I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 618: Full Power Only Blooms For A Moment


The chopped off tail thorn fell directly to the ground, and even made a very heavy sound.

The tail spines that fell to the ground turned into ashes.


The flesh and blood of the severed root regenerated rapidly, and a new tail spine soon regenerated.

The speed of regeneration stunned Ais for a moment, and then she quickly left her previous position.


The newly reborn tail thorn was aimed at Ais's position and stabbed down.

Although Aisi still successfully dodged the attack just now, a wound appeared on her face because of her stunned moment. No, it was a scratch from the tail spine.

It was a scratch caused by the splashing of stones on the ground.

"So fast!"

She was just in a trance and was seized the opportunity to attack [This made her deeply understand that there was still a long distance between herself and the monster in front of her.

But the most critical issue now is the regeneration ability of this magical beast. The body tissue that was just cut off can be restored to its original state in an instant. It's just crazy.

"As a monster that can absorb divine power, it is also different from other monsters to a certain extent. In addition, there are many troublesome monsters in the dungeon that have terrifying regeneration abilities. And it has swallowed the power of gods and behaved in this regard. A little more forceful.”

I see.

After listening to Bell's explanation, Ais somewhat understood the situation. Indeed, it becomes much more reasonable to put this extremely powerful regeneration ability on a monster that can swallow the power of gods.

"Although limbs have strong regeneration capabilities, the most critical thing for a monster is still that part.

Magic stone!

Aisi's brain was able to function and the word 827 appeared in her mind instantly.

"Don't pay too much attention to the body of the monster. Its leg whiskers are all numb and it has almost lost the ability to walk. Although the front claws are still somewhat functional, the immobile body has already restricted a lot."

"The tail spines can move, but the area of ​​movement is also limited."

Aisi's eyes immediately swept over, and she immediately saw the area where the tail thorn could attack the most.

The range that can be attacked is actually only one area around the body, and there is almost no way to expand the range of the attack without being able to move.

"The ground will collapse soon after the collision just now. Pay special attention when accumulating power on the ground and accelerating. Now it has been forced into a desperate situation, so there is only one choice it will make.

Aisi's eyes glanced, and she saw Scorpio pointing the crystal that imprisoned the god Artemis at her.

The constant alarm signals throughout her body made her understand how dangerous this blow was, and dodging was the best choice, otherwise she would be completely defeated by this blow.

Move your body quickly so that you can better hide in some blind spots that are not easy to attack. I'm talking about Scorpio's side.

The immovable Scorpio is the best hiding spot.

As long as Scorpio cannot move freely, then its side is the safest place. Unless Scorpio can move his body significantly, there is a safe zone.

I saw the blue crystal in the center of Scorpion gathering white energy, but its speed was still too slow. When it wanted to aim at Aisi, Aisi (chaf) had already hid in the blind spot of its attack, regardless of It is impossible to attack in any way.

But Scorpio's goal from the beginning was not Ais.

The energy beam as big as the mouth of a well was aimed directly at Bell.


Aisi didn't expect that the target would be Bell. Her whole face was stiff with nervousness.

But Bell, who was standing there, looked at the light arrows fired at him completely unconcerned.

"As expected, it's just a monster."


The light arrow shot two meters in front of Bell and was suddenly blocked by an invisible wall. This phenomenon only resulted in Bell's ruthless complaints.

"Is there anyone standing in the stands next to me like a fool and not taking any precautions?"

How could Bell, who had been so cautious since entering Orario, be so careless?

The invisible wall absorbed the divine power contained in the light arrow, thus further beginning to strengthen the internal results.

That's right, Bell was naturally prepared to be attacked. But because he didn't need to take action this time, otherwise he would steal the "great cause" that the "Sword Queen" needed, so he was prepared and just watched the show from the side.

Otherwise, for the Scorpio in front of him, he might not need to take action. He only needs to add "Greed" and "Jealousy" as seasonings after "Gluttony". Just the poison of Hydra can torment this Scorpio to the limit. To the point of suicide.


Ais breathed a sigh of relief after seeing that Bell had not been attacked, but she did not dare to divert her attention easily at this moment. Otherwise, the Scorpio's tail stinger would be aimed at her again.

The crystal with the greatest weakness is at the front of Scorpio, and there are two front claws at the front that are always staring at it. Even if it wants to attack, it needs to be prepared to be attacked.

Is there a way to avoid being attacked by the front pincers and still attack the weak points?

Of course there is.

Aisi's brain immediately thought of the simplest way to operate.

"Wake up!"

Condensing a large amount of wind on his sword, the blade of the "Blade of Despair" is equipped with a layer of sharp wind blades that can more easily and effectively cut through solid hard objects.

This time, the wind does not have any defense or acceleration gains, and all the magic power is concentrated on the offensive performance of the wind.

Ace wasn't even satisfied with this.


The key rune stone was directly crushed, and instantly the five ability values ​​reached the highest point that Aisi's own talent could reach.

The strength that emerged gave her a feeling that she could go anywhere in the world.

But Ais realized that this was an illusion. This is a symptom of misestimation of strength after a sudden surge in strength. She has experienced this feeling in the past, so she can adjust her mentality faster now.

He quickly made adjustments and kicked his feet.

The speed exploded instantly, and in a flash, Aisi was already behind Scorpio. This speed even shocked Aisi herself.

Is this my speed?

But this was the best time to attack, and he calmed down after being distracted for a moment. Gathering energy and concentration, he held the sword in his hand and slashed directly at the roots of the three tail thorns.


The sound of the wind left a slight cracking sound in the air, and the three tail thorns broke at the same time.


In the midst of severe pain and shock, Scorpio finally realized that the little bug he had just noticed had disappeared.

When Scorpio turned his attention to the tail, Aisi's figure had already appeared on Scorpio's right side.

Without the slightest hesitation, he aimed his sword at the right paw and slashed it. The body quickly crouched, using a moment of explosive power to pass through the space under Scorpio, and his eyes accurately locked the left chela.

The moment the body passed through smoothly, Ais also raised the "Blade of Despair" and penetrated Zuo Ao with a sword from below.


The two front claws were chopped off and fell to the ground almost at the same time.

There was a flush on Ais's face as she stood still. Just now she had finished all the preparations in one breath. Although all of Scorpio's attacks were eliminated at the same time, it also made her body stiff.

But before she could take a breath, she saw with a glance that the tail spines and front claws that had just been chopped off were beginning to regenerate. This caused her to inhale quickly and gather all her magic power. What followed was her first effective attack, and it was also her full blow.

"Wake up!!!"

A large amount of wind gathered on the sword body and began to rotate at super speed, just like a small hurricane.

And this is also Aisi's biggest attack method.

Holding the hilt of the sword tightly with both hands, Aisi had already arrived in front of the spar.


The moment the sword tip came into contact with the crystal, the crystal burst out with unimaginable energy, directly competing with Aisi's hurricane.

so hard!

Ais gritted her teeth. She could see victory right in front of her, so how could she let go so easily?

The expectations of her father and mother, as well as the promises she had to fulfill, did not allow her to stand still.

"go ahead!"

Hold the hilt of the sword with your right hand, and press the bottom of the hilt with the palm of your left hand.

“We must definitely cross over!”

"Move forward!!!"

Suddenly, the wind around the sword became violent and more powerful.

The force of the sword tip and the crystal collided, but the sword tip still stuck to the crystal at almost zero distance.


The sound of shattering suddenly sounded, and cracks began to appear in the crystal with the tip of the sword as the center.


As Aisi and the crystal stone struggled with power, the cracks in the crystal stone began to spread rapidly.

Eventually, Crystal loses the ability to wrestle with Aisi.


PS: Please collect...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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