I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 617 The Combination Of The Strongest Output And The Strongest Assistance

After passing a series of passages in front, the sound kept going down.

Soon the two of them came to a large underground cavity. In front of it was a broken bridge leading to the center of the fault ruins. But underneath the broken bridge was a large deep pit, nearly a hundred meters deep, and the bottom was still OK. Hearing some squirming sounds, it was obvious what was underneath.

There should be no one who wants to go to the bottom to see what is going on there.

The stone bridge broke in the middle, and the distance between the break in the middle was about ten meters by visual inspection. But this doesn't matter to Bell or Ais.

It's only a distance of ten meters, and it's just a short step away.

The key thing is not these ten meters, but the monster on the ruins platform outside the corn that is twisting crazily and rubbing against the wall.

Even though she was thousands of meters away, Aisi could still feel the terrifying aura emanating from the monster.


Ais, who had faced Udaios alone, now clearly felt that the monster in front of her was even more dangerous than Udaios.

The level of danger was even greater than when she singled out Udaios.

"About Lv. 8. It is indeed a monster that has absorbed the power of the gods. If this monster continues to absorb the power of the gods, then after completely absorbing the power of God Artemis, the power of this loyal monster should be able to Reached Level 9."

Bell has a clearer understanding of the bottom line of this monster.

Perhaps it's because his strength has increased to a certain level and he has seen the "strong man" at Level 7, which has further enhanced his understanding of strength, and he can also start to confirm where the boundary between Level 8 and Level 9 is.

There is no doubt that it is unattainable for him at this stage, but it does not mean that it is completely unreachable.

Even if you can't upgrade your level in a short time, let yourself be able to reach the unattainable Lv.8 or even Lv.9. Just because you can't improve yourself doesn't mean you can't bring the unattainable Level 8 and Level 9 to your own level.

Just like the monster in front of you, maybe its strength has reached Lv.8 after devouring part of its divine power, but the moment it was poisoned, it was destined that it would not be able to exert its Lv.8 strength, and its limit was only LV.7.

For Bell, Level 7 is already within reach, but for Ais, it's still a little behind. After all, Aisi has only just reached Level 6. She has not practiced in this field for a long time, and her ability value improvement is still very low.

Therefore, when encountering such a thing in the second dimension, you need to simultaneously lower the enemy's strength and improve your own strength.

This situation is much simpler.

Bell took out a special runestone from the four-dimensional space and threw it directly towards Ais behind him.

Ais reached out to catch it.

"Rune stones~"?"

"It is used to make up for the gap in basic abilities between you and that monster. Even if it has been restrained by my poison now, this is a monster that has absorbed divine power.

There is still a certain gap between it and you. "

Then Bell reminded again:

"This is a runestone specially made by me. It can increase your ability value as high as possible within five minutes. However, once it exceeds five minutes, your physical strength and magic power will be completely consumed, and it will remain in this state. One hour."

After hearing this, Aisi understood that these were very special runestones, runestones prepared entirely to determine the outcome.

Five minutes of strength are exchanged for an hour of weakness.

Once she fails to grasp the crucial five minutes, she will immediately become a meal for the monsters after losing her physical strength and magic power.

"First conduct a trial, and then use the power enhanced by the rune stones to decide the outcome."

Aisi instantly made a plan for this battle in her mind.

The battle plan is quite simple, but the simpler the plan, the more meaningful it is to implement.

Thinking of this, Ais took out her sword directly from her pocket.

However, Bell held Ais's "Blade of Despair".

"Wait a minute. In order to ensure that your attack can penetrate the divine power used for defense on the outer layer of the monster's body, you need to connect your sword with the bow and arrow of God Artemis."

Artemis' bow and arrow flew out from the four-dimensional space, and the arrow exuded a faint divine light, indicating its existence as an artifact.

With a snap of Bell's fingers, a ray of light was pulled out of Chongchong's glowing arrow and tied to the sword of "Despair's Blade."

"Well, this ensures that your attack can completely penetrate the outer layer of divine defense. In addition, you don't have to worry about your weapon causing damage to God Artemis. Now God Artemis has been released from confinement. When she wakes up, she will notice our purpose, so use all your strength to attack."


At this moment, Ais experienced the joy of not having to think about other things at all. There was such a person who could help her solve all problems other than fighting, so that she only had to think about fighting. Doing this would really make her a All I know is that fighting is useless.

Immediately, Ais focused on the monster in front of her.

[Wake up!"

The hurricane wrapped Ais' body in it, greatly increasing Ais' speed. In one breath, Ais directly crossed the broken bridge and entered the last part of the ruins, which is the central area where the monster is located.

The swift wind carried Ais forward quickly.


Scorpio, who noticed Aisi, endured the pain all over his body and immediately roared in pain, and at the same time, it also began to respond.

Although no injuries were seen, the appearance was much more embarrassing than before.

PS: Please collect it, please give me flowers... and please give me a review.

That's it (Li Hao). It's not over yet. Scorpio's other two extra tail spines also stabbed down towards the ground.


The body wanted to move, but it lost strength in its toes, so it could only lift its chelicerae.

The lowered figure was almost close to the ground to avoid Scorpio's attack.

Suddenly spread the limbs, increase the resistance, and the moment the foot is found, the wind gathers on the feet, once again increasing the speed to the extreme.

In that space blocked by smoke and dust, a whirlwind suddenly rushed out.

You can see that it's Ais who was attacked.

"Use it!"

Aisi, who was running on the ground, suddenly shrank her legs and let her feet leave the ground, and her body moved forward with the inertia.


With an extremely sharp sword, the sharp wind almost cut through the extremely hard armor of Scorpion, and also cut off a tail stinger.

The entire platform has undergone some deformation, and the ground is more like an earthquake.

When Aisi saw the opportunity, the sound of breaking through the air came, and it stabbed the ground hard, making a loud noise.

Compared to the impact just now, it was even more terrifying.

Aisi, who was holding the sword, was almost as fast as a low-flying fighter jet at this moment. With the amazing speed and the sword wrapped in sharp wind, she aimed the sword at Scorpio's tail stinger.

The earthquake caused the ground of the entire platform to crack, and it looked like it was about to collapse, but it still maintained its last appearance, just with perseverance.

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