I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 611 I Haven’T Made Much Progress

“Is that child ready to enter the world?”

Among the Hermes family members, Hermes' whole body felt bad the moment he saw Liu Guang.

The muscles on his face were twitching wildly and almost uncontrollably. Even if he saw it with his own eyes now, Hermes still felt the same as Artemis. It seemed like I was dreaming, and even this dream was particularly outrageous.

"Lord Hermes, what exactly is the so-called streamer?"

Hearing Asfi's question made Hermes wake up a little, and after confirming that he was not dreaming, he explained.

"That is a state that can only be entered after the speed reaches a certain level. In the God Realm, we call this state streamer, which means flowing light. The light cannot be captured, so the flowing light cannot be captured. Being captured can almost be called a divine speed."

"Just like Bell's speed just now, he covered the ten-day journey of Feilong almost in an instant."

"Isn't that invincible?"

Yasifei reacted almost immediately after listening.

But Hermes shook his head slightly27.

"If you can enter the streamer at any time, Bell is undoubtedly very fast in the field of speed. But I think it's his first time to actively enter the streamer, and he still can't grasp the sense of distance. Otherwise, he just brought "Sword Princess" You can go directly to Artemis' designated location."

"In addition, it is still difficult to control the distance in the streamer. Bell can reach his speed to the streamer, but how did he use it just now?"

Yasi Fei tried hard to recall the scene just now, and then suddenly recalled that before entering the streamer, Bell held Aisi and jumped from the ground to a height of 100 meters. In an instant, she understood what Hermes meant.

"He proactively avoided obstacles that might have arisen in front of him."

Hermes cast an admiring look at Asfi and confirmed her judgment.

"Yes, even though it was the first time for that child to enter the streamer, he still deliberately put himself in a state where there were no obstacles in front of him. Why did he do this deliberately? Of course, it was because he himself was worried about whether he would lose control when he reached the speed limit. Unable to survive the situation, he instinctively chose a more cautious plan.

After Bell put down Ais who was holding him, he also took a careful breath.

"I didn't expect... I didn't expect... that using thunder to its extreme would have such an effect."

Just as Hermes guessed, Bell actually didn't expect that using his thunder to the limit would produce such a qualitative change.

Originally, I just planned to shorten the time on the road, but who knew that I would suddenly surpass the maximum speed of Lei Hua, and even reach the speed of light.


At this moment, Bell didn't feel any excitement, he only felt happy in his heart.

"Fortunately, it would be troublesome if we hit an obstacle at that speed."

Bell boasts that his body has been trained to the extreme, but this extreme is not the reason why he collides with the rocks.

"The power that I cannot control is not my power."

Just for this reason, Bell gave it up temporarily.

Bell would not choose to use it as part of his power unless he had the opportunity to fully master it later.

After giving up, he began to observe the situation at the scene without any hesitation.

A stench coming from the soul made Bell's nose feel a little uncomfortable.

"Wow, it smells so disgusting."

"It tastes just like pickled sour bamboo shoots stirred in stinky tofu sauce."

Even Bell, who has great perseverance, felt that it was too disgusting.

Temporarily weaken your sense of smell and focus on your eyes.

A curl of black smoke drifted out from the center of the island in the lake not far away. The weakened sense of smell still smelled that the stench came from that curl of black smoke.

Through the abnormally enhanced vision, Bell even caught a hint of gold in the black smoke.

"It seems to be correct, it is the underground space of this island in the lake."


Bell's ears caught a lot of crawling sounds in the distant forest, and they were still rushing towards his location.

"It seems that I caught the fluctuation that I couldn't control just now."

Bell wasn't surprised either. After all, it was a monster that had the power to devour gods, and it had some abilities after all.

* "Sword Lady", "The enemy's clone is coming towards us quickly."

Hearing this, Aisi's eyes immediately became sharp and she took out the "Blade of Despair" from her pocket.

"On the right front, there are 246 scorpion-shaped monsters approaching at a distance of 5,000 meters. They should be at level 2 in terms of strength. They are not strong, but they are better in number and their poisonous stings. Pay attention to safety."


Aisi remembered all this information in her heart, and then lowered her body, and the wind around her body gathered in large quantities.

"Bah bang bang!"

The whole body is purple and black, and the 423 tail thorns on the tail are always staring at. The purple light on the tip of the thorns also explains how difficult this bird thorn is.

But Aisi looked sad about this, especially when she heard the words "great progress", it made her feel very uncomfortable.

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

But facing these poisonous scorpions, Ais just held a rapier and rushed into the pile of scorpions wrapped in a hurricane.

The wind hugged Ais, allowing her speed to reach its extreme.

In an instant, a large number of scorpions were all washed away.

The figure quickly shuttled back and forth among the scorpions, and dozens of scorpions died every time it shuttled. 245 Song Scorpion Song lasted less than ten minutes.

This is an almost unbelievable achievement for a low-level adventurer. Perhaps Ais, who can do it, will be called the "Sword Queen" of Orario.

After Ais defeated all the scorpions, Bell belatedly applauded and even praised Ais' strength.

The scorpions who reacted quickly rushed towards Aisi. The two large pincers and tail sting were very intimidating, but Aisi was obviously faster than the scorpions.

Before the scorpions could get any closer, they were cut into two pieces by Ais, who controlled the wind.

As the most famous adventurer of Orario, "Sword Princess", the magic she uses is called "Wind Spirit Sprint", which wraps her body with wind, thereby strengthening the effects of attack, defense and speed. Simple and efficient magic is also one of the reasons that makes him one of the top adventurers in Orario.

"Compared to the last expedition, your strength has improved greatly "Sword Princess". The control of magic is completely beyond the past, becoming more refined and sharper. "

"I haven't made much progress."

It only took 15 seconds to cover a distance of 5,000 meters, and at the same time, I also saw those scorpions crawling in the forest.

"Wake up."

Along with the roar of magic power, the wind around Aisi's body exploded, rushing forward with the fierce wind.

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