I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 622 I Didn’T Kill The Gods

Bell carried the light cocoon and returned to the Hestia Familia.

"God Hermes, from now on to rescue God Artemis, I need to cut off the screen."

Immediately, the screen of the projection capture device began to be cut away, and the light cocoon wrapping the God Artemis slowly opened, releasing the body of the God Artemis wrapped in it.

Time that had been stagnant within began to turn again.

The weak and almost imperceptible breathing made Bell frown, especially when the divine core hidden deep in the soul was dimmed. Bell also felt that the problem might be more serious than imagined.

"Bell, how is Artemis doing?"

Hestia looked at Bell's frown and had a bad feeling in her heart.

"It's as bad as I imagined. There are signs of the power being activated, but fortunately it did not have much impact on the seal. After all, this is not the subjective level of God Artemis destroying the seal, but being swallowed. The result of strong intervention from the outside.”

"But just because the power has been used by that monster, and because the monster itself is still absorbing the divine power of God Artemis, the current divine core has almost no storage of divine power."

As he spoke, Bell stretched out his hand and drew a circle on the heart of Artemis. A projected picture of the heart jumped up. What appeared inside was a beating heart and the dim heart hidden deep in the soul. Divine core.

"I think it was because God Artemis used all her power to fight against Scorpio in the battle just now. This caused excessive consumption of divine power and put her in this situation.


What a stupid god.

Although she complained in her heart, Bell could tell that Artemis was determined to die, so she did it so thoroughly, in order to completely drag Scorpio into the water.

God Artemis never thought about leaving safely, but wanted to finish what she should do before dying.

This spirit is admirable, and this awareness cannot be ignored.

But precisely because of this, such a god should not return to heaven so quickly.

There is no shortage of gods with abnormal brains in this world, but what is lacking are gods with normal brains like God Artemis.

"It's really bad. Can we still save it like this||?"

Loki blurted out his true thoughts after seeing it, but Hestia just bit her lip and said nothing.

"The situation is very bad, but if we can find a way to supplement the missing divine power in the divine core of God Artemis, there may be a way.

The biggest problem now is still the excessive consumption of divine power, but the body of God Artemis does not have so many problems.

The current situation seems dangerous, but it is actually very dangerous. But there is nothing we can do about such a dangerous situation.

Bell took out the divine core belonging to the god Ikelos from the four-dimensional space. It was at this time that this thing could exert its residual heat.

Freya, Loki, Hestia and Hephaestus were not surprised when this divine core appeared, but Artemis's eyes widened.

"Wait a minute! Whose body does this divine core of yours belong to?"

"Split from the body of the god Ikelos."

"Ikelos... stripped off..."

Bell's calm and matter-of-fact words made God Artemis completely dumbfounded.

The divine core is the core of every god and is hidden deepest in the body. The divine core is the core of the god, and it is also the place where divine power is stored. Under normal circumstances, the divine core cannot be stripped out. The only possibility is to completely kill a god.

Ikelos's divine core appears here, doesn't this mean that Ikelos has been killed? And he was killed by Hestia's child?

Artemis felt that her vision was a little dark at this moment, perhaps because the news she just heard was too shocking. Now she was like grabbing the Hestia child by the collar and asking him, "Why are you so calm?"

"You killed gods. Why can you still be so calm?"

"So you think I need to show too much concern about killing gods?"


These words instead raised a question mark over Artemis who raised objections.

"Perhaps every god in the lower world is special. Gods have extraordinary power and control the rules of the world, so gods are existences that are transcendent from mortals. But other than that?"

"Besides? What do you mean?"

God Artemis obviously didn't keep up with Bell's channel.

"I mean besides these, are there any differences between gods and ordinary people?"


Artemis was speechless for a moment.

Apart from their power and nature of life, the gods in the lower world are actually not much different from ordinary people. She understood something from the words of the child in front of her. The child was telling her that gods and ordinary people had to face death.

Taking a deep breath, Artemis' expression was much more serious than before.

"Then do you know that once the gods of the lower world know about such a thing, they will regard you as a target of crusade?"

"The death of a god is almost impossible even among gods. Although the gods in the lower world will be very curious about how you did it, most gods regard you as the biggest threat."

"For them, the lower world is just a place for fun, and they will not allow children like you to exist.

Are you worried about me? No, you should be worried about Hestia being sad.

Bell understood after a moment's thought, but then his face hidden under the windbreaker was only childish, and there was no longer any maturity in his voice, but more incomprehension.

"Am I the biggest threat? I am just a nameless little person in Orario. In addition, God Artemis, the person who killed God Ikelos was not me (right?), but the Dark Faction valve."


Artemis was completely stunned.

The four goddesses watching the show involuntarily covered their mouths. They were really afraid that they would accidentally laugh out loud later.

"So, please don't think of me as a very dangerous person, okay? I've always followed the rules in Orario, and I never do things that are easy for people to notice. As for things like killing gods, Those are all things done by others and have nothing to do with me."

"God Artemis, I have only been an adventurer for half a year. How can I have the ability to kill a god?"

This made Artemis choke to death.

I have only been an adventurer for half a year??Miscellaneous?

Artemis felt that there was something wrong with her ears. How could she hear such outrageous words?

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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