I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 620 Positive Attitude May Have Been Cultivated Since Childhood.


The cocoon of light wrapping the god Artemis was peeled off from the monster's flesh and blood, and what followed was a more serious earthquake phenomenon.

I can't hold it any longer.

Bell controlled to tear off the flesh and blood at the bottom of the light cocoon, and then stopped the time inside the light cocoon. Then he opened up the space, and supported the light cocoon and Aisi to leave this underground space.

Passing through the cracks in space, Bell, carrying Light Cocoon and Aisi, came back to the stone bridge entering the island in the lake.


The ruins on the island in the lake in front of them shook a bit, and a large amount of smoke and dust spread from the center to the surroundings, making the entire ruins on the island in the lake filled with smoke and dust.

With just one glance, Bell understood the reason, and a smile appeared on his covered face.

"Are you still thinking of running away? But I don't have the habit of cutting the grass without eradicating the roots."

When the barrier was set up outside just now, the barrier not only covered the top of the island in the lake, but also created a circular barrier with the entire lake as its diameter, including the underground space.

The original design was to prevent the monsters inside from escaping from his control.

At the same time, after completing the preliminary work of the rescue, we began to clean up the monsters inside.

"Clean it up."


With a snap of Bell's fingers, the barrier that could not be seen directly became visible to the naked eye.

A translucent barrier that was so huge that it almost covered the entire lake appeared, and 16 special pieces of literature appeared on the barrier.

When they are revealed, it is time to kill them.

16 special characters exude unusual brilliance.

There is no excessive light pollution, and there is no so-called sound pollution. It is as if everything happens within a barrier that isolates everything.

The space was instantly distorted, and the refraction of light was severely affected. In an instant, even the inside of the barrier was completely shrouded in darkness.

This phenomenon only lasted for a second. The affected space was completely restored to its original state in the next second, but the island in the lake had turned into a hollow pit, as if a spoon had dug this place away. generally.


Ais's eyes widened when she saw this kind of destructive power. What happened in front of her was simply the level of destruction to the terrain. Almost in an instant, the island in the lake they just entered became history.

Is it possible to kill the monster in this way from the beginning?

Such a question couldn't help but arise in Ais's mind.

"'Sword Princess', that's the magic of the barrier. In addition, as I just said, my personal magic power is not enough to maintain the stability of the barrier, so I also added some energy-absorbing spells. The detonating barrier I just made was not caused by my magic power, but the explosion of energy stars absorbed before. "

"So, I personally do not have such large-scale and destructive means. Understand?"

Ais was silent for a moment, looking at Bell with a strange expression.

"Why do you know my thoughts?"

...Your expression is too clear. People like me who started in business naturally know how to watch what is happening. Your mood changed so much just now, how could I not know what you are thinking?"

Ais noticed the helplessness on Bell's face, just like how Finn and Riveria usually looked when they faced her problems, which made her wonder if the expression on her face was too obvious.

"In addition, that monster is not something that can be eliminated so easily. If it weren't for "Sword Princess", you almost disabled it, shattered its core crystal that was about to evolve, and successfully saved Artemis. God, maybe that monster can be reborn even if it is shattered. "

These words made Aisi's eyes widen. She obviously didn't expect that the monster could be reborn under such an attack.

"Can you survive such an attack?"

"Hmm... not sure. I have never tried to directly detonate a barrier explosion on a monster of that level under that situation."

This "uncertainty" somewhat disappointed Ais, but it would be strange if such monsters were common, and it would be normal if they had never been seen before.

But at this moment, Aisi had doubts about whether she had really defeated the monster.

"Did I really win?"

"The battle just now hasn't made you realize clearly that you won?"

"Yes, I won, but..."

Speaking of this, Aisi felt a little tangled. Although she had won, she didn't feel like she had won, but more like she had been pushed into the winning position...

She won, but something seemed to be missing.

Bell seemed to be inarticulate, and he clearly understood what she was thinking but couldn't express it.

"The root cause of success or failure may not be you alone, but you did stand in front of the monster and defeated it with the means and strength you could."

"Maybe you feel that I played a big role in this battle, but I can tell you that this is just the preparation that adventurers will make. Especially when you know that the opponent is very strong, you Obviously you are not his opponent, why don't you think of ways to weaken his strength?"

Ais didn't know how to answer this question, because she didn't seem to have used poison to weaken her opponent in the past.


Seeing Ace's confused look, Bell was really helpless. He deeply understood that this "Swordswoman" was really well protected by those three people, otherwise she would not always choose to face them.

"You can imagine what it would be like to go on an expedition with Captain Finn and the others. Don't you need your teammates to help you with the monsters that you can't deal with?"

"In 3.4, when it comes to weakening monsters, isn't it just about attacking Lou Kang with your teammates?"


If you put it this way, Ais can understand it. Like a slow-responsive robot, he nodded in agreement with what he just said.

"Yeah, same."

No wonder she is called the "Princess of Dolls", it's not unreasonable.

At this point, Bell had given up explaining to this inexperienced girl.

The cracks in space opened again.

"I'll send you back first."

The situation of God Artemis has been fixed, and Bell will not easily bring the "Sword Princess" into the Familia. After all, the next step is to rescue God Artemis. It would not be good if the "Sword Princess" sees it.

PS: Please collect...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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