I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 621 Aisi’S Concise Words

Crossing the shackles of space, he arrived at Ais's room just by stepping out of the crack in space.

The room was dark, and the barrier prepared before leaving ensured that no one could enter the room.

Bell, who was holding Ace in one hand, entered the room and placed her on the bed.

""Sword Princess," you can rest peacefully in your room for the rest of the day. After tomorrow, go to God Loki to verify today's results. "

Although I know that "Sword Princess" must be anxious, there is no need to confirm it now no matter how anxious she is.


Feeling the powerlessness in her body, Aisi was very obedient. Perhaps only on this issue could she be as obedient as a child.

"The mission of "Sword Princess" today is not a secret, as long as it is not spread to the outside world. If it's the three people taking care of you, it's not impossible to tell them. "

"Hmm...why do you say that?"

Aisi's face was full of incomprehension, but Bell just smiled slightly.

"I started to set up the barrier not only to ensure that no one would enter the room, but also to remind people in the room to leave.

After saying that, Bell directly entered the space crack behind him.

After he left the room, the barrier arranged in the room was shattered.

It is because of this that the three people who had been waiting outside also entered the room at the moment the barrier was broken.

"As expected, it's you, Ais."

Finn held his forehead with a slight headache.

The moment Finn sensed the barrier appeared, he immediately picked up the guy and went to the outside of the barrier, which was Ais's room.

"I wonder where a thief can be so upright as to set up a barrier in someone else's family to remind the master."

When he sensed the barrier just now, he rushed out of the room without even having time to change out of his pajamas.


But what was the result? Finn couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief, but he also felt a little emotional.

It seems that everything that happens in the family has something to do with Bell, and the things involved behind this may not be simple.

"Ais, what happened this time?"

There is definitely no way for Bell to ask about the situation, so if you want to know the specific situation, you need to ask Ais.

But before Ais could answer, Finn frowned slightly and immediately walked to Ais' bedside.


Grace stopped Finn. This situation was not suitable for them to go over and see what was going on.

"Grace, please wait."

The person who called for a stop was not Finn, but Riveria.

"Ace's body seems unable to move."


Grace's pupils shrank slightly, and she stopped talking for a while, but quietly watched Finn's examination.

Finn, who walked to Aisi's bedside, didn't check too much. He just made a brief exploration and then exhaled.

"It's just that my physical strength is exhausted. Riveria, come here and take a look."

Finn moved away, and Riveria immediately came to Ace's bedside.

With a higher adaptability to magic, she could clearly feel that there was a trace of terrifying magic in Aisi's body. This magic was so strong that her heart palpitated.

It has a strong engulfing ability, as if it wants to swallow everything up.

Fortunately, it was just a little bit of magic that was tainted on her body, not the magic that directly acted on Ais.

"So, Bell and Ace went to deal with something?"

As for Ais, all the magic power in her body was really drained out. The current situation was also caused by the exhaustion of physical strength and magic power.

"The magic power is also exhausted. All the magic power in Aisi's body has been drained. The reason why she can't move now is precisely because of the excessive consumption of magic power."

"But what worries me more is the trace of magic on Aisi."

"That trace of magic power is very devouring. Fortunately, it did not act on Aisi. Otherwise, I would think that Aisi's magic power was exhausted because of being swallowed by that trace of magic power. If that is really the case, then Aisi Si's current situation will be very dangerous."

But fortunately, Ais's condition was not caused by that kind of magic power, otherwise Riveria would have to pull the "Battlefield Saint" over at night.

Finn and Grace almost jumped up in fright. If Riveria hadn't gasped for breath, they might have started to take action at this time.

"Huh~ It's so exciting at night, how can anyone sleep?"

Two stimulations had completely awakened Finn's brain.

When he first sensed the barrier, he felt that there was something wrong with his nerves. How could he sense this thing? And it was still in his own territory. Even the first thing Finn thought of was not Bell, because if Bell set up a barrier within his family, he would never be able to feel it.

In a sense, Finn has a good understanding of Bell. He knows that Bell will definitely be very careful when doing such a thing, so that no one will find out that he has been there.

So Finn rushed over immediately, and then he bumped into Riveria and Grace for exactly the same reason. However, it was for the same reason that Finn reacted. This was probably a method of deliberately informing them.

So who among the Loki Familia would use this method? Needless to say, it must be Bell!

Except for him who can use dazzling skills to set up such a barrier, no one would dare to do such a thing within the Loki Familia.

"So Aisi, what are you doing on this trip?"

After Ais's safety was confirmed, Riveria began to care about what Ais was going out for this time.

Grace and Finn were also curious.

Using such troublesome means, it would definitely be impossible if there weren't some reasons behind it. There must be a big reason behind this. But just because of this, the three people became even more curious.


Aisi's brain, which was not very good at working, was working hard at this time. Considering that Bell said before leaving that some things could be said, she was also trying to think of how to simplify things to something Finn and the others could understand.

Then Aisi said something that almost shocked the three people present.

"The gods were swallowed by monsters. He took me to deal with the monsters that swallowed the gods."

At this moment, the three adventurers who had experienced the big scene were all stiff and could not even say a word.

PS: Please collect...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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