance of the God Artemis.

It was indeed quite a distance away, and based on a ten-day drive... Bell suddenly felt that the carriage might not be able to go that fast.

"Hestia, the ten-day journey you mentioned is a carriage?"

[No, it’s time to ride the flying dragon. 】


Good guy.

The flying dragon species is already considered a complete dragon clan. The speed of the flying dragon species is also quite amazing. After all, there are not so many obstacles blocking the way in the sky. The speed of flying in the sky is not comparable to that of a carriage in a dungeon, and even an earth dragon cannot match the speed of a flying dragon.

It takes ten days for the flying dragon species to reach the place, so this distance is really far away from Orario.

Then, there is no need to think about it, there is only one processing method that can be used.

Rune can use many methods of movement, but there is a problem with these methods, that is, he has a sufficient understanding of the environment and space. Otherwise, if he uses these abilities on the ground, he will probably hit a wall every tens of meters.

Although Bell was disgusted by this behavior of exposing his trump card, considering the distance involved, there seemed to be no other way.

So Bell turned to look at Ais.

"Sword Princess," maybe I will take you with me on the next journey, is that acceptable?"

"Well, okay."

"That's good.

After getting Aisi's permission, Bell, who was not one to talk much, walked directly to her side and hugged her sideways while she looked at her with doubts.


Ais, who had a question mark on her face, didn't know what the fuss was about, but before she could ask, she felt Bell's body begin to emit terrifying magic power.


The knees were slightly bent, and the terrifying power appeared in vain, allowing Bell to jump to a height of several meters while holding Aisi.

He stepped on the air brick created with magic power, and in an instant, Bell and Ais transformed into thunder and lightning and disappeared from Orario's outer wall.


Bell was used to lightning that was almost equivalent to the speed of light, but this really scared Ais to death.

"What...what's going on?"

Ais, whose consciousness could not keep up with the speed of lightning, could hardly see the changes in the objects around her, as if she was in a completely pure white world.

The only thing Ais can see now is Bell holding her...

"Don't worry, it will be there soon."

Almost in the blink of an eye, the pure white surroundings quickly receded. Although there was still a forest around, you could already see an island in the lake not far away, which was the location marked by the God Artemis. .


"So fast!?"

Artemis, who was watching the projection screen from afar inside the Hestia Familia, opened her mouth wide and looked frightened.

But the surroundings were unusually unfamiliar, which allowed Ais to confirm that the distance she had moved at that moment was far beyond her imagination.

Only gods with the power of speed can enter the streamer.

But, why so fast?

"Can all children in the lower world enter this speed now?"

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

But in the lower realm, even those gods with speed power cannot enter the streamer without using their divine power.

Just like Hermes can do it, what he is best at is running away. "The power of speed can be said to be fully used in his hands."

Aisi's beautiful eyes widened, filled with "incredible". She didn't expect to arrive at the place so quickly.

Aisi has always had a strong sense of breath. The wind she controls can become her ears, eyes, hands and feet, helping her quickly grasp the surrounding situation.

This understanding is not wrong, but it just doesn't apply to Bell.

Artemis now felt that her outlook on life was showing signs of fragmentation. She did not remember that there were such awesome children in the lower world.

Streaming light is the collective name given by the gods to a certain speed, and the gods who enter the flowing light are very few in the heaven.

"Ah... I must be dreaming... the children from the lower world enter the streamer or something, this is just my dream in 1.7..."

"This...isn't this a streamer?"

Looking back, there is a lush forest all around here, and there is not even a trace of human life.

That's why Hermes is often called "errand boy" in heaven.

This also evolved into the understanding that "there will be no individuals entering the streamer in the lower world."

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